1、一日不见兮,思之如狂。 One day is gone, thinking like crazy.
2、一种相思,两处闲愁。 A kind of Acacia, two leisure sorrow.
3、丁香枝上,豆蔻梢头。 On the clove branch, on the cardamom tip.
4、不待春风遍,烟林独早开。 Do not wait for the spring breeze, smoke forest only early open.
5、人归落雁后,思发在花前。 After returning to the wild goose, my thoughts are in front of the flower.
6、今夕何夕,见此良人。 I'll see him this evening.
7、今夜月如眉,话别河桥畔。 Tonight, the moon is like an eyebrow, saying goodbye to the river bridge.
8、依依目光,此生不换。 According to the eyes, this life does not change.
9、出其东门,有女如云。虽则如云,匪我思存。缟衣綦巾,聊乐我员。 Out of the east gate, there are women like clouds. Though it's like a cloud, I think about it. Yi Qi towel, chat with me.
10、剪不断,理还乱。 It's not easy to cut, it's not easy to manage.
11、南风未起,念你成疾。 Before the south wind rises, I miss you.
12、君不来,我不愿老去。 If you don't come, I don't want to get old.
13、君去后,酒暖思念瘦。 After you go, the wine is warm and you miss thin.
14、天上分金镜,人间望玉钩。 There are gold mirrors in the sky and jade hooks in the world.
15、天与短因缘,聚散常容易。 It is easy to gather and disperse because of the short relationship between heaven and earth.
16、天地合,乃敢与君绝。 The combination of heaven and earth is to dare to be separated from you.
17、少妇今春意,良人昨夜情。 Young women are in love with each other this spring.
18、山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知? There are trees in the mountains, and trees have branches. You don't know if you are happy?
19、彼狡童兮,不与我言兮。维子之故,使我不能餐兮。 He's a cunning boy, he doesn't talk to me. I can't eat because of Weizi.
20、彼采萧兮,一日不见,如三秋兮! It's like three autumn days when I don't see you in a day!
21、思君如满月,夜夜减清辉。 Think of the monarch as the full moon, night and night reduce the brightness.
22、情不知所起,一往而深。 I don't know where I'm going.
23、愿君多采撷,此物最相思。 May you pick more, this is the most Acacia.
24、执子之手,与子偕老。 hold your hand and grow old together with you.
25、无言独上西楼,月如钩。 Silent alone on the West Tower, such as the hook.
26、既见君子,云胡不喜。 Seeing a gentleman, Yunhu is not happy.
27、既见君子,云胡不喜! Seeing a gentleman, Yunhu is not happy!
28、有女同行,颜如舜英。将翱将翔,佩玉将将。彼美孟姜,德音不忘。 There are female colleagues, Yan rushunying. Will soar, will wear jade. A fair lad surnamed Jiang impresses me with her virtuous characters.
29、来世你渡我,可愿? Will you ferry me in the next life?
30、桃花为盟,枯草为冠。 Peach blossom is the league and withered grass is the crown.
31、犹记碧桃影里、誓三生。 Still remember the peach shadow, oath Sansheng.
32、生得相亲,死亦何恨? If you are born on a blind date, why do you hate to die?
33、生死契阔,与子成说。 Life and death agree with each other.
34、画船捶鼓催君去。 The painting boat beat drums to urge you to go.
35、知子之来之,杂佩以赠之。知子之顺之,杂佩以问之。知子之好之,杂佩以报之。 If you know where your son comes from, you can give him a gift. Know the son of Shun, miscellaneous Pei to ask. If you know your son's goodness, you can repay him with miscellaneous accessories.
36、翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙。 It is as graceful as a dragon.
37、落花有意,流水无情。 The falling flowers are intentional and the flowing water is merciless.
38、螓首蛾眉,巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。 The head of the moth eyebrow, smile, beautiful eyes.
39、要问相思,天涯犹自短。 To ask Acacia, the horizon is still short.
40、谁秋千,笑里轻轻语? Who swings, whispers in a smile?
41、身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。 The body has no Phoenix wings, and the heart has a good connection.
42、那年桃夭,红豆暗抛。 The peach died that year, and the red bean was thrown away.
43、酒入愁肠,化作相思泪。 Wine into sorrow, into Acacia tears.
44、金风玉露一相逢,便胜却、人间无数。 As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win, but there are countless people in the world.
45、长相思,在长安。 Everlasting longing for each other in Changan.
46、长相思,摧心肝! Everlasting longing for each other's heart!
47、长相思,长相思。 Everlasting longing for each other. Everlasting longing for each other.
48、青绫被,莫忆金闺故步。 Green silk quilt, Mo Yi Jin Gui Gu bu.
49、青青子衿,悠悠我心。纵我不往,子宁不嗣音? Qingqing Zijin, leisurely my heart. Even if I don't go, I'd rather not follow my voice?
50、顾谓戚夫人,彼翁羽翼成。 Gu called Mrs. Qi, but PI Weng's wings became.