1、一个公司要发展迅速得力于聘用好的人才,尤其是需要聪明的人才。 A company needs to grow rapidly by hiring good people, especially smart people.
2、一旦做出决定就不要拖延,任何事情想到就去做并且立即行动。 Once you make a decision, don't procrastinate, do whatever you want and do it right away.
3、为成功而庆祝是应该的,但更重要的是吸取失败的教训。 It is important to celebrate success, but more important is to learn from failure.上一页12下一页
4、人们所认识到的是成功者往往经历了更多的失败,只是他们从失败中站起来并继续向前。 It is recognized that successful people tend to experience more failures, but they stand up and move on.
5、人生是不公平的,习惯去接受它吧。请记住,永远都不要抱怨! Life is not fair, get used to it. Remember, never complain!
6、企业发展需要的是机会,而机会对于有眼光的*来说,一次也就够了。 Enterprise development needs is the opportunity, and the opportunity for the vision of the leaders, once is enough.
7、假如你一事无成,不是你父母的错,所以不要对自己犯的错发牢骚,从错误中往学习。 If you do nothing, it is not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
8、在所有客户当中对你最有意见的人,才是你最需要学习的对象。 Of all the customers who have the best opinion of you, you are the one who needs to learn.
9、在这个世界上,没有人能使你倒下,如果你自己的信念还站立的话。 In this world, no one can make you fall, if your own faith is still standing.
10、失败是成大事者之母。 Failure is the mother of all things.
11、好的习惯主要是依赖于人的自我约束,或者说靠人对自我欲望的否定。 Good habits are mainly dependent on the person's self restraint, or by the people's desire for self denial.
12、如果情况已经非常糟糕时你才意识到麻烦,那已经晚了。要有希望,除非你总是保持危机感。 It is too late for you to realize the trouble if the situation is very bad. Hope, unless you always keep a sense of crisis.
13、学校里有节假日,到公司打工则不然,你几乎不能休息,很少能轻松地过节假日。 School holidays, the company is not working, you can hardly rest, very few holidays can easily.
14、庆祝成功是好事,但汲取失败的教训更重要。 It is good to celebrate success, but it is more important to learn from failure.
15、当你在事业上遇到挫折,有打退堂鼓的念头时,你应该加以注意,这是最危险的时候! When you encounter setbacks in their careers, have beat a retreat idea, you should be aware that this is the most dangerous time!
16、当你的努力与时代同步时,你就会对社会产生不可忽略的影响。 When your efforts are in sync with the times, you will have a negligible impact on society.
17、微软公司在用人上所表现出的胆略与气魄是别的公司无可比拟的。 Microsoft Corp is another company in the courage and boldness There is nothing comparable to this people show.
18、微软公司雇用工作狂真是眼光独到。 The Microsoft Corp is a workaholic.
19、成功的轨迹作为一种策略路线,从一开始就应该走上正轨。 The trajectory of success as a strategic route, from the beginning should be on the right track.
20、我不知道上帝是否真的存在,但我认为宗教的原则值得赞同。 I don't know if God really exists, but I think the principles of religion are worthy of approval.
21、我之所以为自己所领导的微软而感到自豪,是因为在这个团体中,聚集了一大批与我一样热爱微软事业的人。 The reason why I am proud of the leadership of Microsoft, because in this group, gathered a large number of people like me love the cause of Microsoft.
22、把我们顶尖的20个人才挖走,那么我告诉你,微软会变成一家无足轻重的公司。 Dig out our top 20 talents, and I'll tell you, Microsoft will be a big company.
23、有非凡志向,才有非凡成就。 Have extraordinary ambition, have extraordinary achievement.
24、机会大,并不等于你就会成功。 Opportunity is not equal to success.
25、没有悟性的创业者,反应就不够灵敏 Entrepreneurs do not understand, the reaction is not sensitive enough, it is difficult to do their own fire up the company.
26、电视并不是真实的生活。在现实生活中,人们实际上得离开咖啡屋去干自己的工作。 Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
27、社会充满不公平现象。你先不要想去改造它,只能先适应它。 Social injustice. You do not want to transform it, only to adapt to it.
28、站在镁光灯下是堕落的,站在讲台上是堕落的;因为他们会让你觉得,你比别人更聪明。 Standing in the spotlight is fallen, standing on the podium is corrupt; because they will make you feel that you are smarter than others.
29、管理者在任何时候,任何情况下都有使员工们更加成熟的使命。 Managers at any time, in any case have to make employees more mature mission.
30、聪明的人能把事情做好,精明的人能把事情做得更好,高明的人能把事情做到最好。 Smart people can do things well, smart people cando things better, smart people can do the best thing.
31、解我的公司在各区、各产品门类和各客户群体中的经营情况,对于我这个首席执行官来说是很重要的。 It is important for me to understand the operation of my company in the area, the product category and the customer base.