1、一世孤独,狂妄地追寻永不可及的远方。 Lonely all my life, I pursue unreachable distance.

2、不与别人盲目攀比,自己就会悠然自得。 If you don't blindly compare with others, you will feel at ease.

3、不去怨,不去恨,淡然一切,往事如烟。 Do not complain, do not hate, indifferent to everything, the past like smoke.

4、不是事业为了思想,而是思想为了事业。 It is not the cause for thought, but the thought for the cause.

5、不要拒绝寒冷,它可以积蓄你的能量。 Don't reject the cold, it can store your energy.

6、与其做名人的翻版,不如做自己的正版。 It's better to make your own original than to be a copy of a celebrity.

7、人活一辈子,就图快活舒坦,无愧于心! People live a lifetime, on the map happy and comfortable, worthy of heart!

8、人生从未如此错乱,发现时已然束手无策! Life has never been so chaotic, when found out, has been helpless!

9、人生在世,美好只是一瞬间,珍惜享受吧! Life in the world, beautiful is just a moment, cherish and enjoy it!

10、人生就像一首江南雨巷的诗,如梦亦如幻。 Life is like a poem of rain lane in the south of the Yangtze River.

11、人群中仿佛只有自己,无边无际的冷清! The crowd seems to have only themselves, boundless desolation!

12、人踏不倒地上草,众人能踩出阳关道。 People can not step down on the ground grass, people can step out of the Yangguan road.

13、今日和明日,总得选择一个时间来辛苦。 Today and tomorrow, we have to choose a time to work hard.

14、你必须很努力,才能做到看起来毫不费力。 You have to work hard to look effortless.

15、你走的越远,就有越多的人看你不顺眼。 The farther you go, the more people will look at you.

16、你追我赶拼搏争先,流血流汗不留遗憾。 I'm sorry that I don't sweat first.

17、信任是沟通的基础,坦诚是沟通的态度。 Trust is the basis of communication, and honesty is the attitude of communication.

18、信任,是用来沉淀的,而不是用来挑战的。 Trust is used to precipitate, not to challenge.

19、借鉴青蛙不停跳跃的毅力,永不气馁。 Learn from the frog's perseverance of jumping and never be discouraged.

20、再牛的副驾驶,都不如自己紧握方向盘! No matter how good the co pilot is, it's better to hold on to the steering wheel!

21、凡我放不下的,必是因为我拥有不了的。 Whatever I can't let go must be because I can't have.

22、别等到生活为难你,才后悔昨天不努力。 Don't wait until life is hard for you to regret not working hard yesterday.

23、别让自己一生疲惫,别让余生活得太累! Don't let your life tired, don't let me live too tired!

24、单枪匹马人孤势单,招兵买马人多势众。 A single man is a lonely man, but a large number of people recruit and buy horses.

25、困难像弹簧,你强它就弱,你弱它就强。 Difficulties are like springs. If you are strong, they will be weak; if you are weak, they will be strong.

26、坚持意志伟大的事业,需要始终不渝的精神。 To adhere to the cause of great will requires unswerving spirit.

27、大海,谢谢你替我收藏不能和情人说的话。 Sea, thank you for collecting the words I can't say with my lover.

28、好好爱自己,这是每个女人一辈子的大事。 Love yourself well, it's a lifelong event for every woman.

29、好好的活着,健康快乐的活着,就是幸福。 To live well, to live healthily and happily is to be happy.

30、如果你一贫如洗,我会是你最后的行李。 If you are destitute, I will be your last luggage.

31、姑娘心里最珍视的东西,是她们自己的美貌。 The most precious thing in a girl's heart is her own beauty.

32、学会自立自强,世态炎凉,世界并不善良。 Learn to self-reliance, the world is not good.

33、家!甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫过于家! Home! Sweet home! The best thing in the world is home!

34、工作中可以没有经验,但不能没有学习。 There can be no experience in work, but not without learning.

35、得不到友谊的人,则是终身可怜的孤独者。 Those who can't get friendship are poor loners for life.

36、忌妒别人,不会给自己增加任何的好处。 Jealousy of others will not add any benefits to yourself.

37、快快乐乐,无忧无愁,管它明天怎样呢。 Happy, carefree and carefree, whatever it is tomorrow.

38、总有一天,你的努力,会为你证明自己。 One day, your efforts will prove yourself for you.

39、我们最孤独的,是在心途中迷失了自己。 What we are most lonely is that we lose ourselves in the heart.

40、把心情泛滥给阳光,眯一点儿眼看世界就好。 The mood overflows to the sunlight, squint to see the world is good.

41、放下压力,累与不累,取决于自己的心态。 Put down the pressure, tired or not, depends on their own mentality.

42、是你,让我在失去中,懂得什么是珍惜。 It is you who let me know what is cherishing in losing.

43、有所得是低级快乐,有所求是高级快乐。 Having gains is low-level happiness, while seeking something is high-level happiness.

44、有时候,你感觉很累,是因为想得太多。 Sometimes, you feel tired because you think too much.

45、有时虚无缥缈的梦幻,就是你一生的期待。 Sometimes the illusory dream is the expectation of your life.

46、有许多人是用青春的幸福,作成功的代价的。 Many people use the happiness of youth as the price of success.

47、每天开心笑,累了就睡觉,醒了就微笑。 Smile every day, sleep when you are tired, and smile when you wake up.

48、消费别人的好,也是在透支自己的信用。 Consumption of other people's good, but also in overdraft of their own credit.

49、生命的最大负担,是因为没有任何负担。 The biggest burden of life is because there is no burden.

50、生命的生命应该充满期待、惊喜和感激。 Life should be full of expectation, surprise and gratitude.

51、老子不是超级玛丽,顶不出你要的金币。 I'm not a super Mary. I can't give you the gold you want.

52、自信是胜利的起点,乐观是幸福的前兆。 Confidence is the starting point of victory and optimism is the precursor of happiness.

53、自我批评总能让人相信,自我表扬则不然。 Self criticism always makes people believe, but self praise is not.

54、谁都说活着很累很累,但却谁都舍不得死。 Everyone said that living is very tired and tired, but no one is willing to die.

55、走最远的路,看最美的风景,不忘初心。 Take the farthest Road, see the most beautiful scenery, do not forget the original intention.

56、这个世界上所有的事情,都是五五开的机率。 All the things in the world are five to five.

57、这个世界不缺少理解,缺少的是感同身受。 There is no lack of understanding in this world. What is lacking is empathy.

58、这个社会的女人,个个都活成了女汉子。 Every woman in this society has become a woman.

59、难免埋怨时间的手,把相爱写成相爱过。 It's hard to avoid complaining about the hand of time, writing love as love.

60、静下来,铸我实力;拼上去,亮我风采! Calm down, cast my strength; spell up, bright my style!