1、七夕之际,送上我最真的祈祷:真爱久久。 On the Chinese Valentine's day, I send my most true prayer: true love lasts a long time.

2、不谈天荒地老海枯石烂,也不谈天长地久,只谈与你到老。 Don't talk about the desolation of the earth, the withered seas and the rotten rocks. Don't talk about the permanence of the earth. Just talk about being old with you.

3、亲爱的,情人节到了,只想将这份情继续,直到永远! Dear, Valentine's day, just want to continue this feeling, until forever!

4、亲爱的,情人节有我不寂寞,有你而变得更加精彩! Dear, Valentine's day has me not lonely, has you but becomes more splendid!

5、余生漫漫,我愿与你风雨中执手,平淡中偕老。 For the rest of my life, I would like to hold hands with you in the wind and rain, and grow old together in the plain.

6、千段缘万段缘,此生有你就是缘!情人节快乐! Thousands of yuan, thousands of yuan, you are the fate of this life! Happy Valentine's Day!

7、带上我的爱与情,愿你情人节有情人终成眷属,开心快乐! With my love and affection, I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

8、情人节已到,快给你的爱人送上关心吧,祝你甜蜜幸福! Valentine's Day is coming, please give your love care, I wish you happiness!

9、情人节来临,送你吉祥如意,愿你笑口常开,闲时记得想想我! Valentine's Day is coming, send you good luck, wish you always smile, remember to think about me when you are free!

10、情人节,为你许下诺言,愿牵你手到白头,我爱你,愿你情人节快乐! Valentine's day, make a promise for you, wish to hold your hand to the white head, I love you, wish you happy Valentine's Day!

11、情人节,愿与你牵手,走那悠长的人生,任幸福甜蜜飞扬! Valentine's day, is willing to hand in hand with you, walks that long life, lets the happiness fly sweetly!

12、情人节,愿你美丽常在,爱你,一生不变! Valentine's day, I wish you always beautiful, love you, life is the same!

13、情人节,愿我们的爱情地久天长,幸福永远! Valentine's day, may our love last forever, and happiness forever!

14、情人节,我只愿与你一起度过;一辈子,只想与你携手到老。 Valentine's day, I only want to spend with you; all my life, I just want to join hands with you to grow old.

15、情人节,让我痴情的对你说:亲爱的,我爱你到天荒到地老! Valentine's day, let me say to you: dear, I love you to the end of the world to the old!

16、想给你刻刻关怀,将你久久拥抱!情人节快乐! Want to give you a moment of care, will you embrace for a long time! Happy Valentine's Day!

17、愿214情人节的你,读懂我的心意,让你快乐更美丽,幸福无匹敌! May you, on Valentine's day, read my heart and make you more beautiful and happy than any other!

18、愿你早日情人找,快快乐乐笑声高。祝情人节快乐欢笑! I hope you can find your lover as soon as possible. Happy Valentine's Day!

19、愿你梦中有我,我会将爱情的丝线缠绵你的梦境! May you have me in your dream, and I will touch your dream with the thread of love!

20、愿你笑容在真情中飞扬,感受我爱的力量!亲爱的,情人节快乐! May your smile fly in your true love and feel the power of my love! Happy Valentine's day, dear!

21、愿属于你的爱情,属于你的幸福能够长长久久!情人节快乐! May the love and happiness belong to you for a long time! Happy Valentine's Day!

22、愿我的眼看在你眼里,望一眼柔情时空也停。情人节到了,祝你幸福快乐! I wish my eyes in your eyes, look at the time and space of tenderness also stop. Valentine's Day is coming. I wish you happiness!

23、我们拥有的是世界上最平凡的爱恋,愿这份爱恋持续到永远!情人节快乐! What we have is the most ordinary love in the world. May this love last forever! Happy Valentine's Day!

24、我想你爱你,我不能没有你,我一定要得到你。亲爱的,情人节快乐! I think you love you, I can't do without you, I must get you. Happy Valentine's day, dear!

25、整点浪漫,弄点情调,情到浓时,就抱抱!情人节快乐! Whole point romance, make a point of sentiment, when the feeling is strong, hug! Happy Valentine's Day!

26、爱人是不老的容颜,爱情是不朽的神话。预祝情人节快乐! Love is an ageless face, love is an immortal myth. Happy Valentine's Day!

27、爱你,一生一世许下承诺的不后悔,亲爱的,情人节快乐。 Love you, promise not to regret, dear, Happy Valentine's day.

28、认识你才知道有一种心情叫依恋,有一种感觉叫爱。情人节快乐! Know you just know that there is a kind of mood called attachment, there is a kind of feeling called love. Happy Valentine's Day!

29、让你我一同乘坐这航班,过个浪漫快乐的情人节! Let's take this flight together and have a romantic and happy Valentine's Day!

30、馒头诚可贵,包子价更高,若有烧排骨,两者皆可抛。情人节快乐! Steamed bread is precious. Steamed buns are more expensive. If you burn ribs, you can throw both. Happy Valentine's Day!