1、人人都是儿童。儿童属于你,儿童属于我,儿童属于他,儿童属于我们大家。六一儿童节来啦,祝福你,祝福我,祝福他,祝福我们大家! Everyone is a child. Children belong to you, belong to my children, children belong to him, child belongs to us all. June 1 children's day come, bless you, bless me, bless him, bless us all!

2、人老心不老,热情是宝;身老容不老,青春永葆;岁老天难老,爱比天高。有童心,没烦恼,六一儿童节就到,祝福把你关照,愿你一生都做大龄儿童,天天都美! Old heart not old, enthusiasm is treasure; Old let youth, youth forever; God to old age, love is higher than day. Have a childlike innocence, no worries, the June 1 children's day, best wishes to your care, I wish you a lifetime do older children, every day is beautiful!

3、你的聪明,让我感动;你的活泼,让我快乐;你的纯真,让我开心;你的全部,让我幸福。六一儿童节,愿你幼小的心灵充满阳光快乐! You are clever, let I touched; Your lively, make me happy; Your pure, make me happy;You of all, let me happiness. June 1 children's day, wish you a happy young mind is full of sunshine!

4、儿时的记忆,总是定格在人生最珍贵的回忆里,灿烂的笑脸, Childhoodmemories, always freeze in the life the most precious memory, the brilliant smiling face, ringing laugh, chasing the game in the flowers, the mood is more sweet than the flowers? Children's day, wish you forever beautiful flower.

5、儿童节不放假,我来教你新玩法:穿上开裆溜达溜达,挂着鼻涕滴滴答答,见到美女口水噼里啪啦,晚上睡觉哗啦哗啦,看着短信笑哈哈!提前祝你节日快乐! Children's day is not holiday, I'll teach you new gameplay: put on open fork ets, hung snot dripping, see beauty saliva produced crackling, hua hua, he goes to bed at night watching SMS laugh! Early to wish you a happy holiday!

6、儿童节到来之际,祝曾经是孩子的你:青春不老,保持纯真的心,拥有甜美的微笑,孩童般的皮肤,无忧无虑的生活状态,对未来抱有幻想和憧憬!节日快乐! Children's day is coming, wish you used to be a child: youth not old, and maintain pure heart, has a sweet smile, child-like skin, carefree life, fantasy and vision for the future! A happy holiday!

7、儿童节即到,愿你如儿童一样活泼可爱,如儿童一样诚实善良,如儿童一样纯真好奇,如儿童一样天天向上,但千万不能淘气,更不准夜里尿炕! That is children's day, wish you like as lively and lovely children, like children's honest and kind, like children pure curiosity, like children's day day up, but don't be naughty, more no urine kang at night!

8、儿童节又到了,虽然你已有年头不过了,但我仍然祝你青春不老,保持一颗童心,有儿童一样的细嫩肌肤,有儿童一样的天真笑脸,永远对未来抱有美丽的幻想和憧憬。 Children's day again, though you have long enough, but I still wish you youth not old, keep a childlike innocence, children the same tender skin, have children innocent smiling face, a beautiful fantasy and vision for the future forever.上一页12下一页

9、儿童节将至!我用二尺小花布给你做个开裆裤,让你迈着快乐的模特步,露着性感的小**,让你觉得自己嫩又酷,提前祝超龄儿童快乐哦! Children's day will come! I use two foot flower cloth to make an open-backed pants for you, let you happy with the model of step, revealing the sexy little ass, make you feel soft and cool, happy over age children in advance!

10、儿童节来临之际,祝愿曾经是孩子的你:青春不老,保持一颗纯真的心,拥有甜美的微笑,孩童般的皮肤,无忧无虑的生活状态,对未来抱有幻想和憧憬! Children's day approaching, I wish you used to be a child: young, keep a pure heart, has a sweet smile, child-like skin, carefree life state, a fantasy and longing for the future!

11、儿童节,信息传。兴致好,拜大年。字不多,情无限。事业兴,家美满。身体好,多挣钱。敬长者,爱少年。朋友多,结善缘。欢笑声,到永远。 Children's day, information transmission. Fun is good, the New Year. Few words, love is infinite. Interest in your career and happiness of your family. Good health and earn more money. Respect the elders, young love. Friends, good causes and conditions. Laughter, forever.

