1、一杯思乡的酒,钩起了我满腔的愁。今夜人团圆,我却在故乡的那一边,何时回家转,与你共团圆。 A cup of homesick wine, hook my full of sorrow. Tonight, people are reunited, but I'm on the other side of my hometown. When can I go home and reunite with you.

2、三五良宵秋澄银海,大千世界光满玉轮、花好月圆,华夏九州同祝福,中秋两岸盼同圆。 On the third five-year plan, the silver sea is clear in autumn, and the world is full of jade wheels and full of flowers and full moon.

3、中国人历来把家人团圆,亲友团聚,共享天伦之乐看得极其珍贵。都说每逢佳节倍思亲,何况是这象征团圆美满的中秋佳节呢。 Chinese people have always regarded family reunion, relatives and friends reunion, and sharing the happiness of family members as extremely precious. It's said that every festival, I miss my relatives more than ever, not to mention the Mid Autumn Festival, which symbolizes reunion and happiness.

4、中秋之夜,当如霜,如雪的月色洒下鑫鑫点点伴随着秋风的萧瑟,而你是否也是一人独揽?在月夜里静静的回想,静静的思念? The night of the Mid Autumn Festival, when the frost, such as snow, the moonlight sprinkles Xinxin, accompanied by the bleak autumn wind, and you are also alone? In the night of the moon quietly recall, quietly miss?

5、中秋了月圆了是祝福的时候了祝你永远幸福,没有烦恼,永远快乐,只有微笑天使没有你纯洁花儿没有你灿烂。 Mid autumn festival full moon is the time of blessing, I wish you happiness forever, no worries, always happy, only smiling angel without you pure flowers without you brilliant.

6、中秋了,站在铜锣湾的闹市里,我不自觉地望向天空,寻找这颗令人迷恋的星体。 Mid Autumn Festival, standing in the downtown Causeway Bay, I unconsciously look at the sky, looking for this infatuated star.

7、中秋夜,望皓月当空,却倍感失落和怅惘,心就像只无处靠岸的小舟,在无助中漂泊。 The mid autumn night, looking at the bright moon in the sky, but feel lost and disappointed, the heart is like a boat with no place to shore, drifting in helplessness.

8、中秋的夜,谁是谁的陌路。走过了爱的河流,越过了情的执着,谁在寂寞的月光下,守着那千年的清秋。 The night of the Mid Autumn Festival, who is whose stranger. Through the river of love, over the persistence of love, who in the lonely moonlight, guarding that thousand years of autumn.

9、中秋的月儿圆又圆,我的月亮却少半边。千里遥寄相思苦,何年何月现欢颜? The mid autumn moon is round and round, but my moon is less than half. Thousands of miles away to send Acacia bitter, what year and month now happy face?

10、中秋节一直被人们喻为最具有人情味,最富有诗情画意的节日,而这一天天上的月亮又分外明亮,分外的圆,所以又叫团圆节。 The Mid Autumn Festival has been described as the most human and poetic Festival. On this day, the moon in the sky is extremely bright and extremely round, so it is also called reunion festival.

11、中秋节,月是中秋分外明,我把问候遥相寄;皓月当空洒清辉,中秋良宵念挚心;祝愿佳节多好运,月圆人圆事事圆! Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is the Mid Autumn Festival, especially bright, I send greetings to each other; bright moon in the sky sprinkle clear brightness, mid autumn night read sincere heart; wish the festival more good luck, full moon people round everything round!

12、中秋,是让人思乡的日子。望着皎洁的明月,不由地感叹。想起了苏轼的千古名篇水调歌头明月几时有,把酒问青天。 The Mid Autumn Festival is a time of homesickness. Looking at the bright moon, I can't help sighing. I think of Su Shi's famous poem "water melody". When will the moon appear, I will ask the blue sky for wine.

13、人生一场大梦,世事几度秋凉,夜来枫叶已鸣廊,看取眉头鬓上,酒贱常愁客少,月明多被云妨,中秋谁与共孤光,把盏凄然北望。 Life is a big dream, things a few autumn, night maple leaf has been Ming corridor, look at the eyebrows and temples, wine is often sad, less guests, the moon is more cloud, Mid Autumn Festival who with the same solitary light, a sad looking north.

14、人逢喜事尤其乐,月到中秋分外明。沐着徐徐清风,披着溶溶月色,今天我们欢聚一堂,喜迎中秋佳节,同享节日团圆之乐。 People are especially happy with happy events, especially in the Mid Autumn Festival. Bathed in the gentle breeze, dressed in the melting moon, today we gather together to welcome the Mid Autumn Festival and enjoy the joy of festival reunion.

