1、一旦选择相信,一切皆有可能。 Once you choose to believe, it's possible.

2、上帝已经死了,因为我的存在。 God is dead because of me.

3、人们不容易找到,尤其是最难找到自己的人。 People are not easy to find, especially the hardest to find their own people.

4、人们会在自己变得深邃的同时,改变爱法。 People will change the love law while they become profound.

5、人们必须在心中怀着混乱,为了能够创造一个舞动的新星。 People have to have chaos in their hearts in order to be able to create a new dancing star.

6、人才出于贫寒家庭,莲花开在死水。 Talent out of poor families, lotus blossom in the dead water.

7、人最终喜爱的是自己的欲望,不是自己想要的东西! What people ultimately like is their own desire, not what they want!

8、人生没有目的,只有过程,所谓的终极目的是虚无的。 There is no purpose in life, only process. The so-called ultimate purpose is nothingness.

9、人类唯有生长在爱中,才得以创造出新的事物。 Only when human beings grow up in love can they create new things.

10、人类的生命,不能以时间长短来衡量,心中充满爱时,刹那即为永恒! Human life can not be measured by the length of time, when the heart is full of love, the moment is eternal!

11、他们自己不想去爱,却要依赖于爱而活。 They don't want to love themselves, but they have to live by love.

12、他想要自己一个人走,因为他喜欢独行。 He wants to walk alone because he likes to walk alone.

13、但凡不能杀死你的,最终都会使你更强大。 But whoever can't kill you will eventually make you stronger.

14、你们一本正经,我万事游戏。 You are serious, I play everything.

15、你看着深渊的同时,深渊也在看着你。 When you look at the abyss, the abyss is looking at you.

16、凡不能毁灭我的,必使我强大。 Whoever cannot destroy me will make me strong.

17、出于爱所做的事情,总是发生在善恶的彼岸。 What you do out of love always happens on the other side of good and evil.

18、只有作为一种审美现象,人生和世界才显得是有充足理由的。 Only as an aesthetic phenomenon, life and the world are well justified.

19、只有经历过地狱磨难的人才有建造天堂的力量。 Only those who have experienced the ordeal of hell have the power to build heaven.

20、只要活着,就会有很多不得不做、不得不接纳的事情应运而生。 As long as we live, there will be a lot of things that have to be done and accepted.

21、在你望向深渊时,深渊亦注视着你。 When you look at the abyss, the abyss also looks at you.

22、在爱情中总是免不了有那么一点点疯狂,但疯狂中也有它的理由。 There is always a little crazy in love, but there are reasons for it.

23、在现实中,希望是所有*中最糟糕的,因为它延长了一个人的痛苦。 In reality, hope is the worst of all the evils, because it prolongs one's pain.

24、在疯人院随便逛一下你就能了解,信仰什么也证明不了。 Just stroll around the madhouse and you'll see that faith proves nothing.

25、坏人指的不是那些加害于我们的人,而是那些卑贱渺小的人。 Bad people are not those who hurt us, but those who are humble and small.

26、坚信比谎言更是真理的敌人。 Faith is more the enemy of truth than lies.

27、太阳啊!如果没有你所照耀的人们,你的荣耀又在哪里呢? Sun! Without the people you shine on, where is your glory?

28、好人之所以弱小,是因为他们没有强大到变恶的程度。 The reason why good people are weak is that they are not strong enough to become evil.

29、如果你无法潜到水底,就不要说水是深不可测的。 If you can't dive to the bottom, don't say the water is immeasurable.

30、孤独是一种心脏疾病。独自一人是一种治疗。 Loneliness is a heart disease. Being alone is a treatment.

31、完全不谈自己是一种甚为高贵的虚伪。 It is a very noble hypocrisy not to talk about oneself at all.

32、对他人是快乐的人,对自己是睿智的人。 He is happy to others and wise to himself.

33、对待生命,你不妨大胆一点,因为我们始终要失去它。 Treat life, you might as well be bold, because we always have to lose it.

34、平淡的生活,往往是最危险的。 Plain life is often the most dangerous.

35、当你凝望深渊时,深渊也凝望着你。 When you look at the abyss, the abyss also looks at you.

36、当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视着你。 When you gaze at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.

37、我们自身的好恶常常会施加在别人身上,并产生有益或者有害的结果。 Our own good and evil are often imposed on others and produce beneficial or harmful results.

38、我们飞翔得越高,在那些不能飞翔的人眼里,就越是渺小。 The higher we fly, the smaller we are in the eyes of those who can't.

39、我已经写够了这个世界,现在让这个世界来写我吧! I've written enough about the world, now let the world write about me!

40、我憎恨狭窄的灵魂,那些灵魂既不生善,也不生恶。 I hate narrow souls, which do not produce good or evil.

41、我祈祷我的高傲陪伴我的智慧! I pray that my pride will accompany my wisdom!

42、所谓智慧,就是孤独者在人声鼎沸的市场上对自己的窃窃私语。 The so-called wisdom is the lonely whispering to themselves in the noisy market.

43、所谓高贵的灵魂,即对自己怀有敬畏之心。 The so-called noble soul is to have a reverence for oneself.

44、最深沉的精神也必须是最轻佻的,这几乎是我哲学的公式。 The deepest spirit must also be the most frivolous, which is almost the formula of my philosophy.

45、没有真理,只有解释。 There is no truth, only explanation.

46、白昼的光,如何能够了解夜晚黑暗的深度呢? How can the light of the day understand the depth of the night darkness?

47、真理用单纯平淡的语气,叙述着最高的深远。 The truth narrates the highest profound meaning in a simple and plain tone.

48、神是一种思想,使一切直者变曲,使一切立者旋转的思想。 God is an idea that makes all the upright become curved and makes all the upright rotate.

49、窥视深渊者,必为深渊所窥视。 He who peeps into the abyss will be peeped into by the abyss.

50、纵使人生是一场悲剧,我们也要快乐的将它演完。 Even if life is a tragedy, we should play it out happily.

51、要破坏一件事,最刁钻的办法是:故意用歪理为这事辩护。 The most tricky way to destroy one thing is to deliberately defend it with a false reason.

52、让风将我吹回所来之处,但求相随,腾空而行。 Let the wind blow me back to where I came from, just follow me and fly away.

53、许多真理都是以笑话的形式讲出来。 Many truths are told in the form of jokes.

54、诚实是一座阶梯,也是达到认识之前的手段之一。 Honesty is not only a ladder, but also one of the means to realize.

55、读书给我更多的憩息,引导我散步在别人的知识与灵魂中。 Reading gives me more rest and guides me to walk in other people's knowledge and soul.

56、谁的思想过于丰富,谁就宁愿把自己变愚。 Whoever has too much thought would rather be foolish.

57、谁若是想创造超越自己的东西,我便认为他具有最纯洁的意志。 If anyone wants to create something beyond himself, I think he has the purest will.

58、造就伟人的,不是高尚感情的强度,而是高尚感情的持续时间。 What makes great people is not the strength of noble feelings, but the duration of noble feelings.

59、那些没有消灭你的东西,会使你变得更强壮。 What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.

60、鄙薄自己的人,却因此而作为鄙薄者,尊重自己。 Despise oneself person, but therefore as despise person, respect oneself.

61、银白的,轻捷地,像一条鱼,我的小舟驶向远方。 Silver and white, light and quick, like a fish, my boat sailed far away.