12、儿童节,帮您回味幸福童年:搭积木、放风筝、排排坐吃果果、棒棒糖你一支来我一个、冰糖葫芦酸酸又甜甜。童年童趣快乐多,愿你回到从前的快乐! Children's day, I help you with a happy childhood, building blocks, fly a kite, blouses sit to eat blended, lollipop you one I a, ice-sugar gourd a sour and sweet. Happy childhood tong qu, let you go back in time is happy!

13、儿童节,送礼忙!送你块“快乐糖”,甜蜜口中尝;送你面“幸运旗”,机遇手中扬;送你根“祝福棒”,如意心中享!别只顾收礼,记得把祝福发扬! Children's day, busy! Send you piece of "happy" sugar, sweet mouth taste; Send you face flag "lucky", opportunity in the hands of young; Send you root "blessing", wishful heart enjoy! Don't you want to accept a gift, remember to put the blessing!

14、六一儿童节到了,莫忘童真和童趣,童心常保童音环绕永远不老,童年童伴快乐陪伴精彩无限。祝儿童节快乐无限、幸福无比、健康永伴。 June 1 children's day arrived, don't forget the childlike innocence and tong qu, childlike innocence keep children around forever not old, a happy children's childhood friend accompany the brilliant. I wish a happy children's day is infinite, happiness, health forever.

15、六一儿童节到,发短信送祝福,愿你拥有童真,天天开心,拥有童趣,快乐美意,拥有童心,好梦成真,拥有童颜,青春不变,祝你儿童节快乐,身体永远健康。 June 1 children's day to send text messages to send blessing, wish you have a childlike innocence, every day happy, have tong qu, happy good pleasure, have a childlike innocence, good dream come true, have dance the peacock, youth is changeless, I wish you a happy children's day, the body healthy forever.

16、六一排排坐,请你吃果果:吃了快乐果,天天好心情;吃了成功果,事事都顺意;吃了好运果,时时好运气;吃了祝福果,幸福好生活。祝儿童节快乐! Six rows of sit, pleaseeat blended: eat happy fruit, good mood every day; The eat fruit is successful, everything goes well; Eat fruit, good luck always good luck; Eat the blessing, happy good life. I wish a happy children's day!

17、别人都说你最近很反常,好好裤子被你剪了裆,好好脸蛋你偏要弄脏,好好话语你硬要叫嚷。只有我知道儿童节到了,你要过节了! The other people all say you recently very anomalous, a good trousers cut by you fork, good face you to dirty, feel good words you shout. Only I know the children's day arrived, you want to observe a festival!

18、发条短信让你永远长不大,快乐的事情你永远落不下,烦恼的东西你永远不理它,因为今天就数你最大,别为这是为什么,我只能快乐的告诉你:儿童节快乐! Clockwork SMS make you never grow up, happy things you will never fall, the confused things you would never talk to it, because today is your biggest, don't let this is why, I can only be happy to tell you: happy children's day!

19、太阳当空照,花儿对你笑,小鸟说早早早,儿童节祝你快乐好,你说生活怎么那么多烦恼,其实是你庸人自扰。儿童节送你一份逍遥,愿你开心多快乐,美丽又幸福! The sun sky, the flowers to your smile, the bird said early early, I wish you a happy children's day is good, you say life how much trouble, in fact is you trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. Children's day, send you a free and unfettered, wish you happy happy, more beautiful and happy!

20、好消息:儿童节那天,上学可以迟到早退,上班可以偷懒喊累,恋爱不用鬼鬼祟祟,尿床不用感觉羞愧。请大家转发短信相互转告,提前祝你六一快乐相随! The good news: children's day, to go to school can be late arrival, go to work lazy shout tired, love need not furtive, wetting the bed need not feel ashamed. Please forward the message to tell each other, early to wish you a happy June 1 hand!

21、岁月匆匆,记忆仍在心中;童年已远,美好留在心间;今日六一,找回童真童趣;拥有童心,天天快乐开心;六一儿童节到了,祝节日快乐。 The years in a hurry, the memory is still in the heart; Childhood has far, better stay in the heart; Today is June 1, find tong zhen tong qu; Have a childlike innocence, every day happy happy; June 1 children's dayis coming, I wish a happy holiday.

22、想放你的假,可你年龄有点大;想送你小红花,怕你不好意思收下;想把你来夸,但你本来就顶呱呱。儿童节就要到了,干脆送你一坨泥巴,快乐捏捏吧! Want to let you leave, can you age a bit big; You want to send a small red flowers, afraid you embarrassed to accept; Want to put you to boast, but you were the best. Children's day is coming, you just send a lump of clay, squeezing the happiness!

