1、一个人很久不联系,就会有距离。 A person not a long time, there will be a distance.

2、一路上只有影子相伴,可影子还在笑我孤单。 Along the way, only the shadow accompanies, can still smile in my lonely shadow.

3、不要**情弱智,关注自己的幸福不等于将就别人,与有希望与你共命运的人在一起才理智。 Don't be concerned about their love retarded, happiness will not equal to others, and hope with you the fate of people together to reason.

4、也许爱情只是因为寂寞。需要找一个人来爱。即使没有任何结局。 Maybe love is just because of loneliness. Need to find a person to love. Even if there is no end.

5、也许,这一生只是一个人偶地角色无力改变什么。 Perhaps, this life is only one of my role to change what.

6、亲爱的,我只想对你说:我爱你,这辈子最开心的是和你在一起的时光。 Dear, I just want to say to you: I love you, this life the most happy is the time with you.

7、人不怕卑微,就怕失去希望,期待明天,期待阳光。没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去。 People are not afraid of humble, for fear of losing hope, looking forward to tomorrow, looking forward to the sun. What did not go, but can not go back.

8、人,生在床上,死在床上,欲生欲死,也在床上。 People born in bed, dying in bed, life and death, but also on the bed.

9、什么都无关紧要,只要有你就好。 What are of no great importance, as long as you have a good.

10、他来我空间一次都要删一次访客,他不知道我空间只对他一个人开放。 He came to my room once to delete a visitor, he did not know that I only open space for him.

11、你以清风兑酒为我解千愁我以冬雪煮茶为你添一梦。 You with the breeze against the wine for me to cook my unhappy solution snow tea add a dream for you.

12、你对一个人有欲望,那叫喜欢,你为一个人忍住欲望,那叫爱。 You have a desire for a person, that is love you as a person, his desire, that is love.

13、你有你的孤独,我有我的寂寞,太多时候我们都习惯了关上心门来看这个世界。 You have your lonely, I have my loneliness, too much when we are accustomed to close the door to see the world.

14、你满不在乎的,弃之如履的,却是我梦寐以求也得不到的。 You are careless, abandoned as he is, I don't get the dream.

15、你的选择我尊重你,不要问我为什么,就算知道了也是多余。 Your choice I respect you, don't ask me why, even if that is superfluous.

16、你给了我所有希望。却又遮住了我的阳光。 You gave me hope. But I covered the sun.

17、再深的深情,也不能让你再爱我。 Deep affection, will not let you love me again.

18、别感动我,然后头也不回的离开我。 Don't touch me, then I did not return from.

19、单身不可怕,可怕的是连喜欢的人都没有,甚至是去喜欢人的心气儿都没有。 The single is not terrible, terrible is even love people who are not, even to love people without heart.

20、原来我从来没有走进你的心,我还天真的认为我是你的唯一。 I never walk into your heart, I also naive to think that I was the only one.

21、原来爱情从来都没有离开过,只是我记得你却忘记了。 The original love never leave, but I remember you forgot.

22、回忆真的不是铅笔写错的作业,拿块橡皮就可以将全部擦掉。 Memories really not wrong pencil homework, take the eraser can erase all.

23、因为渴望,所以失望。因为失望,所以坚强。 Because of the desire, so disappointed. Because of disappointment, so strong.

24、失去你,我会象一只孤独的伤情鸟,寂寞地度过每一个想你的黑夜。 Losing you, I would like a lonely bird when lonely, you want to spend every night.

25、如果可以的话,我愿意用生命中的每一分每一秒陪着你,可是,现在我能做的,只是每一分每一秒想着你! If you can, I would like to use life in every minute with you, but now I can do, just every minute you think!

26、如果命运抓住了你的喉咙,你就挠命运N胳肢窝。 If fate caught your throat, you scratch your armpit fate.

27、婚前希望你的就是我的,我的就是你的。婚后肯定你的就是我的,我的就是你的。离婚后你还是你的我还是我的。 I hope before you is I, I is you. Sure you are my marriage, I is you. After the divorce, you or your me or my.

