1、万事皆由人的意志创造。——普拉图斯 Everything is created by man's will.
2、丈夫贵不挠,成败何足论。——陆游 If a husband is not tenacious, what's the point of success or failure.
3、不以规矩,无以成方园。——孟子 There is no square garden without rules.
4、不塞不流,不止不行。——韩愈 No more than no flow.
5、人若有志,万事可为。——斯迈尔斯 If a man has a will, everything can be done.
6、任何理论都不如现实具体。——沈从文 No theory is as specific as reality.
7、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。——杜甫 Will be lingjue top, a small view of the mountains.
8、做事没计划,盲人骑害马。——佚名 If you don't have a plan, a blind man will harm his horse.
9、先众人而为,后众人而言。——吕坤 First of all, then of all.
10、内不欺已,外不欺人。——弘一大师 Don't deceive yourself at home, and don't deceive others outside.
11、勤奋是好运之母。——富兰克林 Diligence is the mother of good luck.
12、吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。——庄子 There is a limit to my life and no end to knowledge.
13、困难越大,荣耀也越大。——西塞罗 The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory.
14、天才是永恒的耐心。——米开朗琪罗 Genius is eternal patience.
15、天才是用劳动换来的。——童第周 Genius is bought by labor.
16、失败是坚忍的最后考验。——俾斯麦 Failure is the last test of perseverance.
17、失败是坚韧的最后考验。——俾斯麦 Failure is the last test of tenacity.
18、奇迹多在厄运中出现。——培根 Miracles often occur in bad luck.
19、学而不厌,诲人不倦。——孔丘 Never be contented with your study; never be impatient with your teaching.
20、将相本无主,男儿当自强。——汪洙 Since the prime minister has no master, a man should be self-improvement.
21、尊重生命,完全尊重生命。——杜伽尔 Respect for life, full respect for life.
22、少年进步则国进步。——梁启超 The progress of the youth is the progress of the country.
23、常格不破,人才难得。——包拯 It's hard to break a regular pattern.
24、忽忆周天子,驱车上玉山。——李贺 Suddenly I remember the son of Zhou, driving to Yushan.
25、思路决定出路。——王振滔 Thinking determines the way out.
26、想哪天干,那天就是吉日。——佚名 If you want to do it, it will be a good day.
27、意志坚强,就会战胜恶运。——佚名 If you have a strong will, you will overcome bad luck.
28、成功——功与过的试金石。——拜伦 Success is the touchstone of success and failure.
29、成功是魄力之学。——迪斯罗里 Success is the school of courage.
30、捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。——曹植 When he died in a national disaster, he saw death as a return.
31、捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归!——曹植 Die for a national disaster, and see death as a return!
32、教育是帮助发现的艺术。——范多伦 Education is the art of helping discovery.
33、教育植根于爱。——鲁迅 Education is rooted in love.
34、时间是伟大的导师。——伯克 Time is a great teacher.
35、梦想,是来自宙斯的礼物。——荷马 Dream is a gift from Zeus.
36、欢娱不惜时光逝。——英国 Time goes by for pleasure.
37、没有诚实何来尊严。——西塞罗 No dignity without honesty.
38、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。——卢梭 It's a big crime to waste time.
39、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。──卢梭 It's a big crime to waste time.
40、理想是世界的主宰。——霍桑 Ideal is the master of the world.
41、用功不求太猛,但求有恒。——曾国藩 Hard work is not too fierce, but perseverance.
42、真正的才智是刚毅的志向。——拿破仑 True intelligence is perseverance.
43、真诚才是人生最高的美德。——乔叟 Sincerity is the highest virtue of life.
44、真诚是处世行事的最好方法。——怀特 Sincerity is the best way to do things.
45、石以砥焉,化钝为利。——刘禹锡 Stone to sharpen Yan, blunt for profit.
46、秦城岁芳老,越国春山秀。——李益 Qincheng is old and beautiful in spring.
47、绳锯木断,水滴石穿。——罗大京 Water drips through the stone.
48、胜利属于坚韧不拔的人。——英国 Victory belongs to the persevering.
49、胸无理想,枉活一世。——谚语 If you have no ideal, you will live in vain.
50、自信和希望是青年的特权。——大仲马 Confidence and hope are the prerogative of youth.
51、苦难是人生的老师。——尔扎克 Suffering is the teacher of life.
52、蜀道之难,难于上青天!——李白 It's hard to go up to the sky!
53、言必信,行必果。——孔子 Words must be believed and deeds must be fruitful.
54、言教不如身教。——约翰逊 Example is better than words.
55、闲有余日,正可学问。——陈继儒 Spare time is a good way to learn.
56、闲门向山路,深柳读书堂。——刘Y虚 Leisure door to the mountain road, deep willow reading hall.
57、青年应当有朝气,敢作为。——鲁迅 Young people should be energetic and dare to act.
58、青春是道明媚的忧伤。——郭敬明 Youth is a beautiful sadness.
59、青春须早为,岂能长少年。——孟郊 Youth must be early, how can we grow young.
60、鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。——诸葛亮 keep loyal and devoted to the last.