1、wine酒,依曲平渊,亭玉洪腰腰。 -吴文英《十二郎·Chonghong Bridge" 103, Xiaoli Hongqiao Liu Liu sag, Yue Luo skirt r 缕 gold clothing. - Nalan Xingde "Shanhuazi Xiaoli Hongqiao Liu Ban" 104, He Zhifu He Xi! Bridge crisis can be saved? - Yang Wanli "Cold Food on the 冢" 105, Fuxin rain wash the lake, Xiaojing six bridge. - Zhang Kejiu "Wind into Song · Nine Days" 106, I want to see the new moon, too light, and where the bridge. ——Zhao Wei’s “Love Embroidery 衾·Liu Sikong has thousands of articles” 107, Su Xiaomen’s former Liuwan, and the Jinjin Line 拂Pingqiao. - Wen Tingjun, "The Eight Willows of Yangliu", 108, Jinqiao spring water immersed in Hongxia, Yanliu wind silk slanting shore. - Yan Tao "Tianjin Bridge Wangchun" 109, red board bridge empty, splash skirt people go, still Xiaofeng residual moon. - Nalan Xingde "Light Yellow Willow, Willow" 110, Fuyang Ancient Road, Fuling Bridge, Shi Xing and Qiu Gao. - Wan Yanq "Chaozhongcuo, Fuyang Ancient Road, Fuling Bridge" 111, the drunken river bridge, the Qingguang 愁玉箫. - Gao Guanguo, "Buddha Man, Why do you need to blow the clouds" 112, pick up Ye Chaosuo, Pingbo curls, broken bridges and return to the ship. - Zhang Yan "High Balcony · West Lake Spring Sense" 113, the cross-strait moon bridge flowers half spit. Red translucent muscles, darkly mistaken visitors. - Zhendexiu "Butterfly Flower, Cross-Strait Moon Bridge Flower Half-Spit" 114, faint flying bridge across the wild smoke, Shiji Westside asked the fishing boat. - Zhang Xu "Taohuaxi" 115, North Guoqingxi area, Hongqiao style eye Mid-Autumn Festival, Green Yangcheng Guo is Yangzhou. ——Wang Shizhen, “浣溪沙·红桥” 116, the horizontal bridge of the light yin pool, some rainy flowers. ——Chen Zilong, “Drawing Spring, Rain, Apricot Flower” 117, Ande Five Rainbow, driving the sky as a long bridge. - Li Bai "Gaoshan Wangshan" 118, the wild bridge by the rain, the water to the field. - Liu Changqing "Bixi Villa Xihuang 甫 御 相 》" 119, fishing board bridge east, snow pressure 蓑 clothing cold. - Shi Jing'an "The title of the cold river fishing snow map"Previous page 1 2 Next page

2、万里桥西一草堂,百花潭水正浪。 -杜甫的《狂潮》

3、上原The wind is good, and the middle bridge is flat. - Bai Juyi "Luoqiao cold food for ten rhymes" 51, recalled on the bridge in the afternoon bridge, sitting in the majority is Hao Ying. - Chen and Yi "Linjiang Xian · Night Deng Xiao Ge Yi Luozhong old tour" 52, desolation Nanpu, broken bridge oblique month. - Fang Yuqing "Recalling Qin Yu and Jun Bi" 53, Dongfeng wants to be clear, the son of the bridge is intoxicated. - Zhang Bing "Man Gonghua·Hua Zhengfang" 54, the son of the South Bridge should be happy, the generals of the West. - Du Yanyan "Spring in Beijing has a heart" 55, Jie Anzhen pillow Green Yang Bridge, Du Yu a sound Chun Xiao. - Su Shi "Xijiang Yue is in Huangzhou" 56, Jiuhuashan Road Yunjue Temple, Qingyijiang Village Liuyu Bridge. - Du Mu "Xuanzhou sent a squad to the judges to Shuzhou when the animal wants to go to the official to return to Beijing" 57, waiting for Mei Ren, Xiqiao Liu fine. - Ouyang Xiu, "Tian Sha Xing Houmen Mei Ren" 58, thousand steps Hongqiao, staggered geese, straight to the water temple. - Liu Yong "breaking the music and dew reflection" 59, Heqiao sent people, cool nights. - Zhou Bangyan "Night 鹊 鹊 河 河 河 河 河 河 河 河 河 河 河 河 河 河 河 河 河 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ - Lu You "Bu operator Zimei" 61, West Wind chaotic Yexi Bridge. Autumn is shy in the yellow flower. - Zhang Huan "Sapphire case · quilt out of the suburban title Chen's Mountain Residence" 62, one is still in the depths of the chaotic mountains, lonely bridge. - Huang Gongshao "Sapphire case, the annual social security needle line" 63, Wan Li Qiaoqiao many restaurants, visitors who love to home. - Zhang Ji "Chengdu Qu" 64, the side of the willow wild bridge, the dust before the dark horse. - Qi Ji "send people to visit the fortress" 65, the water rose fish days to shoot Liuqiao. The clouds dragged the rain over the river. - Zhou Bangyan "浣溪沙·水升鱼天拍柳桥" 66, read the moon and join hands, Luqiao smells the flute. - Zhou Bangyan "Lanling Wang Liu" 67, Kushiro invaded the moon, Xiqiao degree Xiaoshuang. - Lvbenzhong "South Songzi · Kushiro invaded the moon" 68, the ancient palace is less leisurely, more water bridges. - Du Fuhe "send people to travel Wu" 69, two water clip mirror 70, twenty-four bridges moonlight night, where does the jade man teach bragging? - Du Mu "send the state Han Han judge" 71, in Maqiao West, but also the old time Fangshu. - Gao Guanguo "Exquisite four criminals, water outside the light Yin" 72, back to the water Xiaoqiao East, smoke sweeping paintings out. - Lei Yingchun "Good things near the plum film for the group fly" 73, Qingxi water, the flow to get the Red Bridge. - Zhang Jingxuan "Xiaozhongshan·Several Shuyao Wicker" 74, chicken sound Maodian month, human traces bridge frost. - Wen Tingjun "Shangshan early trip" 75, I came to the bridge, Huaiqin Qin Ying. - Li Bai "The Lower Bianqiao Bridge Zhangzifang" 76, Yellow Leaf Cover Creek Bridge, the desert village only ancient wood. - Liu Zongyuan "Autumn Xiaoxing Nangu Jing Abandoned Village"