28、就算你可以风情一世,我也可以**一世。 Even if you can style one, I can also be a coquettish.

29、工作上有烦恼时很正常的,动不动就带回家是不理智的,不负责任的,哪里出了问题在哪里解决。 Work on the trouble very normal, motionless on the home is not sensible, irresponsible, where the problem is solved.

30、总做一个梦,梦里有你有我,没有爱情。 Always have a dream, dream of you and me, no love.

31、想你想成了心事,等你等成了坚持,眼中渴望来不及掩饰又如此诚实。 You want to become a worry, waiting for you to insist, eyes eager to hide and not so honest.

32、想要的更多,想抓的更牢,却在刺伤了手心的时候,一切不经意间轻轻溜掉。 Want more, want to catch more firmly, was stabbed palms when all inadvertently gently slip.

33、感情岌岌可危,两个人不信任便是结束的绝对。 Two people don't trust the feelings in jeopardy, it is the end of the absolute.

34、愤怒以愚蠢开始,以失败告终。 Anger begins with folly, ended in failure.

35、愿有人为你皱眉,为你彻夜不睡,为你一生无悔。 May have you frown, for you to stay awake, for your life without regret.

36、我不是不能原谅,只是没有信任的爱情就成了一幕荒诞剧。 I can not forgive, just don't trust the love has become a fantastic drama.

37、我们会消失在时光里,以至于后来互不相识。 We will disappear in time, so that do not know each other.

38、我们成全了爱情,但爱情为何总是这般。 We all love, but why love is always so.

39、我夜夜思念,我夜夜怀想,数着手指,倒记着时间,两秒,一秒。又怎能数的尽我们深深的爱恋? Every night I miss, I miss the night, a number of fingers, but remember that time, two seconds, one second. How can the number of as much as we love?

40、我天生冷漠孤僻也只肯对你温柔的笑。 I was born with aloofness has only a gentle smile on you.

41、我就像一颗洋葱,内心酸痛,却依然爱你。我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。 I like an onion, heart pain, but I still love you. I have been behind you, and sent you a back.

42、我希望躺在向日葵上,即使沮丧,仍然向着阳光。 I want to lay in sunflower, even depressed, still toward the sun.

43、我希望阳光很暖,微风不燥,时光未老,朋友不散,爱人不离。 I hope the sun is very warm breeze, not dry, not old time friends, not scattered, not from love.

44、我开始想要过的快乐,睡在床上,有牵挂,你以后不会再觉得孤独了。 I wanna be happy, sleep in a bed, have roots, you'll never be alone again.

45、我很清醒我没必要对没必要的人,做没必要的事,受没必要的伤。 I'm awake I don't need to have the necessary, no need to do things by unnecessary injury.

46、我想要的并不多,只想要一个疼我的人,仅此而已。 What I want is not much, just want a person who cares about me, only this.

47、我撒了个天大的谎,我说我从未爱过你。 I told a big lie, I said that I never loved you.

48、我深深地恳求你;不要把我逐出你的爱门之外,我一分一秒也不能缺少你的爱。只有赢得你的爱,我的生命才有光彩。 I deeply implore you; don't you love me out of the door, I would not missing a minute of your love. Only to win your love, my life is only glory.

49、我的心是一条弯弯曲曲的小溪,千回百转,兜兜转转,最终都将流向你。 My heart is a meandering stream, innumerable twists and turns, twists and turns, will eventually flow to you.

50、我的恋爱已折断了党羽 My love has not broken wings, flying in the wind blowing continuous fluttering down.

51、我的爱情坚持了很久,却没到最后。 I love to insist for a long time, but not the end.

52、我讨厌对我忽冷忽热的人,是不是没人陪你了,你才想起我? I dislike to me who is sometimes hot and sometimes cold, no one to accompany you, you will think of me?

53、我那样爱你,你为什么还要忍痛欺骗。 I love you, why do you have to deceive.

