1、一个受过教育的人不会遭受压迫,因为他具有独自思考的能力。 An educated person will not be oppressed, because he has the ability to think independently.

2、不要习惯了黑暗就为黑暗辩护。 Don't get used to the darkness.

3、不过,即使岁月不停恐吓。 However, even if the years are not stop intimidation.

4、人们不能对正义无所作为、无所表示、无所反应,不能不*压迫,不能不为建设一个好的社会、好的生活而作出努力。 People will not be able to just do nothing, which said, no reaction, protests against oppression, not for the construction of a good society, good life and efforts.

5、但愿普天下所有的人有工作、面包、水和盐。 I hope all the people in the world have jobs,bread, water and salt.

6、作为领袖,最好是在后方领导,让其他人站在前线,尤其是在庆祝胜利或好事时;但在危险时,你要站在前线。这样,人们会欣赏你的领导力。 As a leader, it is best to lead in the rear, so that other people stand on the front line, especially in celebration of victory or a good thing, but in danger, you have to stand on the front line. In this way, people will appreciate your leadership.

7、你若光明,这世界就不会黑暗。你若心怀希望,这世界就不会彻底绝望。你如不屈服,这世界又能把你怎样。 If you are bright, the world will not be dark. If you have hope, the world will not despair. If you don't give in, what can the world do to you.

8、假如有寻求和平对策的意志和承诺,那么南非会一直是处于冲突中的国家可以效仿的例子。 If there is the will and commitment to seek peace policy, then South Africa will always be in the conflict in the country can follow the example.

9、冒大险的人常常需要承担大的责任。 People who take big risks often have to take big responsibilities.

10、决不愿以酋长身份统治一个受压迫的部族,而要以一个战士的名义投身于民族解放事业。 Never want to rule an oppressed clan in the name of the chief, but in the name of a soldier to join the cause of national liberation.

11、别担心,放轻松,要快乐! Don't worry, relax and be happy!

12、勇敢的人并不是感觉不到畏惧的人,而是征服了畏惧的人。 A brave man is not the one who can't feel the fear, but the one who has conquered the fear.

13、勇者并非是没有畏惧心理的人,而是征服畏惧心理的人。 A brave man is not without fear, but to conquer fear people.

14、压迫者和被压迫者一样需要获得解放。夺走别人*的人是仇恨的囚徒,他被偏见和短视的铁栅*着。 The oppressed and the oppressed need to be liberated. The man who took the liberty of others was a *er of hatred, and he was im*ed by the prejudice of the iron gate of the short-sighted.

15、在事情未成功之前,一切总看似不可能。 It always seems impossible until its done。上一页12下一页

16、在事情还未完成之前,一切都看似不可能。 Everything seems impossible until it is finished.

17、在那漫长而孤独的岁月中,我对自己的人民获得*的渴望变成了一种对所有人,包括白人和黑人,都获得*的渴望。 In the long and lonely years, my desire to be free of my own people has become a desire for all, including the white and the black, to be free.

18、如果天空总是黑暗的,那就摸黑生存;如果发出声音是危险的,那就保持沉默;如果自觉无力发光,那就蜷伏于墙角。 If the sky is dark, then dark survival; if the sound is dangerous, it is silent; if conscious weakness glowing, then crouched in the corner.

19、尊重过去的敌人,就是尊重今天的同胞。 Respect the enemy of the past, respect for the people of today.

20、就算被地狱牢牢抓住。 Even if it is firmly seize the hell.

21、年纪大的优势之一就是,人们会因为你的灰白头发而尊敬你,会说各种各样的赞美之词,但这些话可能并不与你本人相符。 One of the advantages of the age is that people will respect you for your gray hair, and speak a variety of compliments, but these words may not be consistent with your own.

22、怨恨如同牢狱,原谅别人,等于升华自己。 Hate is like a *, forgive others, is equal to the sublimation of their own.

23、我们必须明智地利用时间,必须永远意识到,主持公平正义的时机已经成熟。 We must make wise use of time, we must always realize that the timing of justice is ripe.

24、我们最大的恐惧不是我们没有能力,我们最大的恐惧是我们有无与伦比的力量。是我们的光芒而不是我们的黑暗使我们震惊。 Our greatest fear is not that we have no power, our greatest fear is that we have no power. It is our light, not our darkness that makes us shocked.

25、我们最大的恐惧不是来自于我们的不足,而是因为我们超常的强大。通常让我们受到威胁的不是我们的弱点,而是我们的长处。 Our greatest fear is not from our shortcomings, but because we are so powerful. Often, it's not our weakness, but our strengths, that make us feel threatened.

26、我决心继续为争取*而奋斗,直到咽气的一刻为止。 I am determined to continue fighting for freedom, until the end of my days.

27、我反复提醒大家,解放斗争并不是一种反对任何一个团体或种族的战斗,而是反对一种压迫制度的斗争。 I have repeatedly reminded you that the liberation struggle is not a fight against any group or race, but a struggle against a system of oppression.

28、我已准备好为事情的结果付出代价,尽管我知道这么做会有多么痛苦,尽管我知道在这个国家的*里一个非洲人的绝望状况。 I'm ready to pay the price for the outcome, even though I know how painful it will be, even though I know the despair of an African in the country's *s.

29、我是我灵魂的统帅。 I am the captain of my soul.

30、攀上一座高山后,你才会发现 After climbing a high mountain, you will find that there are more mountains waiting for you.

31、教育是最强有力的武器,你能用它来改变世界。 Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world。

32、登上**后,你会发现还有更多的山峰要翻越。 After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb。

33、*不仅仅意味着摆脱自身的枷锁,还意味着以一种尊重并增加他人*的方式生活。 Liberty means not only to get rid of the shackles of one's own, but also to live in a way that respects and increases the freedom of others.

34、要想与敌人求和平,就需与敌人合作,然后他就会变成你的伙伴。 In order to seek peace with the enemy, you need to work with the enemy, and then he will become your partner.

35、评判一个国家不应看它如何对待地位最高的民众,而是看它如何对待穷人或一无所有的人。 Judge a nation not to see how it treats its people, but to see how it treats the poor or the poor.

36、进步绝不是个人努力的结果,它永远是集体努力的结果,是集体的胜利。 Progress is by no means an individual effort, and it is always the result of collective effort, a victory for the group.

37、黑暗层层无底。 The dark layers have no bottom.
