1、不是我愿意牵扯不清,而是放不下那所谓的曾经。 Is not I willing to be involved is not clear, but put down the so-called once.

2、不是除了你,我就没人要了。只是除了你,我谁都不想要。 Not in addition to you, I would have no one to. Just in addition to you, I who all don't want to.

3、不爱了就是不爱了,不要为了别人丧失了自己。 Love is not love, don't to others lost themselves.

4、不要太刻意去寻找,最好的东西往往出现在不经意之间。 Don't deliberately to find - often appears in casual between the best of things.

5、不要让过去左右你的人生,而要让过去成就你的人生。 Don't let the past about your life, your life and let the past achievements.

6、不要轻易在十六七岁爱上谁,因为那个会是你一辈子最爱的人。 Don't fall in love with who, at the age of 16 because the person who will be a lifetime love you.

7、两个人在一起久了,就象左手和右手,即使不再相爱也会选择相守。 Two people together for a long time, like left hand and right hand, and even if no longer love will choose to be together.

8、亲爱的过去,请别再拍我的肩膀,我不想再回头。 Dear past, please don't clap my shoulder, I don't want to look back.

9、人生最宝贵的不是你拥有的物质,而是陪伴在你身边的人。 Life's most precious is not you have substance, but accompany in people around you.

10、会不会有那么一个人,单独把我放在一个分组里。 Will there be so a person, put me in a group alone.

11、你在我心里住了那么久,即使要忘记也会留下痕迹。 You live in my heart for so long, even if want to forget alsowill leave a mark.

12、你真的放开了我的手,我们没有牵手的理由了。 Did you really let go of my hand, we have no reasons for holding hands.

13、你还欠我一句对不起,可我不会再说没关系了。 You still owe me a sorry, but I won't say it doesn't matter.

14、其实人生需要很少很少,一杯水,一碗饭,一句我爱你。 Actually need very little in life, a glass of water, a bowl of rice, I love you.

15、其实我们都是怕痛的人,只是意念中,更怕不幸福。 In fact we are all afraid of pain, just ideas, the more afraid of unhappiness.

16、别让我一个人悄悄难过,也许是我要得太多。 Don't let I a person quietly sad, maybe I want too much.

17、别说等等,要么没有,要么全部;要么现在,要么永远。 Don't say, and so on, or no, either all; Either now or forever.

18、即使想你想到哭,我也不打扰你,这是我的原则。 Even though you would think cry, I also don't disturb you, this is my principle.

19、友情和爱情一样,不是等你有空的时候,再去珍惜,都需要好好经营。 Friendship and love, is not waiting for you when you're free, to cherish, all need to have a good business.

20、只要你不离不弃,哪怕一辈子我也愿意奉陪到底。 As long as you leave, even a lifetime I also I'm willing to the end.

21、向往了,追求了,拥有了,尝试了,疼后才知道有些东西不属于自己。 Yearning and pursuit, have, tried, pain after know some things do not belong to you.

22、嘴角的弧度,眼角的湿度。 The radian of the corner of his mouth, the humidity of the canthus.

23、因为有你,我改变过,我尝试过,我哭过。 Because of you, I changed, I tried, I cried.

24、夜是不是有些醉,心是不是有些累。 Some nights are some drunk, the heart is tired.

25、如果从嘴里呼出来的气体呈雾状、能看到的就说明冬天来了。 If the call out from the mouth of the gas is fog, can see the winter is coming.

26、如果有一天我下去了。记住,我会上来找你的。 If one day I go on. Remember, I will come up for you.

27、如果有一天,我走进你的心里,我也会哭,也许你那里没有我! If one day, I went into your heart, I also will cry, maybe you there is no me!!!!!!!

28、守住的是仓皇而班驳的灾难,是用整个生命也敌不过的假象。 Guard is made of mottled disaster, is to use the whole life also enemy but the illusion.

29、属于自己的,不要放弃;已经失去的,留作回忆。 Belong to own, don't give up; Has been lost, reserved for memories.

30、左边脑袋是面粉,右边脑袋是水,一想问题,就满脑袋糨糊! The left brain is flour, on the right side of the head are the water, a thought that the question, full head paste!

31、年轻的我们总是这般固执,年轻的我们总是这般不能遗忘。 The young we always so stubborn, the young we always can't forget.

32、当一个人笑的时候,也许在他的心里正在流泪。 When a person laughs, maybe in his heart is tears.

33、当别人嘲笑时,你只管飞翔。我也曾坚强,我也会脆弱。 When others laugh at you just fly. I have strong, I will also be fragile.

34、忽起忽落的潮汐,总是一不小心,就把平静的海滩冲垮。 The tide of up and down always carelessly, take a quiet beach burst.

35、想把一个男人留在身边,就要让他知道,你随时可以离开他。 Want to leave a man in side, will let him know, you can always leave him.

36、慢慢的,我们开始越来越怀念过去,越来越怀念从前。 Slowly, we began to miss the more and more, more and more miss.

37、成熟的一个标志是,对世上原本你不能理解的事情,能积极的接受。 Is a sign of maturity, otherwise you can't understand things of the world, to actively accept.

38、我不介意你骗我,我介意的是你的谎话骗不了我。 I don't mind if you lie to me, my mind is your lies can't cheat me.

39、我不想做你生命的插曲,只想做你生命最完美的结局。 I don't want to do your life episode, just want to make your life the most perfect ending.

40、我不是冷血,更不是慢热,我只是害怕,投入太多,离开的时候会难过。 I am not a cold-blooded, more is not slow, I'm just afraid, too, will be sad when I leave.