15、但抬头,不见了它。能看见的是高楼大厦,是繁华,能看见的,只是天空的小部分。 But look up, it's gone. What can be seen is high-rise buildings and prosperity. What can be seen is only a small part of the sky.

16、团圆佳节之际,我将我对家人的思念寄托在那轮圆月里。最后,愿父母身体健康,一切顺利,中秋节快乐! On the occasion of the reunion festival, I put my thoughts on my family in the full moon. Finally, I wish my parents good health, all the best and a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

17、夕七彩人间长共中秋八月,杯低吟酒伴同歌盛世高风。 In the Mid Autumn Festival, there are seven colors in the world.

18、山迢迢水迢迢,十五共聚乐逍遥;明月如盘当空照,中秋良宵念挚交。祝愿友人多好运,中秋佳节乐陶陶! The moon is like a plate in the sky, and the mid autumn night is a good time to make friends. Wish friends more good luck, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

19、已被画成油画,不再回来,繁华的城市,中秋的悲凉,从未有过的孤独寂寞思念。 Has been painted into oil painting, no longer come back, the prosperous city, the Mid Autumn Festival's desolation, never had the lonely missing.

20、年年中秋年年过,月月圆时月月明,日日想你日日苦。 Mid autumn every year, the full moon, the moon bright, day by day miss you, day by day hard.

21、思念是一季的花香,漫过山谷,笼罩你我;而祝福是无边的关注,溢出眼睛,直到心底。 Missing is a season of flowers, over the valley, covering you and me; and blessing is boundless attention, overflow eyes, until the bottom of my heart.

22、您生命的秋天,是枫叶一般的色彩,不是春光胜似春光,时值霜天季节,却格外显得神采奕奕。 The autumn of your life, is the general color of maple leaves, not spring is better than spring, when the frost season, but it is particularly energetic.

23、明月如玉盘,将繁星撒落,染满天星光点点;风中百合摇曳,挥淡淡清香,引翩翩萤光飞舞;星绚风轻,花好月圆,天上人间。 The bright moon is like a jade plate, which scatters the stars and dyes the sky with stars; the lilies swaying in the wind, waving a light fragrance, leading to the flying of fluorescent light; the stars are gorgeous, the wind is light, and the flowers are full, and the heaven and the earth are full.

24、是不是我明白到,月光不见了,是因为眼前有太多的高楼。也许谁都察觉不到,月亮出现的日子少了,是因为繁华的高楼多了。 Did I realize that the moonlight is gone because there are so many tall buildings in front of me. Perhaps no one can notice that the moon appears less days, because there are more prosperous high-rise buildings.

25、月圆人团圆,月缺人分别。若是无情时,月圆亦月缺,若是有情时,月缺亦月圆。 When the moon is full, people are reunited, but when the moon is short, people are separated. If it is merciless, the full moon is also missing; if it is in love, the moon is full.

26、瑟瑟秋风中,叶,漫无目的地摇曳着,回旋在凉意之中。这映在我甚是凄凉的眼眸里,思念汇成了泪滴,也随着这秋风,飘散开来。 In the rustling autumn wind, the leaves swaying aimlessly, whirling in the cool. This is reflected in my desolate eyes, missing into tears, also with the autumn wind, drift away.

27、皓月当空洒清辉,中秋良宵念挚心;祝愿佳节多好运,月圆人圆事事圆! Bright moon in the sky sprinkle light, mid autumn night read sincere heart; wish the festival more good luck, full moon people round everything!

28、相思蔓延着这个中秋。指间漫漫的轨迹,一丝柔情,一抹忧愁,有一种疼痛,即使是在梦里也无法躲开的。 Acacia spread this mid autumn festival. Fingers of the long track, a trace of tenderness, a touch of sadness, there is a pain, even in the dream can not escape.

29、秋意撩人,愿在初秋的夜晚你我享,皓月当空,思意正浓! Autumn, I would like to enjoy in the early autumn night, bright moon in the sky, thinking is strong!

30、许许多多的神话传说塑造了今天的中秋节而又因为这一天月亮满圆,象征团圆,所以又称为团圆节。 Many myths and legends shape today's Mid Autumn Festival, and because the moon is full on this day, symbolizing reunion, it is also known as the reunion festival.