1、不偏不倚不想不见,是我对你最好的成全。 It's my best accomplishment for you to be impartial.
2、不去管别人质疑的目光,我的眼中只有前方。 Don't care about others' questioning eyes, my eyes only have the front.
3、不要总是因为害怕被人误解,而让自己过得很累。 Don't let yourself get tired because you are afraid of being misunderstood.
4、不负时光不负自己,加油! No time, no self, come on!
5、人一定要爱着点什么,恰似草木对光阴的钟情。 People must love something, just like plants love time.
6、人永远在追求快乐,永远在逃避痛苦。 People are always pursuing happiness and avoiding pain.
7、人生第一次的工地之行,在前几天的疯狂熬夜中来临。 Life's first trip to the construction site, in the last few days of crazy stay up late in the coming.
8、人的一生是很短促的,应该珍惜生命。 People's life is very short, we should cherish life.
9、你应该服老养老,照顾好自己,不麻烦孩子。 You should take care of yourself and your children.
10、你想阳光照进夜里带来惊喜我,伸手拥抱总会免不了灼伤。 You want the sun to shine into the night to surprise me, and reaching for a hug will inevitably burn.
11、你的善良,必须有点锋芒。 Your goodness must have some edge.
12、你过多得谎言,只会让我更的早离开。 You too many lies, will only let me leave earlier.
13、像我这种人,不适合谈恋爱,更不适合结婚。 People like me are not suitable for love or marriage.
14、别把自己弄得太狼狈,毕竟没人会替你解围。 Don't mess yourself up. After all, no one will help you out.
15、刹那芳华,犹如指尖流砂。灿烂烟花,终究剪不下。 In a flash, it's like quicksand on your fingertips. The brilliant fireworks can't be cut after all.
16、只要心情好,心态好,明天会是晴天。 As long as the mood is good and the mentality is good, tomorrow will be sunny.
17、吃不腻的都带腥,忘不掉的都来劲。 Eat not greasy all take fishy, forget not to drop all energetic.
18、合适的人,只有自己知道。 The right person, only oneself knows.
19、向上,加油!不要放弃! Up, come on! Don't give up!
20、命中注定三更死,我仍五更会人间。 I was destined to die at the third watch, but I still know the world at the fifth watch.
21、喜欢海涛对吴昕说的那句话:不管你做什么我都不会恨你。 I like Haitao's saying to Wu Xin: no matter what you do, I will not hate you.
22、回忆着快乐,分手像幻觉一样虚假。 Recalling happiness, breaking up is as false as illusion.
23、国家多难之秋,壮士受命之时。 When the country is in a difficult autumn, it's time for the brave to be ordered.
24、在没有你的世界,我会自导自演。 In the world without you, I will direct and act by myself.
25、在爱情的坎坷路上,我们最好别说爱。 On the rough road of love, we'd better not say love.
26、多点自知之明,少点自作多情。 More self-knowledge, less self love.
27、夜阑卧听风吹雨,铁马是你,冰河也是你。 Lie in the night listening to the wind and rain, the iron horse is you, the ice is you.
28、失败是不会死人的,可是失望会。 Failure will not kill, but disappointment will.
29、奋斗的道路上,注定会有孤独陪伴。 On the road of struggle, we are doomed to be accompanied by loneliness.
30、女人要的是资本,男人要的是本色。 What women want is capital, and what men want is nature.
31、如果我的人生是一部电影,你就是那弹出来的广告。 If my life is a movie, you are the advertisement that pops up.
32、如果要飞得高,就该把地平线忘掉。 If you want to fly high, you should forget the horizon. When someone says I'm not drunk, it's a prelude to the truth.
33、安然的度过一世春秋,浑噩自知。 I spent the spring and autumn in peace, knowing nothing about myself.
34、山炮啥样你啥样,你比山炮还像样。 You are more like a mountain cannon than a mountain cannon.
36、总有一些事情,是我们躲不掉的。 There are always some things we can't avoid.
