1、A world of paper, printing is wonderful.(一纸世界,诚印精彩。)

2、Achievement good with love,(用爱成就精彩。)

3、And the truth of a feeling.(和真实一个感觉。)

4、Better than more. (恰到好处,只为精品。)

5、Better to print.(让打印更美好。)

6、Caring service, World is Witness.(贴心服务,世界见证!)

7、Confirm footprints of love(印证爱的足迹。)

8、Copy your word,Print the world.

9、Crazy for printing.(我为印刷狂。)

10、Endless love, flawless printing. (爱无止境,印无瑕疵。)

11、For C.M.Y.K.(印刷成品是由四色添加而成的。)

12、For now for then for ever for you.


14、Give you the best Printion.(给你最好的印“像”。)

15、Global Printing without waiting.(全球印刷,没有等待。)

16、Good impression, just to make you better!(良好印象,只为让你更出色!)

17、Have All people belong to one family.(心心相印,四海一家。)

18、I Love Printing.

19、I'm printing and you get outstanding.(我印刷让你更出色。)

20、I'm printing, you're fine!(我印刷,你出色!)

21、In addition to money, we print everything.(除了货币,我们印刷一切。)

22、Inscribed eternal love this!(镌刻永恒不变的爱印!)

23、Just do the best.(只做最好。)

24、Lead printing era, wonderful everywhere.(引领印刷时代,精彩无处不在。)

25、Let the great invention of printing around the world.(让伟大印刷发明走向世界。)

26、Look, your world is being printed!(看吧,世界都能印刷!)

27、Love Has No Distance.(爱没有距离。)

28、Love in the world。(爱在全球)

29、Love printing everything, regardless of national boundaries.(爱印一切,不分国界。)

30、Love printing everything, service world.(爱印一切,服务世界。)

31、Make the world soft.(让世界更柔软。)

32、More print, More love.(更多印刷,更多爱。)

33、NEW VIVID WORLD.(领秀新世界。)

34、No boundary no decline and loving for printing.

35、Only print best.(只印最好。)

36、Other than money, the other is printed.(除了钱,其他都印。)

37、Passing love from our printing.(我印刷,传递爱。)

38、Print everthing for the world.(为世界承印一切。)

39、Print everything you wanted! (印你所想!)

40、Print for love.(为爱而印。)

41、Print our dream together. (携手描绘我们的梦想。)

42、Print the best or nothing. (只做最好。)

43、Print the new era, there is more exciting for me.(印刷新时代,有我更精彩。)

44、Print your idea to be possible! (凡创想,皆可印!)

45、Print, we want!(印刷,我们想要的!)

46、Printed as your wish.

47、Printing the world.

48、Printing the world!

49、Printing through the love everywhere.(无论在哪,由爱印刷。)

50、Printing without boundaries.

51、Prints beautiful! Services wonderful !

52、Service is power!(服务就是动力!)

53、Service you with love.(服务与爱。)

54、Service, personality, respect for customers!(服务,个性,尊重客户!)

55、Services to the world,Printing with heart.(服务世界,用心印刷。)

56、Share the wonderful,Confirm the future。(分享精彩,印证未来。)

57、Substrate all, regardless of national boundaries.(承印一切,不分国界。)

58、Substrate all, service world.(承印一切,服务世界。)


60、To love for printing!(以爱为印!)

61、Truly reproduce what you think!(真实再现。)

62、WONDER ONCE MORE.(精彩再现/让奇迹再现。)

63、We print as what you need,pass our love through service linking in global !

64、We print the world.(我们承印世界。)

65、Where there we are,there is printing!

66、YOUR LOVE, OUR PRINT.(承印所托,不负所爱!)

67、Your dream my love.

68、Your thought, i print!(你来想,我来印!)

69、Your window into a world.(连接世界的窗口。)

70、more than printing/print-love-ing.

71、我们是一家跨境印刷公司,现征集公司口号(英文)。我们可以按照客户需求印刷一切东西,希望通过服务传递我们的爱,连接客户,我们在全球都有分公司,口号要求用英文,简介,大牌范,提现我们的价值观。 经过举办口号征集活动,现将初选优秀作品予以公布: