1、一个人害怕孤独,两个人害怕辜负。 One is afraid of loneliness, and two are afraid of betrayal.


3、一生所求,爱与*,你与温柔。 For life, love and freedom, you and gentleness.

4、不懂珍惜的人,不配拥有人生。 People who don't know how to cherish don't deserve life.

5、不是所有的伤口,都能用纸掩盖掉的。 Not all wounds can be covered with paper.

6、不能听命于自己者,就要受命于他人。 Those who can't obey their own will be ordered by others.

7、不要轻言放弃,否则对不起自己! Don't give up easily, or I'm sorry for myself!

8、与你相见,是我最美的相遇。 Meeting you is my most beautiful meeting.

9、为了生存、骄傲的活着。 To live, to live with pride.

10、亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。 I have never regretted the kindness of my heart.

11、会劈腿的男人,跳芭蕾一定很好看。 A man who can split his legs, ballet must be very good.

12、伤情最是晚凉天,出门兜里没带钱! Injury is the most late cold days, out of pocket with no money!

13、你不知我的苦,就别劝我大度。 If you don't know my pain, don't persuade me to be generous.

14、你希望掌握永恒,那你必须控制现在。 If you want to master eternity, you must control the present.

15、倚天照海花无数,流水高山心自知。 Relying on the sky, the sea flowers countless, flowing water, mountain heart know.

16、再苦再累再疲惫,也要灿烂的微笑面对。 No matter how hard, tired and tired, we should face it with a bright smile.

17、别偷我的说说,来偷我的心好吗。 Don't steal my words. Just steal my heart.

18、别在最应该奋斗的时候选择了安逸。 Don't choose comfort when you should struggle most.

19、喜欢你哪有什么理由,你就是理由。 There is no reason to like you, you are the reason.

20、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。 Those who avoid the reality will be less ideal in the future.

21、寂寞有一千种滋味,却只能有一种体会。 Loneliness has a thousand kinds of taste, but only one kind of experience.

22、岁月不饶人,我亦未曾饶过岁月。 I have never let go of years.

23、带你装逼带你飞。带你卡进垃圾堆。 I'm going to take you and fly you. Get you stuck in the garbage.

24、幸福没有那么容易,所以特别让人着迷。 Happiness is not so easy, so it is particularly fascinating.

25、想我就直说,别让我一直打喷嚏。 If you want me to say so, don't let me sneeze all the time.

26、我不会软弱到陷在那种记忆里出不来。 I'm not too weak to be stuck in that memory.

27、我不说,你不懂,这就是距离。 I don't say, you don't understand, this is the distance.

28、我从未到过的地方,原来是你的心上。 The place I've never been to turns out to be in your heart.

29、我们认输好不好,不要这么难过好不好。 Let's throw in the towel. Don't be so upset.

30、我只是不小心闹了,你就不再对我笑了。 I just made a mistake and you stopped laughing at me.

31、我想要的那么简单,你却没能明白。 What I want is so simple that you don't understand.

32、我想,我还没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。 I don't think I'm mature enough to forgive betrayal.

33、我的软我的甜,仅对你一人可见。 My soft, my sweet, only you can see.

34、我终于离开你了,很慢却很明确。 I finally left you, slow but clear.

35、放下的过程是很艰难,但好过一味迎合。 It's hard to let go, but it's better than pandering.

36、无需等待,没有比当下更好的时间。 There is no need to wait, there is no better time than now.

37、时光匆匆,原来我们已经走了那么久。 Time is in a hurry, so we have gone so long. A person is not alone, only when you want to be alone.

38、春天从不偏心,她给每个人都发了个春。 Spring is never partial. She gives everyone a spring.

39、春天短到几乎没有,你我短到回不了头。 Spring is so short that you and I can't go back.

40、曾经发了疯的想,现在拼了命的忘。 Once a crazy thought, now desperate forget.

41、最怕深夜醒来,还好今晚有雨声相伴。 I'm afraid to wake up late at night. Fortunately, I have the sound of rain tonight.

42、比起如愿以偿,阴差阳错更让人成长。 Compared with what you want, it makes people grow up.

43、没意见的话,我们明天就把证领了。 If you don't mind, we'll get the card tomorrow.

44、深夜适合有心事的人。 Late at night is for those who have something on their mind.

45、生活不易,希望我们都能被温柔以待。 Life is not easy, I hope we can be treated with tenderness.

46、讲文明就别耍野蛮,讲道理就别耍无赖。 If you are civilized, don't be savage; if you are reasonable, don't be a rascal.

47、请允许我尘埃落定,用沉默掩埋了过去。 Please allow me to settle the dust and bury the past with silence.

48、谁都不想伤害,却留给自己太多的无奈。 Who do not want to hurt, but left themselves too much helpless.

49、闲了,未必无聊,闲着没事干才会无聊。 Idle, not necessarily boring, idle nothing to do will be boring.

50、风尘不过一女子,我也不过一个你。 The wind and dust is only a woman, and I am just a you.