4、不喜欢那个时候,小巧冲着大雨,讨厌两个人知道。 -周邦彦《青春之旅·朝云荒漠之光沙漠之光》

5、丹河桥杨柳峰,西营宜川陶立月。 -宋之文《冷冻食品仍在工业上降落》

6、也受彩虹秋天的支持,有四根烟雾弥漫的桥,一首美酒。 -吴文英《瑞龙吟·送梅金》

7、二十四座桥,颇杜书记无。 -刘Liu翁《归志巷·吹人去》

8、从西风中,冰冻的云朵流过水平桥。 -陈维真《临江县·韩流》

9、何世玉于轩,村桥原树似我的故乡。 -王维《乡村线,马船山小径,菊花楚》 21日,当时在等待池兰桥,今天找到黄叶路。 -周邦彦《玉楼屯·桃溪不安逸》

10、信奉几棵树,白色。 -洪胜《雪希望》

11、刘玉河桥,玉卿大院,短时惹怒春香。 -吴文英《夜鹤花·从鹤江门外入景彭》

12、半烟半雨桥,渔民醉而无人。 -黄庭坚《佛人半烟半榕河大桥》

13、华凯神东很小,通过吊桥羽毛轻盈。 -刘炜《送礼》

14、南浦春来青一川,石桥诸塔二仍。 -范承达《同堂·南浦·春来·绿河》

15、危险的桥梁是一条小路,环绕着稀疏的森林。 -刘宗元《武功元武夷·苦竹桥》

16、去年上虞罗桥,今年的寒食庐山之歌。 -宋之文《江州满堂冷食》

17、古木阴中是一短檐,两极助我过桥东。 -志南《绝句》

18、同年在桥头见刘棉柳。 -汉代“冷食日重访李士元亭有心”

19、吴泰直降,缃梅无限,未放野桥香。 -吴文英《永玉乐·梅时侦探韵》

20、回想起车子的声音冷而容易浇水,时至今日,慷慨地通过了余运桥。 -陈伟军,“南翔子·星州路”

21、夜莺撞倒了霜红,船在傍图桥。 -吴文英《附近的荔枝巷·送人南徐游》

22、小桥断面,月弓不足。 -辛弃疾《沁园春·灵山斋子夫湖建设未完成时》

23、岩柳画桥,风帘翠帘,交错十万居。 -刘Yong《王海潮·东南风胜》

24、带E追刘围外,在床南面画一座桥。 -秦观《纳梁》

25、当官船过桥时,白鸥飞到前滩。 -江淹《渔雪亭》

26、微笑在哪里?荷叶池和一座小桥。 ————陈继如的“浣溪沙·初夏夜饮归”