41、我不要像玻璃一样脆弱,我要像钻石一样透明。 I don't want to be fragile as glass, I want to transparent like diamonds.

42、我们最大的错,就是相遇的那一刻、没有擦肩而过。 Our biggest mistake, is to meet the moment, no brush.

43、我再也不要依赖任何人,因为我厌倦了失望。 I never want to rely on anyone, because I'm tired of disappointment.

44、我删掉了所有人对我说的我爱你,只怕你难过。 I deleted all the people said to me, I love you, but you sad.

45、我只会因为你,偏执得不像自己。 I will only because of you, paranoia seem not like yourself.

46、我只做我自己、随别人怎么说我不在乎。 I just be myself, with what others say I don't care.

47、我希望他会在我面无表情的时候搂紧我,然后说,你在我的面前永远都不需要伪装坚强。 I hope he will when I deadpan to hug me tight, and say, in front of me you never need to camouflage strong.

48、我并不是一定要你回来,只是让自己好受一点。 I don't have to come back, just make yourself better.

49、我想你早已不爱我了,只是放不开那最后的温柔。 I think you already did not love me, I just could not put the last tender.

50、我明白你会来,所以我选择等待。 I know you'll come, so I choose to wait.

51、我没办法演绎天长地久,那就亲眼目睹别人的天荒地老。 I can't deduce everlasting, it witnessed someone glebe's old.

52、我知道那天都是我让你伤了心,现在无论说什么都是多余。 I know that dayis I let you hurt my heart, now, no matter what you said is redundant.

53、我觉得你真的不是个合格的朋友,你还是改行做我老婆吧! I think you're really not a qualified friends, you or switching to my wife!

54、我讨厌过去的自己,就像过去的自己讨厌现在的我一样。 I hate the past, just like the past his hate now of I.


56、断了线的风筝,虽然无拘无束,但一定会很快栽下地来。 Broken line kite, although freely, but must be planted fields to soon.

57、旧时光,好像泛黄的照片,珍藏在记忆的扉页。 Pictures of old days, like yellow, and in the cover page of memory.

58、暮色时分,我也只是一个人的独角戏。 Twilight, I am just a person's monologue.

59、最痛苦的事情,不是不知道如何选择,而是别无选择。 The most painful thing, not I don't know how to choose, but have no other choice.

60、有些事,我不说,我不问,不代表我不在乎。 Some things, I do not say, I don't ask, doesn't mean I don't care.

61、有些人不抱了才温暖、离开了才不痛。 Some people don't embrace the warm, only left the pain. Story later changed, all your promise and to whom.

62、有很多路,走的时候忘记了回头,等想回头时,已经沧海桑田。 There are a lot of road, forget when you go back, when want to look back, has changed much.

63、有时,爱也是一种伤害。残忍的人选择伤害别人,善良的人选择伤害自己。 Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt. Cruel people choose to hurt other people, good people choose hurt yourself.

64、有没有聊天的时候想到一句话,跟别人说的时候却忘了说啥。 Do you have a chat when thought of in a word, tell others but forget to say what.

65、有的人与人之间的相遇就像是流星,瞬间迸发出令人羡慕的火花,却注定只是匆匆而过。 Some person-to-person meet like the meteor, a sudden out an enviable sparks, but is in a hurry.上一页12下一页

66、没有人关心我。没有人一直陪在我身边。一个人哭一个人笑。 No one care about me. No one has been accompanied by my side. A person cry a person smile.

67、没有你的日子,我的生活显得如此苍凉。 Every day without you, my life is so desolate.

68、爱的最高境界,是经得起平淡的流年。 The highest state of love, is stand insipid time flies.

69、穿上传说中红舞鞋的女孩,一生都无法停下舞步。 Put on the legend of the red shoes girl, life can't stop steps.

70、等一个人是可以的,但是等一个不爱自己的人就大错特错。 Such a person is possible, but such a love your person is wrong.

71、累了,难过了,就蹲下来,给自己一个拥抱。别指望别人能来同情你,怜悯你。 Tired, sad, just squat down, give yourself a hug. Don't expect others to sympathize with you, have mercy on you.

72、胃是离心脏最近的地方,我拼命的吃,让胃填满,这样心就不会痛了。 Stomach is my heart, I try very hard to of to eat, fill the stomach, so heart won't hurt.

73、若时间是一个圆, If the time is a circle, I look forward to working with you meet the other side of the circle again.

74、谁又能明白谁的深爱,谁又能理解谁的离开。 Who can understand who deep love, and who can understand who leave.

75、这世界除了假的是真的以外,其他全是假的! The world in addition to false is true, other all is false!

76、这分手越长越残忍,你说的越来越诚恳。 This split more long more cruel, you're more and more honest.

77、迩知道的,我的缺点之一就是脾气坏。 You know, one of my weakness is a bad temper.

78、那些在你回复“嗯嗯”之后还是滔滔不绝的人,请你一定要好好珍惜。 Those after your reply "uh-huh" or doing a lot of people, you must cherish.

79、那些曾经对我好的人,到底是你丢弃了我,还是我不小心遗失了你。 Those who used to be nice to me, what you have rejected me, or I accidentally lost you.

80、错的时间,遇到对的人,对的时间,遇到错的人。 The wrong time, met the right person, right time, met the wrong people.

81、难过的时候,你是否也喜欢把自己默默地藏起来? Sad, whether you also like himself quietly tucked away?

82、青春是打开就合不上的书,人生是踏上就回不了的路,爱请是扔出就回不来的赌注。 Youth is opened the book on the shu is not, is can't back on my life, love is thrown out, please don't come back.
