1、人习惯把悲伤隐藏得最深,但有些伤痛却疼的无处可躲。 People used to hide the deepest sadness, but there is no place to hide the pain of pain.以下是让人心碎的英文句子,欢迎大家来阅读。

2、从始至终,我只是个局外人,除了知情之外,没有其他权利。 From the beginning to the end, I'm just an outsider, but no other rights to know.

3、别等不该等的人,别伤不该伤的心,有些人,注定是生命中的过客。 Don't wait for people who don't have to wait, do not hurt the heart, some people, destined to be the life of the traveler.

4、北风吹,散尽余温悟喜悲,雪纷飞,万物枯竭一丝美。 The north wind blowing over warm Wuxi sorrow, snow, all exhausted a beauty.

5、如果情可以割舍,为何道别后,心,还是管不住的难过。 If love can break away, why goodbye, heart, or uncontrollable.


6、我们明明不是陌生人,却比陌生人还陌生。 We are not strangers, but stranger than strangers.

7、我们终于可以用陌生人的关系,一辈子都在一起。 We can finally use the relationship between strangers, a lifetime together.

8、我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将重新归零的勇气。 We are not the lack of opportunity, but the opportunity to return to zero in the face of courage.

9、我曾经委屈求全像条狗,你却没有扔掉骄傲跟我走。 I worked like a dog for all Qu you don't throw away the pride, and go with me.

10、我爸我妈不让我做不三不四的人,所以我选择了二。 My dad my mom wouldn't let me get a dubious person, so I chose two.


11、时间果然是个好东西,磨碎的不只是关系,还有心的距离。 Time is really good stuff, not just the ground, and the distance of the heart.

12、有些事憋在心里就好,不要拿出来任人宰割。 Some things hold in the heart, not out of being trampled upon.

13、纵使我有千不好万不好吗,但爱着你时的我,是最好的。 Even if I have thousands of thousands of not good, but I love you, is the best.

14、醉了真好,渐渐的喜欢这种让我麻木的感觉。 Drunk good, gradually like this let me numb feeling.

15、霓虹灯下的城市,我的心掉在了那个角落? The city of neon lights, my heart fell in the corner?


16、黑白色的心底最柔软的地方也被你击碎了。 The black and white color of the bottom of the heart of the most soft place you have shattered.