
1, Yangming has no holes, and goes deep into the peaks. - Zhang Wei, "Taishan"

2, how is Zong Zongfu, Qi Luqing is not. - Du Fu "Wang Yue"

3, righteous in the sky, dare to view the landscape? - Zhang Wei "Taishan"

4, will be the top of the summit, a list of small mountains. - Du Fu "Wang Yue"

5, Mou Zong He Cui Wei, the mountains are incomparable. - Jia Lu "Deng Tai Shan"

12, the mountain of Feng Yu people, Fang Hao good face. ——Li Bai’s “You Taishan” is the second

13, Yun Xingxin Changfeng, 飒若羽翼生. - Li Bai "You Taishan" four

14, with the cliff view eight poles, the end of the long idle. - Li Bai "You Taishan" three

15, dill wants to speak, but hides the cloud. - Li Bai "You Taishan" second

16, Ping Ming Deng Day view, raise his hand to open the cloud. - Li Bai "You Taishan" three

17, the sun view of the northeast, two cliffs with double stone. - Li Bai "You Taishan" five

18, sitting in the morning, but see Wu Yunfei. - Li Bai "You Taishan" six

19, Xianren tour Bifeng, everywhere sings hair. - Li Bai "You Taishan" six

20, Yu Zong Tianxia show, Lin Yu all over the world. - Zhang Zhichun "Taishan Xiyu"

21, Qianfeng contends for a gathering, Wan Hao absolutely calendar. - Li Bai "You Taishan" five

22, climbing the cliff on the day view, Fu Xi glimpse the East. - Li Bai "You Taishan" four

23, Tianmen a shout, Wanli breeze. - Li Bai "You Taishan" one

24, six dragons over ten thousand, Shibuya followed. - Li Bai "You Taishan" one

25, Qing Xiao riding white deer, straight to Tianmenshan. - Li Bai "You Taishan" second

26, Shan Mingyue white, night quiet and windy break. - Li Bai "You Taishan" six

27, April Taishan, Shiping Yudao. ——Li Bai’s “You Taishan” is one of the

28, Panshi is temporarily Shuqing, and the wind is coming from the wind. - Li Jian "Deng Yue"

29, Sanfeng Turkic and Tianqi, Tianmen did not climb to work. - Li Jian "Deng Yue"

30, Lin Biao class arches, such as the trend. - Zhang Shiming "Zhen Lingyan Abbot"

31, visit the farming in the late autumn, East Chi Zong Zongtu. - Zhang Shiming, "Yingling Rock Abbot"

32, Songfeng Zhenyan Valley, Shiquan slippery kitchen. - Zhang Shiming "Chengling Rock Abbot"

33, layered stone 磴 out of the forest, back to the hundred percent Qingyun ladder. - Li Jian "Deng Yue"

34, Dongdong Yuegao, Xiuji Chongtian. - Xie Daojun "Taishan 咏" Jin Dynasty

35, Tianmen diarrhea Yinhe water, the sun view over the blue sea. - Wang Shizhen "Deng Yu"

36, Yang Ming no hole, deep to the peak. - Ming and early Qing Dynasty, Zhang Wei, "Taishan"

37, Fengyun went to Tianguan in one fell swoop, and this is the way to be happy. - Zhang Yanghao "Dengyue"

38, Wan Gu Qizhou smoke nine points, five more 沧海日上竿. - Zhang Yanghao "Deng Taishan"

39, three thousand miles of Dongtianfu, the first house of Shenfu Xianyu. - Xu Shilong "Send Tian Nizi to Taishan"

40, returning to the green water v spring mountain, butterfly dance 莺啼 white leisure. - Kang Yuan "Gift Lingxi Xitang Jiangong Zen Master"

41, Bihai smoke is exhausted, Qingfeng snow is half-residual. The ice springs hang over the crowds, and the clouds are soaked in thousands of plates. - Shi Zhangzhang "Snow in the Snow"

42, hand-made red day Deng Sanguan, sleeve Buddha Huang Yi to see Kyushu. - Wang Wei, "He and the Yuanshan Mountain are Taishan Tian Ni Bushan Zhang Zhenren"

43, the past years of the word has been seen, the matter is full of Huayi. The rogue mosquito knows my word. - Lu Dongbin, "Re-Book Wangmuchi"

44, Zhong Shan Ying Xiu Cao Tang Ling, Lin Xia meets more and more clear. ——Wang Wei, “Welcome to the sacred sacred rock, the name of the martial arts, the Buddha’s incense, and the scent of Yan Yun”

45, Shi Zhaozhang in the Qing Dynasty? The blue sea smoke is gone, and the snow is half-residue. The ice springs are suspended

46, Taishan Tianmen, no room Yu Shangyu, Bushan Zhanglian division for the construction; tired years is a success, can be described as a broken day. - Du Renjie "Tianmen Ming"

47, high and can be Deng, male and amiable. The turquoise is the bone and the spring is the heart. Breathing the universe, breathing the clouds. The sea of ​​heaven, the soul of China. - Yang Xin "Taishan 颂"

48, how is Zhai Zongfu, Qi Luqing is gone. The creation of the clock god show, yin and yang cut faint. Swinging the clouds and stratifying the birds. It will be the top of the list, and the mountains are small. - Du Fu "Wang Yue"

49, bowing no Qilu, Dongzhanhai like a cup; fighting on a peak, do not believe that Wanshan opened. On the day, I will help the vicissitudes of life. After watching the Qin Dynasty, there are still Han Huangtai. - Li Mengyang "Taishan"

50, chicken day and wait, far away and Fusang tree. The Bohai Sea is like F gold, and the mountains are like a dragonfly. Distinguished in the peak of Bifeng, in the independent smoke. This stone is five pines, and it is thousands of years old. - Li Deyu "Taishan Stone"

51, the guest came to the rain, the autumn water fell into the golden pool. The stone contains clear brocade, loose hanging green silk. The sorghum jade handle, the boy offers double pears. I am sorry to love Jiajing, when I want to smoke. - Li Bai "The Lingyan Temple Spring Pool"

52, the dome of the dome, 18, the Central Plains sorrowful. The day of the vibrating suit is three autumns, and the sword is in the cold of June. The wind and the yellow river pass through the sea, and the stars are very close to Chang'an. The younger minister is willing to offer Penglai, and it is difficult to hang high. ——Xu Wen通《岱宗》

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6, I dream of the day Nizi, with the peak of the day. - Xu Shilong "Ji Meng"

7, the mountain of Feng Yu people, Fang Hao good face. - Li Bai "You Taishan"

8, Taishan, a high, made heaven. - Lu Ji "Taishan 吟"

9, Tai Zong Xiu Wei Yue, Cui Xi Yun Tian. - Xie Lingyun "Taishan 吟"

10, 峨峨 东岳高, 秀极冲青天. - Xie Daoyu "Taishan 吟"

11, stone path dive clouds, bamboo forest open a secluded environment. - Wang Xu "You Zhulin Temple"