1、“我爱你”交给年月,你的手交给我。 "I love you" to years, your hands to me.

2、不管你在哪里,我都能走到你的面前。 No matter where you are, I can walk up to you.

3、世界上所有的相遇,都是久别重逢。 All encounters in the world are reunion after a long separation.

4、亲爱的,我最成功的事情就是爱上你。 Honey, the most successful thing for me is to fall in love with you.

5、人间无趣,但有先生你。 The world is boring, but there are you, sir.

6、你在哪里,我去见你。 Where are you? I'll see you.

7、你是否愿意做我的另一伴,敬候佳音。 Would you like to be my other partner, waiting for good news.

8、你是我唯一,我是你什么。 You're the only one for me. I'm what you are.

9、你是风儿我是沙,缠绵天涯赏晚霞。 You are the wind, I am the sand, lingering in the end of the world to enjoy the sunset.

10、你陪我,走过了一段最幸福的唯美。 You accompany me, through a section of the happiest aestheticism.

11、即便是十几岁的爱情,我也想和你过一生。 Even if it's teenage love, I want to spend my life with you.

12、只因爱你,所以在你痛的时候我也痛。 Just because I love you, so I feel pain when you are in pain.

13、只要与你肩并肩,不离不弃度风寒。 As long as shoulder to shoulder with you, never abandon the cold.

14、喜欢你,从开始一直到永远。 Like you, from the beginning to always.

15、天塌了?我还在。 The sky is falling? I'm still here.

16、天苍苍,地茫茫,天天都为爱情忙。 The sky is grey and the earth is boundless. I am busy for love every day.

17、如果你来了,那么春天就不用来了。 If you come, then spring doesn't have to come.

18、如果我们变淡了怎么办,分手,我重新追你。 What if we fade, break up and I'll chase you again.

19、宇宙或是人海,请把我认出来。 The universe or the sea of people, please recognize me.

20、山河动,天地摇,与君一曲婵娟共赋。 Mountains and rivers move, heaven and earth shake, and you a song Chan Juan Fu. Love is the loneliness of missing.

21、幸福离你很远,你仍然不满意。 Happiness is far away from you, and you are still not satisfied.

22、心随你动,你在心中! The heart moves with you, you are in the heart!

23、思惆怅,念彷徨,思念佳人心欢畅。 Think melancholy, read hesitation, Miss Beauty heart happy.

24、惊鸿一瞥,一见倾心。 At a glance, I fell in love.

25、想变成雪,这样就可以落在先生的肩上了。 Want to turn into snow, so that it can fall on Mr.

26、想把你,和蘸了甜酱的黄昏一起吃掉。 I want to eat you with dusk dipped in sweet sauce.

27、想牵你的手,敬各方来宾的酒。 I want to hold your hand and present the wine to all guests.

28、愿与你共度七夕,融化彼此的世界。 Wish to spend Chinese Valentine's day with you and melt each other's world.

29、愿与你,成眷属。 Wish you a family.

30、愿做春天的雨露,滋润你的心田。 Willing to be the spring rain, moisten your heart.

31、我和你比起来,真是小可爱见大可爱。 Compared with you, I'm really cute.

32、我愿做你的风,你的云! I would like to be your wind, your cloud!

33、我愿化作娇艳玫瑰花,为你痴心的绽放。 I would like to turn into a beautiful rose for your infatuated bloom.

34、我愿爱你,十万年。 I'd love you for a hundred thousand years.

35、我拒绝了好多异性,就为了等你做我对象。 I turned down many opposite sex just to wait for you to be my object.

36、既然喜欢已深入骨髓,又怎会怕挫骨扬灰。 Since love has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow, how can we be afraid of disheartening the bones and bringing ashes to the ashes.

37、有趣的地方都想去掺和一下,比如你的世界。 Interesting places want to get involved, such as your world.

38、永不离弃,伴随你。 Never leave, with you.

39、海可枯,石可烂,不可与你散。 Sea can be dry, stone can be rotten, can not be scattered with you.

40、爱上你,是我的情份。 Falling in love with you is my love.

41、爱你今朝,不离兮。 Love you today, never leave.

42、爱你的清纯,爱你的美丽,爱你一生不离弃。 The pure love of your life.

43、爱你,是一生不变的。 Love you, is the life invariable.


45、牵着手,愿永久。 Holding hands, wish forever.

46、甜蜜的乐章,只为你演绎。 Sweet movement, only for you.

47、真情的你,永远开心。 The true feelings of you, always happy.

48、真真的爱恋,为你痴。 True love, infatuated for you.

49、给你倾世温柔,一起到白头。 I give you gentle, white head together.

50、给我一个拥抱,我会陪你到老。 Give me a hug, I will accompany you to the old.

51、老歌越听越有味,旧人越看越无情。 The more old songs are heard, the more interesting they are, and the more ruthless they are seen.

52、能让我笑得人,再没有谁比你有天分。 Who can make me laugh, no one has more talent than you.

53、花落时,靠着你的肩,不离也不分。 When the flowers fall, lean on your shoulder, not separated.

54、认识了你,便没有了寂寞的心事。 Know you, there will be no lonely heart.

55、谢谢你对我的信任,信任就是我们最珍贵的。 Thank you for your trust in me. Trust is our most precious.

56、越是无言的时候,我的思念其实更多! The more speechless, I miss more!

57、这是G港,那是N港,你是我的避风港嘻嘻嘻。 This is port g and port n. you are my haven, hee hee hee.

58、除了爱你,我想不出能使我继续活着的理由。 I can't think of any reason to keep me alive except for loving you.

59、陪你哭,陪你笑,陪你等待,陪你看花开。 Accompany you to cry, accompany you to smile, accompany you to wait, accompany you to see the flowers bloom.

60、风雨之中,与你牵手前进。 In the wind and rain, hand in hand with you.