23、摸摸你的头,请走你的烦恼;摸摸你的脸,让脸再漂亮一点;摸摸你的手,让我们手牵手一起去找童年!六月一日儿童节,我请你去游乐场玩,你还不快来! Touch your head, please take your troubles; Touch your face, let face it more beautiful; Touch your hand, let us hand in hand together go to childhood! June 1 children's day, I ask you to go to the playground to play, you still not quick to!

24、日子把风霜刻在脸上,岁月把回忆印在心头。但童心是一种心态,即使岁月蹉跎,时光荏苒,珍惜它,爱惜它,你将年轻永驻,六一儿童节,记得保持童心! Days the scar on the face, time brought memories imprinted in my heart. But childlike innocence is a state of mind, even years waste, time flies, cherish it, cherish it, you will be always young, June 1 children's day, remember to keep childlike innocence!

25、池塘边的榕树上,知了在声声叫着夏天;操场边的秋千上,只有蝴蝶停在上面;童年的歌谣依旧在耳畔回荡,童年却离我们远去,但愿童年的快乐与你常伴! Pond banyan, cicadas in the summer of sound cried; On the edge of the playground swing, only butterflies stop at the top; The songs of childhood is still echoed in the ears, childhood is far away from us, I wish the childhood happiness be with you always!

26、深呼吸,长吐气,压力再大当儿戏;摇摇头,拍拍手,幸福快乐跟你走;扭扭腰,抬抬脚,青春活力不会老;放宽心,好心情,儿童节日更喜庆!祝节日快乐! Take a deep breath and exhale, long pressure again big lightly; Shook his head, clap your hands and happiness go with you; Twisting waist, lift my foot, youth not old; Relax, good mood, children more happy holidays! I wish a happy holiday!

27、用天真无邪的眼睛去发现生活中的美好,用一颗炽热的童心去感受生命中的温暖,用一脸童真的笑容去感染身边的人,用心生活快乐无限,祝儿童节愉快! With innocent eyes to find the good life, with a hot heart to feel the warmth in life, with a face of innocence smile to infect the people around, happy life infinite attentively, I wish a happy children's day!

28、百花开放笑声甜,拂面浓馥六月天。对对白鸭游碧水,双双木桨荡画船。嫦娥羡慕儿童节,织女思凡懒做仙。敢问瑶台谁是主?新蕾初绽正童年。六一欢开颜! Flowers open laughter sweet, just thick fragrant days of June. Clear water for white duck, both painting ship wood pulp. Do fairy chang e envy children's day, she think of worldly pleasures lazy. Dared ask YaoTai who is the Lord? Sunray buds appear is childhood. Children with blossoming smile!

29、皮筋时光虽远去,更加证明情谊久,又是一年儿童节,特此送上此短信,邀你一起忆过去,美好时光笑哈哈,愿你健康常伴随,纯真世界合家乐。 Elastic times gone by, further evidence of the friendship for a long time, is a children's day, we send you this message, you have invited in the past, the good times laugh, wish you remain with health, pure family happiness in the world.

30、睡觉不尿裤子了,自己能开车子了,兜里有点小票子了,那我就得恭喜你了,不用过节了!但是你也要找找乐子嘛,好歹儿童节了嘛,好歹你也是大龄儿童嘛。 Sleep not urine pants, you can open the car, thepocket is a little small ticket, that I have to congratulate you, need not the feast! But you also want to have fun, somehow the children's day, somehow you are older children.

31、短信到,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!六一节快乐! Text messages to a, let happiness be with you hug, let difficulties see you guaiguai road, lets the worry secretly walk off, let auspicious tone to you, let happiness forever smile to you! Children's happiness!

32、祝咱们这些表面风光内心彷徨;容颜未老人已沧桑;似乎有才实为江郎;成就难有郁闷经常;比骡子累比蚂蚁忙,比岳飞更忠良的老中青年儿童们,六一快乐! I wish we these surface scenery heart wanders; Appearance is not the oldman has the vicissitudes of life; There seems to be only actually Jiang Lang; Achievements are often depressed; Than the mule tired ant, yue fei more ZhongLiang bring together years children, children happy!

