1、一道残阳铺水中,半江瑟瑟半江红。可怜九月初三夜,露似珍珠月似弓。 A setting sun shop in the water, half howling half river red river. Poor early September, dew like pearls on a bow.

2、不知什么时候,你轻轻地落在我鲜红的毛衣上,你把我也当成一朵花了吗? I do not know when, you gently fall on my bright red sweater, you put me as a flower, too?

3、今年夏天,热的让人走在街上,就像进了蒸汽浴室一样难熬。 This summer, it's hot to let people walk in the street, just like in the steam room.

4、冬天,非常寒冷。说实话,我不希望它来临,可是它来临时,我却有异样的感觉。 Winter, very cold. To tell the truth, I don't want it to come, but when it comes, I have the same feeling.

5、到了秋天,桂花树上的桂花都开了,让老远的人们都能闻到那醉人的香味。 In the autumn, the sweet scented osmanthus trees, osmanthus flowers are open, let all the people can smell the intoxicating fragrance.

6、十冬腊月天,雪堵着窗户,冰溜子像透亮的水晶小柱子,一排排地挂在房檐上。 In the dead of winter days, snow blocking the window, like a translucent crystal ice downpipe small columns, rows hung in the eaves.

7、千树万树的红叶,愈到秋深,愈是红艳,远远看去,就像火焰在滚动。 The trees are red, more to the deep autumn, it is red, far from looking like a flame in rolling.

8、叶子黄了,秋风一吹落叶纷纷落下,像一只只蝴蝶在飞舞。 Yellow leaves of autumn wind, leaves are falling down, just like a butterfly in dancing.

9、和煦的阳光,透过稠密的树叶洒落下来,成了点点金色的光斑。 The warm sunshine, through the dense leaves falling down, a little golden spot.

10、地上的土块被晒得滚烫滚烫的,几只黑褐色的大肚蟋蟀,安着弹簧似的蹦来蹦去。 To the mud on the sun is hot hot, a few black brown bellied crickets, with spring like jumping.

11、夏天是炎热的,根据夏天不同的炎热程度,可以分为初夏盛夏和残夏。 Summer is hot, according to the different degrees of hot summer, can be divided into summer and summer summer.

12、夏天里的太阳,就像一个大火球,热的让人无处躲闪。 In the summer sun, like a big fireball, hot people nowhere to dodge.

13、大清早,蝉就高声大叫,告诉人们又一个火热的日子开始了。 Early in the morning, cicadas on the loud shouting, telling people to another hot day started.

14、天气冷得能把湖水结成厚冰刚烧开的水,一落地就结冰了。 The weather was so cold that the lake formed a thick ice just boiled water, a landing on the ice.

15、天气是那样炎热,仿佛一点星火就会引起爆炸似的。 The weather is so hot, as if a little spark can cause an explosion like.

16、天际出现了一抹紫红色的朝晖,像绽开的红玫瑰。 The sky appears a red sun, like the blooming roses.

17、太阳泛起火红的笑脸,使朦胧的校园豁然揭去纱帐。 The sun on the red face, the dim suddenly off campus shazhang.

18、小草偷偷地从土地里钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的。风轻悄悄的,草软绵绵的。 The grass grow from the land, tender, green. The wind is soft and soft, and the grass is soft.

19、小草黄了,树叶黄了,我听见风踩在树叶上沙沙地响。 Grass yellow, yellow leaves, I heard the wind on the leaves rustle.

20、待到秋来九月八,我花开尽白花煞;冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。 Until the autumn of September eight, my white flowers do evil; cupola fragrant array through Changan, curse of the golden flower.

21、拾一枚吻过秋水的卵石珍藏,是珍藏一种秋天的情怀。 Pick up a pebble kiss autumn collection, is a collection of autumn feelings.

22、新春的太阳还不十分暖,可是一片晴光增加了大家心中的与身上的热力。 The spring sun is not very warm, but a light increases your heart and body of the heat.

23、无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。 Xiao Xiao under the edge of the wood, not the Yangtze River rolling. Parking Fenglin love to sit late red flowers in February.

24、春天是一个富有生命力的季节,也是一个美丽神奇,充满希望的季节。 Spring is a full of vitality of the season, is also a beautiful and magical, hopeful season.

25、春天来了,大地上的每一个角落者充满了春天的气息。 Spring is coming, every corner of the earth is filled with the breath of spring.

26、春天的景色真美啊!空气真清新,我爱这里的春天。 Spring scenery is really beautiful ah! The air is so fresh, I love the spring here.

27、春天的江南是美丽的,风很柔和,空气很清新,太阳很温暖。 Spring of the south is beautiful, the wind is very soft, the air isfresh, the sun is very warm.

