1、一个人的观念很难扭转,而观念扭转要靠气氛。 It's hard to change a person's ideas, and it depends on the atmosphere.

2、上帝给予人一部分困难时,同时也添加一分智力。 When God gives people some difficulties, he also adds a little intelligence.

3、不要怪别人不帮你,自己没能力不行。 Don't blame others for not helping you. You can't do it yourself.

4、不要试图控制别人,不要要求别人理解你。 Don't try to control others. Don't ask them to understand you.

5、专业代理,优势尽显,素质提升,你能我能。 Professional agent, advantages, quality improvement, you can I can.

6、世界上有许多好书,但这些书仅仅对那些会读它们的人才是好的。 There are many good books in the world, but these books are only good for those who can read them.

7、为了未来美一点,现在必须苦一点。 In order to be more beautiful in the future, we must be bitter now.

8、人之一生,仅只三天,昨天已逝,明日待来,把握今朝。 A man's life is only three days. Yesterday has passed, but tomorrow will come and grasp the present.

9、人生下来不是为了拖着锁链,而是为了展开双翼。 Born not to drag chains, but to spread wings.

10、人生短暂,每个人拥有的时间都实在有限,怎么能消磨得起呢? Life is short, everyone has a limited time, how can we afford to spend it?

11、今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。 Don't put off till tomorrow.

12、你再优秀,也总有人对你不堪。 No matter how good you are, there will always be people who can't bear you.

13、做人的最高智慧不是表面的聪明,而是内心的高贵品格。 The highest wisdom of life is not the superficial intelligence, but the noble character of the heart.

14、储存阳光,必有远芳。心中有暖,又何惧人生荒凉? Storage of sunlight, there must be far Fang. If you have warmth in your heart, why fear desolation?

15、再穷,也不能没有骨气;再难,也不能坑蒙拐骗。 No matter how poor you are, you can't be spineless; no matter how difficult it is, you can't cheat.

16、凡夫迷失于当下,后悔于过去。圣人觉悟于当下,解脱于未来。 Ordinary people are lost in the present and regret in the past. Sages are aware of the present and free from the future.

17、却将万字平戎策,换得东家种树书。 However, he changed Wanzi Pingrong CE for the book of planting trees.

18、发愁是这个世界上最没用的东西。 The most useless thing in the world.

19、只有优秀的团队,没有杰出的个人。 Only good teams, no outstanding individuals.

20、只有到达终点之时,人们才能更好地享受走过的道路的乐趣。 Only when we reach the destination can people enjoy the pleasure of the road they have walked.

21、只要不放弃努力,就会飞得更高! As long as you don't give up your efforts, you will fly higher!

22、命运不是机遇,而是选择。命运不靠等待,而凭争取。 Destiny is not an opportunity, but a choice. Fate does not depend on waiting, but on fighting.

23、困境创造奇迹,奇迹不会发生在不敢面对困境的人身上。 Difficulties create miracles, and miracles will not happen to those who dare not face difficulties.

24、在离开的那一刻,不要用泪水告别,要用微笑祝福。 At the moment of leaving, don't say goodbye with tears, but wish with a smile.

25、如果你借太多的钱给一个人,你会令此人变成坏人。 If you lend too much money to a person, you will turn the person into a bad person.

26、如果你考虑两遍以后再说,那你说得一定比原来好一倍。 If you think twice before you say it, you must be twice as good as the original.

27、学会忽略,是通向内在平静的一条大路。 Learning to ignore is the road to inner peace.

28、带给你快乐的那个人,更有可能是会带给你痛苦的人。 The person who brings you happiness is more likely to bring you pain.

29、当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞,当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。 Don't give up flying when you can fly. Don't give up your dream when you can dream.

30、忧伤回首看,优悉四处瞧,自信向上望。 Sad looking back, you see around, confident looking up.

31、憎恨别人对自己,是一种很大的损失。 It is a great loss to hate others for yourself.

32、成功的母亲是失败,成功的父亲是汗水。 A successful mother is a failure, a successful father is sweat.

33、成功的道路得靠自己闯,心在哪里,路就在哪里。 The road to success depends on oneself. Where the heart is, the way is.

34、成功这件事,你自己才就是老板! You are the boss if you succeed!

35、成熟的人不需要辩解,仅仅一个微笑就足够了。 Mature people don't need to explain, just a smile is enough.

36、我又不比谁差,只要我坚持下去,成功只是早晚的事。 I'm not worse than anyone else. As long as I persist, success is only a matter of time.

37、所谓坚强就是,失去感情的时候还嘻嘻哈哈。 The so-called strong is, lose feelings when also hee ha ha.

38、抉择充满了人生,每一次抉择都是痛苦或幸福的征兆。 Choices are full of life, and every choice is a sign of pain or happiness.

39、抱最大的希望,付最大的努力,做最坏的打算。 Hope the most, work hard, and prepare for the worst.

40、无情岁月增中减,有味青春苦甜。集雄心壮志,创锦绣前程。 Ruthless years increase and decrease, taste of youth bitter sweet. Set ambition, create a bright future.

41、有些事经历了就成熟了,有些人了解了就了结了。 Some things are mature when they are experienced, while others are over when they understand them.

42、有大快乐的人,必有大哀痛;有大成功的人,必有大孤独。 Those who have great happiness will have great sorrow; those who have great success will have great loneliness.

43、期待,是所有心痛的根源。心不动,则不痛。 Expectation is the root of all heartache. If the heart doesn't move, it doesn't hurt.

44、每一天都是奋斗的起点,是全新的开始。 Every day is the starting point of struggle and a new beginning.

45、每一次发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。 Behind every effort, there must be a double reward.

46、每个人都想和别人不一样,结果是每个人都一样。 Everyone wants to be different from others, and the result is everyone is the same.

47、每个人都是夜空中,一颗耀眼的明星。 Everyone is a dazzling star in the night sky.

48、每个人都是无知的,只是无知的领域不同罢了。 Everyone is ignorant, but the field of ignorance is different.

49、每个成功男人背后,都会有个吃饱饭没事做的女人。 Behind every successful man, there will be a woman who has enough to eat and nothing to do.

50、永远不要只看见前方路途遥远,而忘了自己坚持多久才走到这里。 Never just see the distance ahead, and forget how long it took to get here.

51、永远的繁华在于不断的创新,创新即新契机。 Eternal prosperity lies in constant innovation, which means new opportunities.

52、没有得到想要的,即将得到更好的。 If you don't get what you want, you'll get better.

53、深深的脚印,汇成了成功的画卷。 The deep footprints make a successful picture.

54、热不占人风头,冷不占人炉前。 Hot does not occupy the limelight, cold does not occupy the front of the furnace.

55、生活不仅需要氧气,还需要勇气,还得霸气。 Life needs not only oxygen, but also courage and domineering.

56、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,绝不回头。 Once the road of life is chosen, we should bravely go to the end and never look back.

57、用一颗宽阔之心,包容人事对我们的伤害。 With a broad heart, contain the harm of personnel to us.

58、让来的人来,让去的人去。顺其自然,是对生活最大的成全。 Let those who come, let those who go go go. Let it go is the greatest accomplishment of life.

59、趁着年轻,有拼搏最好的资本。 Take advantage of young, have the best capital to fight.

60、青年时的失败要比壮年时的胜利,老年时的成功更令人满意。 Failure in youth is more satisfying than victory in adulthood and success in old age.