54、所谓坚强就是,得不到一份感情,至少要用骄傲的姿态目睹它完整的离去。 The so-called strong, not a feeling, at least in a proud posture see it complete.

55、收拾起心情,继续走吧,错过花,你将收获雨,错过这一个,你才会遇到下一个。 Pack up the mood, continue to go, miss the flowers, you will harvest the rain, missed this one, you will encounter next.

56、散了算了,离开了平静了,时间不可能停在原来的时间,失去的已失去了,过了今天明天一定还会拥有别的。 Scattered forget, leave the quiet, time can not stop at the original time, lost has lost, after today will have another tomorrow.

57、无论受了多少委屈,我只会把它憋在心里。不是不想说,只是不知道该怎么说,能和谁说。 Regardless of the number of grievances, I can only put it inside. Do not want to say, but I don't know what to say, who can say.

58、有一种默契就叫做我不联系你,你也不联系我。 There is a tacit understanding is called I do not contact you, you do not contact me.

59、有些事,不经意也会想起;有些回忆,白发苍苍也无法忘记;有些伤口,别人永远看不见,因为它就在你的心里深藏。 Some things, inadvertently can remember; some memories, white haired also can't forget; some wounds, others will never see, because it is in your heart deeply. 上一页12下一页

60、有些事,总能让你看清一些人,放下一些执着! Some things, always can let you see some people, less persistence!

61、有些话,你不经意的说出口,我都会很认真的难过很久很久。 Some words, you expect them to say, I will seriously sad for a long time.

62、有时候,喜欢听歌不是因为歌唱得好听,而是因为歌词写得象自己。 Sometimes, not because of love songs sing well, but because the lyrics like yourself.

63、有没有一个地方,让我可以不惧悲伤的躲藏。 Is there a place, so I can't fear sad hide.

64、有没有那么一瞬间,想把一秒钟变成一辈子。 Is there a moment, want to become a second.

65、有种孤独是莫名其妙的,没有理由,更没有发泄口。 A kind of loneliness is rather baffling, no reason, no outlet.

66、朋友说我疯了,我答:我本来就没正常过。 A friend said I was crazy, I replied: I was not normal.

67、每一个说不相信爱的人,其实心里都装着一个不可能的人。 Every one that does not believe love, in fact, my heart is filled with an impossible person.

68、没想到的是,曾经那段暗恋的时光竟成为后来我们津津乐道的话题。 I did not expect that, once that time has become like we talked about the topic.

69、爱上一个人,我们都没有错,只是走了不同的一个分岔路口。 Love a person, we are not wrong, just take a different fork in the road.

70、看到你的手我就能安心,陪你天涯海角。 See your handI can feel at ease, to accompany you to the remotest corners of the globe.

71、真正你爱的人,其实总惹你生气,你却发觉不了他到底做错了什么。 You really love the people, in fact, always make you angry, but you can not find what he had donenothing wrong. 

72、离开的时候请不要回头,以后活着也不要来找我。 When leaving, please do not look back, but don't come to me later.

73、绕过世事的浮华,冷眼外界的纷忧。 Around the world too flashy, cold outside.

74、自己脚下的路,需要自己一步一步脚踏实地的走下去。 The road under your feet, you need a step by step go down-to-earth.

75、花时间去解释,不如花时间去证明。 Take the time to explain, do not spend time to prove.

76、请允许我小小的骄傲、因为有你这样让我依靠。 Please allow me a little proud, because you are so let me rely on.

77、过去已经是回忆的灰烬,而未来是人们投射出来的假象。 The past is the ashes of memories, and the future is projected illusion.

78、这世上什么都是假的,对自己好点。 In this world, what is false, for their own good points.

79、那些曾经以为念念不忘的事情就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。 Who have been obsessed with the things we never forget the process, we were forgotten.

80、那些零碎的记忆,渐渐失去了方向。 The fragmentary memories, gradually lost direction.