33、祝岁数大心眼少的小朋友们六一快乐!放纵一下吧,别憋着啦!知道你平常装大人挺辛苦!过节了,想吃手就吃手,想尿床就尿床,谁管就咬谁!儿童节快乐! I wish little mind older kids happy children! Indulge yourself, don't hold! Know you usually pack adult's hard! Observe a festival, want to eat eat hand, we would like to wet the bed wetting the bed, who CARES who just bite! Happy children's day!

34、细数年轻的梦,轻拂幻想的风;依恋年少的雨,踏寻纯真的心;你我悄悄长大,童年依然美丽。一曲笛声也悠长,愿这恋曲载满幸福的音符,唱响你成长的歌! To count the young dream, the wind gently brushed fantasy; Attachment was the rain, step for pure heart; I grew up quietly, you childhood is still beautiful. A dizi sound too long, may the seven full happy note, singing songs you grew up!

35、虽然你已经过了尿床的时代,但在儿童节来临之际,我还是要对你这位超龄儿童说声:儿童节快乐!今天允许追着别人的影子踩,但被发现了,别说认识我。 Although you have passed bed-wetting era, but in the children's day approaching, I still want the overage children say to you: happy children's day! Allow chasing someone else's shadow step on today, but was found, don't know me.

36、虽然你的童年早已远去,即使你的两鬓即将斑白,哪怕你的孩子都已成年,就算你己步入暮年。在儿童节来临之际,我依然要祝你:童心永驻、永葆青春! Although your childhood is long gone, even if your side is gray, even if your children are grown, even if you already ageing. In the children's day approaching, I still want to wish you: childlike innocence be always and forever young!

37、记得小时候那首歌,熟悉调调唱出记忆的经过。记得小时候那个我,更感谢一路上有你陪我。和我一起长大的你儿童节快乐! Remember that song when I was a child, the familiar tunes sung memory. Remember that when I was a child I, more to thank has you to accompany me along the way. And I grew up with you a happy children's day!

38、貂蝉一微笑,董卓把命掉;秋香一微笑,伯虎魂也消;孔明一微笑,周郎也难逃;你若一微笑,鼻涕直往嘴里跑。儿童节到了,请速来本处领取擦鼻涕纸一张。 The sable cicada a smile, dong zhuo to drop our lives; Chou-heung, a smile, "the soul tiger disappear; A smile, kongming shuro can't escape; If you have a smile, nose ran straight into the mouth. Children's day is coming, please wipe nasal discharge to place to get a piece of paper.

39、轻轻地竖起耳朵,听听动人的童谣;轻轻地伸出双手,抓抓童年的尾巴;轻轻的敞开心灵,感受童年的乐趣。祝大家儿童节快乐,永远都有一颗纯真的心! Gently ears, listen to moving nursery rhymes; Gently, with both hands at the tail of childhood; Gently open the heart, experience the fun of childhood. I wish you all a happy children's day, always have a pure heart!

40、送你一根岁月添过的棒棒糖,儿时的记忆请你珍藏,我的美好祝福送给童心未泯的你,生活的忙碌淡化不了你我的友情,儿童节到了,记得保持一颗童心。 Send you a time add a lollipop, please cherish childhood memory, my good wishes for a child, you busy life down don't you my friendship, children's day is coming, remember to maintain a childlike innocence.

41、适龄儿童,活泼聪明;妙龄儿童,快乐相拥;超龄儿童,学业有成;大龄儿童,事业成功;老龄儿童,平安一生。儿童节,各类儿童都幸福无穷! School-age children, lively and bright; Young children, happy hug to each other; Over age children, academic success; Older children and success; Older children, safe life. Children's day, all kinds of children's happiness!

42、野百合也有春天,白天鹅也有丑小鸭的童年。童年令人留恋,就像我们永远都割舍不去的节日——儿童节。祝所有老顽童、中顽童、小顽童儿童节快乐! Wild lily also have spring, white swan has the little ugly duck in childhood. Childhood nostalgia, as we never give up don't go to the festival of children's day. Wish all the old urchin, urchin, small child happy children's day!

43、鸟语花香好时节,阳光灿烂花宜人;芍药盛开燕飞来,玫瑰含笑樱桃熟;宏伟理想鼓斗志,壮志凌云创大业;幼小心灵开红花,歌舞欢腾庆六一! Charactizing a good season, sunny and pleasant; Peony in full bloom swallow does, rose michelia cherry ripe; Dark spirit grand ideal, top gun and the cause; Young soul saffron, singing and dancing exult celebrate children!
