1、一世繁华万世功,没有积累哪有成。 I busy does not work, which has no accumulation.

2、一切深厚的东西,都来自于最微小的积累。感情尤甚。 All the deep things, from the smallest accumulation. Feelings.

3、一勺勺积累的东西,不要用桶倒出去。 A scoop of a spoon accumulation of things, do not use barrels to pour out.

4、三年的积累与沉淀,只为一朝浴血奋战! Three years of accumulation and precipitation, just for once fought!

5、人最大的乐趣莫过于挥霍,但首先得有足够多的积累。 Man's greatest pleasure is to squander, but must first have enough accumulation.

6、人生的任何经历都是一种积累,积累的越多,我们就成长的越快。 Any experience of life is a kind of accumulation, the accumulation, the more we grow faster.

7、伟大就是平凡积累出的高大。 Great is the ordinary accumulation of tall.

8、伟大的事情都是在积累中完成的。 All great things are done in the middle of accumulation.

9、你有一天将遭遇的灾祸是你每一段疏懒时间积累的报应。 One day you will encounter the evil is the reward of you each a slothful time accumulation.

10、信任是一天天积累起来的,不信任也是。 Trust is built up from day to day, don't trust too.

11、先做小事,先赚小钱—为做大事赚大钱积累经验。 Do small things, to earn money, to make it big money accumulated experience.

12、别老说总有一天,所有的一切都是每天的努力积累的。 Don't say old someday, it's all efforts to accumulate every day.

13、取得的成功会消失,犯下的错误会积累。 Success will disappear, mistakes will be accumulated.

14、只是过着生活,但令人悲伤的事到处积累着。 Just live a life, but the sad thing everywhere accumulation.

15、失望是一天天积累的,离开是很长的决定。 Disappointment is accumulated day by day, to leave is a long decision.

16、好的习惯也不是一蹴而就的,需要的是反复的积累。 Good habits is not achieved overnight, need is the accumulation of again and again.

17、小事一般不会爆发矛盾,除非同样的事积累了很多次。 Things don't usually outbreak of contradictions, unless the same thing has accumulated a lot of time.

18、岁月一页页翻过,阅历一天天积累,最后你更加崇尚单纯。 Page over years, experience accumulated day by day, and finally you much more simple.

19、平凡的我们要把自己的每天积累起来。 Ordinary we want to put their own accumulated every day.

20、年复一年积累的学问, Day after day, year after year, the accumulated knowledge, unable to understand.

21、思想需要经验的积累,灵感需要孤独的沉淀,最细致的体验需要最宁静透彻的观照。 Ideas need experience and inspiration to loneliness of precipitation, the most meticulous experience need quiet thorough reflection.上一页12下一页

22、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。 The accumulation of success is that a little bit to day by day.

23、我们人生积累的所有经验都来自于坏人。 We all experience comes from bad life.

24、把你想要积累的沉淀为自己的东西。 The accumulated precipitation for their own things you want.

25、抓紧当下,任性做事;积累快乐,幸福一生。 Grasp the present moment, capricious; Accumulation of happy, happy life.

26、敢于尝试,知道积累,生活幸福。 Accumulation of dare to try, you know, a happy life.

27、文明不是短期能积累起来的,但却可以毁灭与一旦。 Civilization is not short-term can be accumulated, but can be destroyed and once.

28、时光的真谛,在于一点一点积累和珍惜。 The essence of time and is accumulated bit by bit and cherish.

29、最好量的积累,以达到质变。 The quantity is best, in order to reach the qualitative change.

30、每天的积累虽微不足道,却垫高了明天的人生! The accumulation of every day is insignificant, but it higher lifetomorrow!

31、每天都要为自己的狂妄积累资本。 Every day for his arrogance of capital accumulation.

32、没有毫无道理的横空出世,没有大量的积累和感悟,是不会把事情做好的。 There is no unreasonable was born, a lot of accumulation and comprehension, won't get things done.

33、热爱不完美的自己。积累坚强,面对阳光。 Love is not perfect myself. The accumulation of strong, in the face of the sun.

34、爱是积累起来的,不爱也是。 Love is accumulated, not love, too.

35、生命在前行中顿悟,岁月在积累中生香。 Life insight in the forward, the years in the accumulation of color.

36、知识是靠自己不断积累的,能力越高失算几率越小。 Knowledge is accumulated on their own, the less ability is higher risk miscalculations.

37、知识的积累如同用针挖井。 The accumulation of knowledge like digging a well with a needle.

38、积累回来的,永远都是自己的。 Accumulation of come back, will always be their own.

39、积累的是经验,沉淀的是时光。 Accumulation of experience, the precipitation is time.

40、积累的知识越多,成功的希望就越大。 The greater the accumulation of knowledge, the more the hope of success.

41、积累,是要成为一名合格的人才。 Accumulation, is to become a qualified talents.

42、聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。 Intelligent out of diligence, genius is gained by accumulation.

43、记录下来,积累出总结的力量。 Recorded, accumulate the forces of the summary.

44、运用一分知识,需要十分积累。 One point for knowledge, need is gained by accumulation.

45、这个时代,认知升级远比积累知识重要。 This day and age, cognitive upgrade is far more important than accumulation of knowledge.

46、青春是个积累的时代,而不是冒失的根源。 Youth is an accumulation of time, not the root of the rash.
