1、一两重的真诚,其值等于一吨重的聪明。 One or two weights of sincerity is worth a ton of wisdom.

2、一言之美,贵于千金。 The beauty of a word is more valuable than a thousand gold.

3、丈夫一言许人,千金不易。 A husband's word is not easy.

4、不相信任何人人的人知道自己无信用。 People who don't trust anyone know they don't have credit.

5、为人莫象绣花枕头,外面绣花里面藏糠。 Don't be like a embroidered pillow. Embroider outside and hide chaff inside.

6、人之所助者,信也。 People believe in what they help.

7、人以实,虽疏必密;与人以虚,虽戚必疏。 If a person is solid, he will be dense even though he is sparse; if he is weak with others, he will be sparse even though he is sad.

8、人无诚不立,城无信不强。 A man can not stand without sincerity, and a city without faith is not strong.

9、人而无信,不知其可也。 I don't know if a man is not trustworthy.

10、付出诚信,收获成功。 Pay integrity, harvest success.

11、以信接人,天下信之;不以信接人,妻子疑之。 If you accept others by faith, the world will believe it; if you do not, your wife will doubt it.

12、信不足,安有信。 Trust is not enough.

13、做老实人,说老实话,干老实事,就是实事求是。 To be an honest person, to speak honestly and to do honest things is to seek truth from facts.

14、内外相应,言行相称。 Internal and external correspondence, words and deeds match.

15、出格的颂扬,定是别有用心。 Special praise must have ulterior motives.

16、刁巧伶俐奸,不如忠厚老实戆。 It is better to be honest and honest than clever and treacherous.

17、吹牛与说谎,两者是近亲。 Bragging and lying are close relatives.

18、土扶可城墙,积德为厚地。 Tu Fu can make the city wall, and accumulate virtue into thick land.

19、坦白使人心地轻松的妙药。 Confession is a great antidote to relaxation.

20、坦诚是最明智的策略。 Honesty is the wisest strategy.

21、多一分诚信,多一份信赖。 More integrity, more trust.

22、失信于天下,自绝于未来。 To break faith in the world, to break away in the future.

23、失去了真,同时也失去了美。 Lost the truth, but also lost the beauty.

24、如果习惯于说空话,最可敬的人也会失掉尊严。 If you are used to empty talk, the most respectable people will lose their dignity.

25、实话可能令人伤心,但胜过谎言。 The truth may be sad, but it is better than a lie.

26、忠城老实传家远,狼心狗肺不久长。 The loyal city is honest, the family is far away, the heart of a wolf is not long.

27、打开天窗说亮话。 Open the window and speak up.

28、推人以诚,则不言而信矣。 It is self-evident that people should be honest.

29、欲正其心者,先诚其意,意诚而后心正。 If you want to correct your mind, you should first be sincere, and then you should be sincere.

30、没有比正直更富的遗产。 There is no legacy richer than integrity.

31、甚至上帝也助诚实勇敢者一臂之力。 Even God helps the honest and brave.

32、莫在人前夸己功,别在背后论人非。 Don't praise yourself in front of others. Don't talk about others behind your back.

33、虚伪永远不能凭借它生长在权力中而变成真实。 Hypocrisy can never become true by virtue of its growth in power.

34、虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind.

35、诚信三冬暖,失信三伏寒。 Honesty is warm in winter, and dishonesty is cold.

36、诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。 Honesty and diligence should be your permanent partner.

37、语言犹如枝叶,行为犹如果实。 Language is like branches and leaves, and action is like fruit.

38、贫而无谄,富而无骄。 Poor without flattery, rich without pride.

39、践行诚信,铸就文明。 Practice honesty and build civilization.

40、遵守诺言就象保卫你的荣誉一样。 Keeping a promise is like defending your honor.