27、怕凤凰靴,采菜回来,见桥。 -史达祖《东风第一支·春春雪》

28、斜倚的画不雄辩,暗影的阴影笼罩着红色的桥,裙边带有北风。 -纳兰·兴德《王江南·咏弦月》

29、明代是另一艘寂寞的船,见河桥酒绿。 -窦叔《夏夜表弟·老》

30、易增佑寺,当桥怜惜重调。 -杜甫《巡回演唱会》

31、春玉断桥人不够,小船驶出柳阴。 -徐甫《春游湖》

32、是葡萄树的老藤蔓,小桥和水域,古道和瘦马。 -马志远《天目沙·秋丝》

33、晓晓芳草不详,乍凌波,断桥西堍。 -吴文英《西妆慢·清明湖瘦游》

34、曾经与美人桥,恨不得到现在。 -刘禹锡《杨柳枝/柳枝词》

35、松龄路尽头,回望烟浪十四桥。 -江淹《上空的彩虹》

36、极度离异,处处关关大桥野塘。 -陈维珍《元圆春·mar菜红》

37、枫叶成千上万的枝叶,江桥遮盖了晚帆。 -于玄机《江陵盼子》

38、桥北桥南千棵,绿烟金尖峰清溪。 -[朱Xi偾》》》 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [[-白蒲“天井沙·春”

39、桥外有六堤桥,黄树归来已晚。 -温庭“《春岛音乐》

40、梦到蓝桥,当星星映照在竹湖上。 -吴文英《七夕附近的荔枝巷》

41、正一派虹桥路画船萧鼓在溪中。 -纳兰·兴德《寻鱼,雨中雨》

42、汉代入桥,外人,唱凤凰舞。 -[〔[[〔[〔〔〕〕。 -王安石《渔家Home,平安小桥千秀》

43、海曙枝站了很久,飞到小桥西侧。 -宋·郑宣《玉楼屯·雁荡梁画董原无数》

44、清江一曲刘谦,今年20岁,板桥。 -刘禹锡《杨柳枝/柳枝词》

45、渔久河大桥要走,阳光充满了泪水。 -吴文英,“三charming,翻越古城”

46、满洲草不是归来,斜天画桥很冷。 -吴玉凤《玉楼屯,空花园数日无信》

47、短长亭短桥,万阳外桥。 -钱谦益《忆王孙,亭阁长短短》

48、碧叶竹桥是日常活动,人们未见,水是空的。 -秦观《江城子·西城养柳·农春柔》

49、碧水淡山迎冲,夕阳仍在小桥西。 -沈周《书画题》

50、碧溪英力小桥横,青罗市上的寂寞烟。 -谢仪《行脚上六流风光》

51、秋共恋,年底朱桥锁深巷。 -吴文英《解散·醉云醒雨》

52、秋娘和太娘桥,风在飘动,雨是萧萧。 -蒋介石《梅花割·吴江上空划船》

53、第四座桥,计划与一天的其余时间同住。 -江淹《点唇,丁卫东,吴松佐》

54、羊肠白云穿破,雁红桥崖水低。 -徐德镇《西桥柳色》

55、花片飞风蝶,柳吟吟横桥。 -张显《浣溪沙·楼依春江百尺高》

56、莫道蓝桥路,云雾中的僻静广场。 -吴文英《风入歌·为朋赋弹琴》

57、莫金沟露露,四桥全,老子路过。 -苏“《蓝宝石案·送伯古贵吴忠》

58、落雾弥漫,记忆绵长,过桥之后。 -*《上林春陵,11月30日见雪》 31日,潮汐又打了三道瓜台阶,下雨是十里红桥火。 -郑铮,“满江红·四甲”

59、西山白雪三成屯,南浦清江万里桥。 -杜甫《智慧》

60、记得小野题霜,秋小雨,过船长桥。 -吴文英《十二郎·翠虹桥》

61、该男子西北有神舟,莫滴水西桥流泪。 -刘克庄《玉楼屯·临林推》

62、赤坂桥充满了香火街,笼街的精致的刘娇是无能为力的。 -陈可《佛满·赤坂桥上满是香街直》

63、过桥至野色,动石动根。 -贾岛《李立僻》

64、那是个好风景,独自在洛阳桥上。 -李毅《上洛桥》

65、郎至断桥必有路,蹲便,刘如进。 -张惠言《江城子,填张春溪西湖注止》

66、野寺谷美独自一人躺在寒冷的房屋角落里,阴影的影子斜暗在书窗上敲响。 -明本《九字梅花》

67、门的外部垂悬在杨岸边。 -万浩《木兰慢,恨花长成老》

68、雁桥雁柳,曲江台球馆,应予对待。 -陆游“秋天的博美·7月16日晚上,幸福的凉亭望着长安南山”

69、雨中的两只小鸡之一,竹溪村路板桥坡。 -王健《雨过山村》

70、飞雪越过河面,该船在奇兰大桥的一侧。 -老吕“美好的事物近在咫尺,飞雪越过河”

71、香屋之花,断桥头卖鱼人散。 - 马致远《寿阳区·元埔繁贵》

72、鲁阴青紫老溪桥。我为靠近小巧的东方感到羞耻。 -吴文英《西岳悦·芙瑶圃青梅枝上晚花》
