1、一人立志,万夫莫敌。 One man is determined, and ten thousand men are not enemies.

2、一家之计在于和,一生之计在于勤。 A family's plan lies in harmony and a lifetime's plan lies in diligence.

3、不怕百事不利,就怕灰心丧气。 If you are not afraid of pepsi's disadvantage, you are afraid of frustration.

4、世人结交需黄金,黄金不多交不深。 The world needs gold to make friends, but not much.

5、为人莫作千年计,三十河东四十西。 Never count for a thousand years, thirty rivers east and forty rivers west.

6、书中有真就有假,世人认假不认真。 If there is truth in the book, there will be falsehood. People don't take it seriously.

7、人到弯腰处,不得不低头。 When people bend down, they have to bow their heads.

8、人情似水分高下,世事如云任卷舒。 Humanity is like water, and the world is like clouds.

9、人情似纸张张薄,世事如棋局局新。 Humanity is like sheets of paper, and the world is like a new chess game.

10、人贫志短,马瘦毛长。 A man is short in ambition and a horse is thin and hairy.

11、佳人有意村夫俏,红粉无心浪子村。 Beauty intends to be beautiful, but red pink has no intention of prodigal village.

12、债是一根无头绳,解不开它捆死人。 Debt is a headless rope that cannot be untied to bind people to death.

13、假缎染就真红色,也被旁人说是非。 Fake Satin dyed real red, but also others say right and wrong.

14、刚离水灾,又蹈冰涧。 Just after the flood, I went through the ice stream again.

15、刹人可恕,情理难容。 Brake can be forgiven, but it's hard to tolerate.

16、劈柴看纹理,讲话凭道理。 Chop wood to see the texture, and speak with reason.

17、千日造船,一日过江;秤砣虽小,能压千斤。 Shipbuilding in a thousand days, crossing the river in one day; although the scale is small, it can press a kilo.

18、千里之行,始于足下。 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

19、千金难买心,万金难买理。 A thousand gold is hard to buy, but a thousand gold is hard to buy.

20、千锤成利器,百炼成纯钢。 Thousands of hammers make sharp weapons and hundreds of steels.

21、只要路子对,不要怕摔跤。 As long as the way is right, don't be afraid of wrestling.

22、君子乐得做君子,小人枉自做小人。 A gentleman is happy to be a gentleman, but a villain is a villain in vain.

23、嘉树下成蹊,东园桃与李。 Chengbi under Jiashu, Dongyuan Peach and Li.

24、国乱思良将,家贫思贤妻。 When the country is in turmoil, the poor think of a good wife.

25、多情自古空遗恨,好梦由来最易醒。 Love and hatred have been lost since ancient times, and good dreams are the easiest to wake up.

26、天不生无碌之人,地不长无根之草。 No man is born without a busy life, and no grass without roots grows on the earth.

27、好搞溜须拍马,必有弄虚作假。 If you want to make a fool of yourself, you must make a fool of yourself.

28、好马不吃回头草,好汉不夸旧功劳。 A good horse does not eat back grass, and a good man does not exaggerate his merits.

29、宁死不背理,宁贫不丧志。 Better die than be disobedient, poorer than lose heart.

30、富家山野有人瞅,贫居闹市无人问。 There are people in the rich countryside and no one in the poor city.

31、寒门出将相,草莽出豪杰。 Out of the cold door, the general is reckless and heroic.

32、小人记仇,君子长志。 Villagers bear grudges, gentlemen have long aspirations.

33、小时偷针,大时偷金。 Steal needles in an hour and gold in an hour.

34、山高自有客行路,水深自有摆渡人。 The mountain has its own passenger road and the water has its own ferry.

35、志大才疏事难成,志坚勤学虎添翼。 It is difficult for ambitious talents to neglect matters, but hardworking and diligent scholarship add wings.

36、忠臣保国为百姓,孝子早晚不忘本。 Loyal ministers protect the country for the people, and filial sons do not forget their origins sooner or later.

37、恶人纠纷多,赌钱受穷多。 There are many disputes among the wicked and many gamblers.

38、情太切伤心,欲太烈伤身。 Love is too heartbreaking, too intense to hurt the body.

39、情深恭敬少,知已笑谈多。 Love is less respectful, knowing is more laughing and talking.

40、成人不自在,自在不成人。 Adults are uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

41、易涨易退山溪水,易反易覆小人心。 Easy to rise, easy to fall back, easy to overturn the hearts of the people.

42、有人得新会忘旧,人情不如犬情深。 Some people will forget the old when they are new, but they are not as affectionate as dogs.

43、树初黄叶日,人欲白头时。 When the trees begin to turn yellow, people want to turn white.

44、树老根多,人老话多。 There are many old roots and many old sayings.

45、没菜莫请客,没粪莫种麦。 No dishes, no treats, nodung, no wheat.

46、海枯终见底,人死不知心。 At the end of the dry sea, people die unconsciously.

47、清酒红人面,财帛动人心。 Sake red face, money and silk touching.上一页12下一页

48、状元本是人间子,宰相亦非天上人。 The prime minister is not a man from heaven.

49、献玉要逢知玉主,卖金须遇买金人。 When offering a jade, you must meet the owner of the jade. When selling gold, you must meet the buyer.

50、生不恋旦,班子要散。 If you don't love someone, your team will break up.

51、真真假假难分解,假者自假真自真。 Truth and falsehood are hard to decompose, and falsehood is true and true.

52、砂锅不捣不漏,木头不凿不通。 The casserole won't break, the wood won't cut.

53、秋至满山皆秀色,春来无处不花香。 From autumn to the mountains are beautiful, and from spring flowers are everywhere.

54、美人卖笑千金易,壮士穷途一饭难。 Beauty laughs a thousand gold, but a strong man has a hard time getting a meal.

55、自古英雄惜好汉,从来才子惜佳人。 Heroes cherish heroes and gifted women from ancient times.

56、良田不由心田置,产业变为冤业折。 Good farmland can not be disposed of by heart, and industry has become unjust.

57、药农进山见草药,猎人进山见禽兽。 Drug farmers see herbs in the mountains, hunters see animals in the mountains.

58、莺花犹怕春光老,岂可教人枉度春。 Warbler is still afraid of the old spring, how can we teach people to spend Spring in vain?

59、要想过河,就先搭桥。 If you want to cross the river, you must take a bridge first.

60、路在人走,事在人为。 The road is man-made.

61、送君千里,终须一别。 Send you a thousand miles, you have to be different.

62、重赏之下,必有勇夫。 There must be brave men under reward.

63、金无足赤,人无完人。 Gold has no feet and no man is perfect.

64、顶峰属有志之人,困难欺无能之辈。 The peak belongs to people with ambition, who are bullied by difficulties and incompetence.

65、鸟向明处飞,人朝活路走。 Birds fly to the open and people walk to the living road.

66、龙泪落地,亢旱三年。 Dragon's tears fell to the ground, three years of drought.