37、感谢虚伪突然诚恳,感谢谎言弄假成真。 Thanks for the hypocrisy and sincerity. Thanks for the lies.
38、愿岁月如初,你我如故。 May the years be as they were, and you and I as they are.
39、我以为我什么都不说,你都明白。 I thought I didn't say anything, you know.
40、我们,最终输给了距离。 We, in the end, lost to distance.
41、我在人海里寻找你,只是徒劳无功。 I look for you in the sea of men, but in vain.
42、我在等,一场烟花的绚烂。 I'm waiting for a fireworks show.
43、我对你的爱死心了,我好痛。 My love for you is dead, I am so painful.
44、我想有个人把我宠到无法无天。 I want someone to coddle me to lawlessness.
45、我曾轻狂,在寂静的夜晚放肆着。 I have been frivolous, unbridled in the silent night.
46、我爱着世事的清明,你是我唯一拖泥带水的隐忍。 I love the world of Qingming, you are my only drag water.
47、我还是依旧删了进你空间的记录。 I still delete the record into your space.
48、换一种姿态,活出自己的骄傲。 Change a posture and live your pride.
49、既然都要变老,不如一起吧。 Since we are all going to grow old, let's go together.
50、时间永远不会停留,停留的只会是记忆。 Time will never stay, only memory will stay.
51、暧昧上头的那几秒,像极了爱情。 Those ambiguous seconds are like love.
52、最爱你的人是我,你怎么舍得我难过。 I love you the most. How can you let me feel sad.
53、有些事,我们明知道是错的,也要去坚持,由于不甘心。 Some things, we know clearly is wrong, also must insist, because is not willing.
54、有多少人曾打着歌词的幌子,说出了心里话。 How many people have spoken in the name of lyrics.
55、朋友无非三种,她他它! Friends are no more than three, she he it!
56、每一段爱,都刻苦铭心。 Every love is hard to remember.
57、没让我失望,错在我对你盼望太多。 I'm not disappointed. The mistake is that I hope too much for you.
58、灯不亮,要人拨:事不明,要人说。 If the light doesn't go on, ask someone to dial: if the matter is not clear, ask someone to say.
59、爱得不够,才借口多多。 Love is not enough, there are many excuses.
60、爱情是眼睛,它容不下半粒沙子。 Love is an eye. It can't hold half a grain of sand.
61、爱我的请举手,不爱我的请倒立。 Please raise your hand if you love me, and stand on your head if you don't love me.
62、理想很丰满,现实却很骨感! Ideal is very full, reality is very bone feeling!
63、用微笑来证明你自己,我可以! Prove yourself with a smile, I can!
64、眼之念,念执着,注定就此飞蛾扑火。 Eyes of the mind, read persistent, doomed to this moth fire.
65、穿越最深的地狱,而后直达天堂! Through the deepest hell, and then to heaven!
66、精神洁癖,像个疯子,但一生爱一人。 Mental cleanliness, like a madman, but love one person all one's life.
67、红尘深处,我自安恬,轻倚时光的路口,静看花开。 Deep in the world of mortals, I am safe and tranquil, leaning on the road of time, watching the flowers blooming quietly.
68、美丽是危险的,象因牙死,狐因皮亡。 Beauty is dangerous, like death by teeth, and death by skin by foxes.
69、舍得放,舍得笑,只是仍会隐隐作痛。 Willing to let go, willing to laugh, but still faint pain.
70、要努力,但是不要着急,凡事都应该有过程。 Try hard, but don't worry. Everything should be in progress.
71、谁不是一边受着伤,一边学着坚强。 Who is not hurt at the same time, learning to be strong at the same time.
72、那就由我陪你,看遍所有会笑的星空。 Then I will accompany you to see all the stars that will laugh.
73、那年的回忆,有我、却没了你。 The memories of that year, with me, but without you.
74、金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。 As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they win over countless people.
75、青葱年月里谁不曾疯狂过,年少日记里,泛黄的是执着。 Who hasn't been crazy in the spring and autumn? In the young diary, it's persistence that turns yellow.