28、春天随着落花走了,夏天披着一身的绿叶儿在暖风里蹦跳着走来了。 With the falling away in spring, dressed in a green children summer in the walk of crowhop.

29、春风和煦,明媚的春光照在大地上,万物呈现一片生机,形成一幅秀丽的山水图。 The warm spring breeze, bright sunshine shining on the earth, everything has a life, forming a beautiful landscape map.

30、杉树枝头的芽簇已经颇为肥壮,嫩嫩的,映着天色闪闪发亮,你说春天还会远吗? The fir branches bud clusters has been quite fat, tender, reflecting the shiny, you can spring be far behind?

31、果实成熟了,农民伯伯开心的笑了! The fruit is ripe, the farmer uncle happy smile!

32、枯黄的树叶随着萧萧的寒风,纷纷投身于大地母亲的怀抱。 The yellow leaves with Xiao Xiao wind, have devoted themselves into the embrace of mother earth.

33、树叶沙沙作响,在谱写自己的乐曲吗?这声音有高有低,有声有色。 Leaves rustle, and write their own music? The sound of high and low, full of sound and colour.

34、水牛早就躲到了池塘里,整个身子埋在了池水中,只露出一个头在水面上透气。 Buffalo has long been hiding in the pond, the entire body buried in the pool of water, only to reveal a head in the water.

35、河道里平静的水,从冬天的素净中苏醒过来,被大自然的色彩打扮得青青翠翠。 The calm water in the river, came from the winter plain, is the color of nature dressed in green cuicui.

36、深秋的天空里,团团白云像弹好的羊毛,慢慢地飘浮着。 The autumn sky, clouds like playing good wool, slowly floating.

37、清风吹过,一阵阵花雨飘落下来,山野像铺上了一床彩色的大锦被。 The breeze blowing, a rain of flowers falling down, like a mountain covered with a colorful brocade is big bed.

38、满塘的荷花荷叶,远远望去就像碧波上荡着点点五颜六色的帆,煞是好看。 The lotus pond full of lotus leaf, and look like on the Dangzhe little riotous with colour sails, Shashi good-looking.

39、火红的旭日刚刚透出海平面,给美丽恬静的大海抹上一层玫瑰色。 Red sun just from the surface of the sea, to the beautiful and quiet sea with a layer of rose.

40、烈日似火,大地像蒸笼一样,热得使人喘不过气来。 Scorching sun, earth like steamer, hot people breathless.

41、瑟瑟西风满院栽蕊寒香冷蝶难来它年我欲为青帝报与桃花一处开。 The howling westerly full house plant Rui Han Xiang cold butterflies difficult to I want it to open a newspaper and peach qingdi.上一页12下一页

42、知了不住地在枝头发着令人烦躁地叫声,像是在替烈日呐喊助威。 Cicadas do not live in the sticks of hair and a very agitated cry, like in the cheer for the hot sun.

43、秋也许就藏在金灿灿的稻穗上,也许藏在火通通的柿子里,也许藏在绿油油菜地间。 Autumn may hide in golden rice, perhaps hidden in the fire of all in the persimmon, may be hidden in the green room of rapeseed.

44、秋光绚丽,金风送爽,如海的高粱举起火把,无边的大豆摇响铜铃。 The gorgeous autumn light, cool breeze, such as the torch raised sorghum, soybeans endless ringing bells.

45、秋天到了,**开了。有红的,有黄的,有紫的,还有白的,美丽极了! Autumn is coming, chrysanthemum opened. There are red, yellow, purple, and white, beautiful!

46、秋天到了,天空一碧如洗,好像用清水洗过的蓝宝石一样。 In autumn, the sky as blue as the sea, as if with a wash of sapphire.

47、秋天到了,果子熟了。黄澄澄的是梨,红通通的是苹果,亮晶晶的是葡萄。 Autumn is coming, the fruit is ripe. The pears, red apple, sparkling grape.

48、秋天带着一身金黄,迈着轻盈的脚步 Autumn with a golden yellow, with a light footsteps, quietly came to the world.

49、秋天悄无声息地来了,迈着轻盈的步子,带着收获的希望和喜悦。 Autumn quietly came, walked with light steps, with the harvest of hope and joy.

50、秋天是一种廓然空阔的心绪,秋天是一种淡然惬意的闲适。 Autumn is a kuorankongkuo frame of mind, autumn is a cool pleasant leisure.

51、秋天的美是成熟的。它不像春那么羞涩,夏那么坦露,冬那么内向。 The beauty of autumn is ripe. It is not so shy the spring, summer is so open, so to winter.

52、秋天的美是成熟的它不像春那么羞涩,夏那么坦露,冬那么内向。 Autumn is mature it is not so shy the spring and summer is so open, so to winter.

