1、一只鸡蛋可以画无数次,一场爱情能吗。——达芬奇 An egg can be painted countless times, a love can.

2、一往情深深几许,深山夕照深秋雨。——纳兰性德 Deep love deep several Xu, deep mountain sunset, late autumn rain.

3、不爱则已,要爱就得有始有终。——丁尼生 If you don't love, you have to have a beginning and a ending.

4、不要愁老之将至,你老了一定很可爱。——朱生豪 Don't worry about getting old. You must be lovely when you are old.

5、不错过任何挑逗,也不为任何人停留。——林夕 Don't miss any teasing and stay for anyone.

6、世人谓我恋长安,其实只恋长安某。——殊同 People say I love Chang'an, but I only love Chang'an.

7、世界上所有的相遇都是久别重逢。——白落梅 All encounters in the world are reunion after a long separation.

8、为你,千千万万遍。——胡塞尼 for you, a thousand times over.

9、今夕何夕,见此良人。——诗经 I'll see him this evening.

10、任何时候为爱情付出的一切都不会白白浪费。——塔索 At any time for love to pay everything will not be wasted.

11、但愿君心似我心,定不负相思意。——李之仪 I hope your heart is like my heart, and I will not lose my love.

12、你再不来,我就要下雪了。——木心 If you don't come, I will snow.

13、你的眼睛向我最后一盼,我的生命就永远是你的。——泰戈尔 Your eyes look at me for the last time, and my life will always be yours.

14、关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈i淑女,君子好逑。——诗经 Guan Guan Ju Jiu, in the river island. A gentle lady is a gentleman.

15、其爱愈深,其言愈寡。——英国 The deeper he loves, the less he speaks.

16、剪不断,理还乱,是离愁。别是一般滋味在心头。——李煜 Cutting constantly, the reason is also chaotic, is the sorrow of separation. Don't be the general taste in my heart.

17、十一月中旬,晴暖如春,明明指的是爱情。——木心 In mid November, it's sunny and warm like spring, which clearly refers to love.

18、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。——白居易 On high, we'd be two birds flying wing to wing. On earth, two trees with branches twined from spring to spring.

19、在所有物是人非的景色里,我最喜欢你。——张悬 I like you the most in all the different scenery.

20、在有生的瞬间能够遇见你,竟花光所有运气。——林夕 I can meet you in the moment of my life, but I spent all my luck.

21、女人吻男人是一种幸福,男人吻女人是一种口福。——韩寒 Women kiss men is a kind of happiness, men kiss women is a blessing.

22、情不知所起,一往而深。——汤显祖 I don't know where I'm going.

23、情人的眼睛如果失去光彩,心中的花朵一定枯萎。——波兰 If the lover's eyes lose luster, the flowers in the heart will wither.

24、惆怅东栏一株雪,人生看得几清明。——苏轼 Melancholy Donglan a snow, life to see how clear.

25、想不付出任何代价而得到幸福,那是神话。——徐特立 It's a myth to want to be happy without paying any price.

26、我会不爱你吗?不爱你?不会。爱你就像爱生命。——王小波 Will I not love you? Don't love you? can't. Loving you is like loving life.

27、我爱你,因为你比我更像我自己。——宫崎骏 I love you because you are more like myself than I am.

28、我爱你,没有什么目的。只是爱你。——安妮宝贝 I love you for no purpose. Just love you.

29、执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。——柳永 Holding hands to look at each other's tears, there is no language to choke.

30、拌着眼泪的爱情是最动人的。——司各特 Love with tears is the most moving.

31、换我心,为你心,始知相忆深。——顾 For my heart, for your heart, I know the deep memories.

32、时光如水,总是无言。若你安好,便是晴天。——徐志摩 Time is like water, always speechless. If you are well, it will be sunny.

33、晓看天色暮看云,行也思君,坐也思君。——唐寅 When you look at the sky at dawn and clouds at dusk, you will miss you when you are walking or sitting.

34、有生之年能遇见你,竟花光我所有运气。——林夕 It took all my luck to meet you in my lifetime.

35、有钱,爱情就能长久。——卡克斯顿 Money makes love long.

36、朝三暮四的爱,不叫爱。——欧里庇得斯 Love is not love.

37、每想你一次,天上h落一粒砂,拇诵纬闪巳龉拉。——三毛 Every time I miss you, a grain of sand falls from the sky, and the Sahara is formed.

38、每想你一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了撒哈拉。——三毛 Every time I miss you, a grain of sand falls from the sky, and from then on the Sahara is formed.

39、爱人也即求人爱。——巴克利 To love is to ask for love.

40、爱你时,觉得地面都在移动。——海明威 When I love you, I feel the ground is moving.

41、爱情不过是一种疯狂。——莎士比亚 Love is just a madness.

42、爱情付报酬,劳苦也轻松。——英国 Love pays, and labor is easy.

43、爱情和智慧,二者不可兼得。——培根 Love and wisdom cannot be both.

44、爱情和红算子一样是遮掩不住的。——霍尔克罗夫特 Love and the red operator is the same can not hide.

45、爱情和谋杀一样,总是要暴露的。——威·康格里夫 Love, like murder, is always exposed.

46、爱情好比火焰,没有养料就会熄灭。——莱蒙托夫 Love is like a flame, it will go out without nourishment.

47、爱情是兴致勃勃的外来客,是外来的自我。——爱献生 Love is an exuberant stranger and a foreign self.

48、爱情是友谊的精华,书信是爱情的妙药。——詹·豪厄 Love is the cream of friendship, and letter is the magic pill of love.

49、爱情有一千个动人的心弦而又各不相同的音符。——乔·克雷布 Love has a thousand moving heartstrings and different notes.

50、爱,不过是一种享受贪欲的和永远不满足的热望而已。——蒙田 Love is nothing but a desire to enjoy greed and never be satisfied.

51、男思功名女盼爱。——丁尼生 Men think of fame and fame, and women look forward to love.

52、自问我可以赢你,但喜欢输给你。——黄伟文 I can win you, but I like to lose to you.

53、若教眼底无离恨,不信人间有白头。——辛弃疾 If you teach your eyes to hate, do not believe that there is white head in the world.

54、莫道不销魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。——李清照 Mo Dao is not enchanted, curtain volume west wind, people thinner than yellow flowers.

55、证明爱情要用事实而不能用理智。——西班牙 To prove love, use facts, not reason.

56、谁口口声声说“我不爱”,谁就在爱。——奥维德 Whoever says "I don't love" is in love.

57、那一刻,我很暖。——王家卫 At that moment, I was warm.

58、默然相爱,寂静欢喜。——仓央嘉措 Silent love, silent joy.