1、一个人没有朋友固然寂寞,但如果忙得没有机会面对自己,可能更加孤独。 A person without friends is lonely, but if you are too busy to face yourself, you may be more lonely.

2、乐观使你倾向于幸福健康事业顺利,悲观使你倾向于绝望患病失败忧郁孤独懦怯。 Optimism makes you tend to be happy, healthy and successful, pessimism makes you inclined to despair, illness, failure, melancholy, loneliness and cowardice.

3、人生的第一件大事是发现自己,因此人们需要不时孤独和沉思。 The first thing in life is to find yourself, so people need to be lonely and meditate from time to time.

4、他们懂得从生活中,寻找那一星半点闪烁着的情趣,他们就不会觉得困苦和孤独。 They know how to look for the twinkling interest from life, and they will not feel hardship and loneliness.

5、只有神仙与野兽才喜欢孤独,人是要朋友的。 Only gods and beasts like solitude. People want friends.

6、在各种孤独中间,人最怕精神上的孤独。 Among all kinds of loneliness, people are most afraid of spiritual loneliness.

7、孤独不是在山上而是在街上,不在一个人里面而在许多人中间。 Loneliness is not on the mountain, but on the street, not in one person but among many people.

8、孤独与高贵的思想为伍的人,是决不会孤独的。 A man who is alone with noble thoughts will never be lonely.

9、孤独可以使人能干,也可以使人笨拙。 Loneliness can make a man capable or clumsy.

10、孤独是人的宿命,爱和友谊不能把它根除,但可以将它抚慰。 Loneliness is the fate of human beings. Love and friendship can not eradicate it, but can comfort it.

11、孤独,是忧愁的伴侣,也是精神活动的密友。 Loneliness is not only a companion of sorrow, but also a close friend of spiritual activities.

12、得不到友谊的人将是终身可怜的孤独者。没有友情的社会则只是一片繁华的沙漠。 Those who do not get friendship will be poor loners for life. A society without friendship is just a prosperous desert.

13、我们始终孤独,只需要陪伴,不需要相爱! We always lonely, only need to accompany, do not need to love!

14、普通人都难以忍受孤独,处在逆境的人由于不信任任何人,对这种孤立更加敏感。 Ordinary people can't stand loneliness. People in adversity are more sensitive to this isolation because they don't trust anyone.

15、智慧不会感到孤独,因为它甚至能和最异己的东西结合。 Wisdom does not feel lonely, for it can even combine with the most alien things.

16、电视这一娱乐传媒虽然可以让无数的人同时为同一个笑话发笑,却依然让人备受孤独。 Although TV, an entertainment medium, can make countless people laugh at the same joke at the same time, it still makes people feel lonely.

17、能与自己娓娓而谈的人决不会感到孤独。 He who can talk to himself will never feel lonely.

18、*置身于人群的时候,往往是最应该自守孤独的时候。 When forced to be in the crowd, it is often the time to be self-contained and lonely.

19、视他人快乐为己乐的人,能赢得朋友;不愿闻他人荣誉的人,才会感到孤独。 Those who regard others' happiness as their own will win friends; those who don't want to hear others' honor will feel lonely.

20、越伟大、越有独创精神的人越喜欢孤独。 The greater and more original people, the more lonely they are.