53、秋天的美是理智的它不像春那么妩媚,夏那么火热,冬那么含蓄。 Autumn of the United States is the reason it is not as charming as spring, summer so hot, winter so subtle.

54、秋天,你比春天更富有欣欣向荣的景象,你比春天更富有绚丽的色彩。 Autumn, you are more prosperous than the spring scene, you are more colorful than the spring of the spring.

55、秋天,象征着成熟,意味着丰收。 Autumn, a symbol of maturity,means the harvest.

56、秋是喧闹的,也只有在这个季节才能尽情地品尝每一份收获的喜悦。 Autumn is noisy, and only in this season to enjoy the joy of each harvest.

57、秋是安静的,在这个季节可以静下心来品味生活的每一段。 Autumn is quiet, in this season you can calm down to taste the life of each section.

58、秋风吹,落叶飘,飘呀飘,扑进泥土的怀抱。 The autumn wind blows, the fallen leaves drift, the floating ah float, flutter into the bosom of the earth.

59、秋风萧瑟,层林尽染,一片金黄;阳光下,走在这密林之中,确有一番别样味道。 The autumn wind blows, cenglinjinran, golden; sun, walking in the jungle, there is a different kind of taste.

60、秋,收获的季节,金黄的季节同春一样可爱,同夏一样热情,冬一样迷人。 Autumn, the harvest season, the golden season with the same as the spring of the same spring, as warm as summer, as charming as winter.

61、自古逢秋悲寂寥,我言秋日胜春朝。晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄。 Every autumn sad lonely since ancient times, I made the spring towards autumn wins. The sky Yi he ranked on poetry will be cited to the Bi xiao.

62、走进秋天,凝望那一泓碧水,山云树,会重叠了你的身影。 Into the fall, staring at a blue, Yama Buki, will overlap your figure.

63、路旁的林阴树郁郁葱葱,蝉儿齐声歌唱,它们好像在夸耀自己的季节。 The roadside trees where the cicadas sing a wild profusion of vegetation, they seemed to boast of his season.

64、这年冬天,地都冻裂了缝,小北风像刀子似的猛刮,大雪满天飞。 This winter, the earth cracking joints, small wind like a knife fierce wind, snow flying.

65、这时候正是早上八九点钟,明亮的阳光在树叶上涂了一圈又一圈金色银色的光环。 It was eight or nine in the morning, and the bright sunlight covered the leaves with a circle of gold and silver.

66、远处巍峨的群山,在阳光照映下,披上了金黄色的外衣,显得格外美丽。 The distant mountains, in the sun shine, covered with golden yellow coat, looks very beautiful.

67、那些铁器,被夏天的太阳一晒,就像一个个烤熟的红薯,让人不敢碰一下。 The iron, by summer sun, like a baked potato, let a person dare not touch.

68、那年冬天,那个冷呀,把人冻得鼻酸头疼,两脚就像两块冰。 In the winter, the cold, freezing my Bisuan headache, feet like two pieces of ice.

69、那盛开的荷花挺着碧绿的茎杆,像一位亭亭玉立的少女眺望着远方。 The blooming lotus stand green stems, like a graceful girl watching from afar.

70、金秋的阳光温馨恬静,侗乡的秋风和煦轻柔,蓝天白云飘逸悠扬。 The warm autumn sun quiet, gentle warm autumn wind of Dong Xiang, melodious elegant blue sky and white clouds.

71、金色的蝴蝶,你愿意和我交朋友吗?来吧!飞进我的课本,伴着我走进明亮的教室。 A golden butterfly, would you like to make friends with me? Come on! Flying into my textbook, with me into the bright classroom.

72、金色的阳光透过缝隙,洒在褐色土地滋生的小草上。 The golden sun shines through the cracks and sprinkled on the grass that grows on the brown earth.

73、金黄色的叶子,像一只只美丽的蝴蝶在空中飞来飞去。 Golden leaves, like a beautiful butterfly flying in the sky.

74、金黄色的桂花开了,远远就能闻到香味,等着我们去参观。 Golden sweet scented osmanthus opened, far can smell the fragrance, waiting for us to visit.

75、阳光透过淡薄的云层,照耀着白茫茫的大地,反射出银色的光芒,耀得人眼睛发花。 Sunlight through the thin clouds, shining white ground, reflecting a silver light, Yao people eye color.

76、隆冬的太阳也似乎怕起冷来,穿了很厚很厚的衣服,热气就散发不出来了。 The winter sun seems to fear fromthe cold, very thick clothes to wear, heat is not distributed out.

77、风,轻轻地,温和的吹着,是美丽的秋姑娘姗姗而来。 The wind, gently, gently blowing, is a beautiful autumn girl came.

78、飒爽的秋风,飘然而至,们感到了一丝丝的凉意。 Valiant in autumn, piaoranerzhi, they felt a chill.
