1、Life is like a song. Let the green paint the beautiful melody.

2、The 4 year, you and me in all the benefits

3、adhere to the harmony between man and water, and build ecological civilization

4、adhere to the unity of water control and build a harmonious watershed

5、advocate green living and implement cleaner production

6、ask the altar where green so, for everyone to take care of!

7、big hands and small hands together to create environmental protection model city

8、both gold and silver to green mountains and rivers

9、build a model city for environmental protection and build a green home for environmental protection

10、build a model city of environmental protection and create a happy life

11、building a well-off society in an all-round way and creating a better home together

12、building a well-off society in an all-round way and taking the road of sustainable development

13、cherish the water resources, protect the water environment, and prevent water pollution

14、cherish the water, protect the water, let the water benefit mankind.

15、conservation oriented, pollution control priority

16、create a green campus, start with you and me.

17、create a green school, beautify the learning environment

18、do not figure yourself "by the way", and for the green campus convenient.

19、do not let tears become the last drop of water on earth

20、do not look on, please join the ranks of actors

21、enterprise development, environmental protection must first

22、environmental protection = life long life

23、environmental protection is a basic state policy of our country

24、establish a scientific concept of sustainable development, all the people to create an environmental protection model city

25、establish water saving awareness and oppose waste water resources

26、for the life of the earth

27、garbage ---- your abandonment of me, is tantamount to your morality also discarded.

28、garbage collection, protect the earth, Jushouzhilao, participation in environmental protection

29、give me a piece of green, you also a shade.

30、grass, trees, you, I, he, we share a family

31、green - eternal beauty; School - forever home. -

32、green life declaration, environmental education game

33、green motherland, green home, green environment, everyone boast.

34、if the environment is polluted, and the green will wither, under a withering will be your beautiful face.

35、if there are no trees, the world will be dim and dark.

36、if you want the grass well, please don't dance on the grass.

37、improve people's livelihood and share the fruits of water conservancy development

38、improve the environmental ethics and build a civilized and comfortable city

39、let the fresh air, so that blue sky, let Heshan green

40、let the sky always blue, let the shade support home

41、life is so short, please don't hurt me.

42、limited resources, unlimited circulation

43、love for flowers, love and love the campus.

44、naturally have no friends? The wild flowers on the cement ground

45、nature is the mother of mankind, you have the heart to hurt our mother?

46、overall planning and overall planning should be taken to promote coordinated development of water resources

47、pick up the old tradition of garbage sorting, and advocate a new fashion of green civilization

48、plant if I die, will not be able to dress up the campus beautiful campus. If you love, please give us some care!

49、pollution of the environment, thousands of people to protect the environment song

50、promote green consumption, green voters

51、protect a green land, prop up a blue sky

52、protect the environment = for the benefit of future generations, environmental advocacy language

53、protect the environment against SARS

54、protect the environment for the benefit of future generations

55、protect the environment power forever hurt the destruction of the environment through the ages

56、protect the environment, speak less and do more.

57、protect the environment, start with me

58、protect the green cradle, you can, I can!

59、protecting the environment means protecting the productive forces

60、railings block people from the heart.

61、raise awareness of environmental protection and take care of our shared homes

62、raise the awareness of environmental protection and build a better home

63、spit in the ground, insult written in the heart.

64、spring flowers and trees have the intelligence, heart hi classmates love.

65、students to protect the campus health

66、the campus is my home, health depends on everyone!

67、the campus picturesque, benefit you and me.

68、the destruction of the environment, protect the environment, including the ages, work forever

69、the environment is your face, take good care of.

70、the grass - - do not put your noble foot on me, because I will cry.

71、the grass - - less of me, the flowers become gloomy.

72、the protection of the environment is the choice of quiet.

73、the pursuit of a better life, should embrace green

74、the rational use of resources to protect the ecological balance

75、the small grass fragrance, please you take the road around.

76、to build a model city of environmental protection environmental guard

77、to create a model city for environmental protection and promote sustainable social development

78、to ensure the safety of drinking water, and maintain life and health

79、under the blue sky you and me, his beautiful environment depends on everyone

80、vegetation ruthless, willing to Cui pedestrians love, love more

81、water -----20 million people, the Department of life

82、when environmental protection guards do citizens of the times

83、who said vegetation I heartless, campus add luster, I also line.

84、with our little hands flying green hope

85、without the health of the earth, there would be no human health

86、you are the most beautiful in my heart, please don't destroy me.