1、一生傲岸苦不谐,恩疏媒劳志多乖。 A life of pride, bitterness and discord, kindness and mediocrity, Lao Zhi is more obedient.

2、他日见张禄,绨袍怀旧恩。 He saw Zhang Lu more and more, and he was nostalgic.

3、儿身将欲生,母身如在狱。 The body of a child is to be born, but the body of a mother is in *.

4、剧辛乐毅感恩分,输肝剖胆效英才。 Opera Xin Leyi Thanksgiving points, lose the liver and open the gall, effective talent.

5、功名炊黍寻常梦,怪事书空感激人。 Fame cooking millet common dream, strange story book empty gratitude.

6、因风道感谢,情至笔载援。 Thanks to the custom, I feel very grateful for it.

7、圣主恩深何力报,时从天末望修门。 The benefactor of the Lord is so deep that he can repay him with his strength.

8、孝顺理当然,不孝不如禽。 Filial piety, of course, is not as good as poultry.

9、平生多感激,忠义非外奖。 I am grateful all my life. Loyalty is not a foreign prize.

10、归期岂烂漫,别意终感激。 It's not a good time to return, but I'm grateful.

11、未知天地恩何报,翻对*思莫开。 I don't know how to repay the kindness of heaven and earth.

12、桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦赠我情。 Taohuatan water deep thousands of feet, not as good as Wang Lun to give me love.

13、犹有报恩方寸在,不知通塞竟何如。 I don't know what to do with it.

14、见此不记人,恩情绝云雨。 Seeing this, I don't remember anyone. I'm so grateful.

15、谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。 Who said inch grass heart, reported three Chunhui.

16、镇时贤相回人镜,报德慈亲点佛灯。 At that time, the virtuous minister returned to the mirror and told his kindness to light the Buddha's lamp.

17、随风潜入夜,润物细无声。 With wind the spring rain sneaks in night. Silently, it moistens everything.

18、雄姿未受伏枥恩,猛气犹思战场利。 The heroic posture has not received Fu tochine, fierce spirit still thinks of battlefield benefit.

19、鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。 keep loyal and devoted to the last.