1、上班之后,我懂得了很多质朴却深刻的人生道理,比如:一定要睡午觉啊! After going to work, I learned a lot of simple but profound life principles, such as: take a nap!

2、不求与人相比,但求超越自己;不求事事如意,但求于心无愧。 They do not seek to be compared with others, but to surpass themselves; they do not want everything to be as good as they want, but to have a clear conscience.

3、不要陷在自己的幻想里,未来的事你不知道,过去的事你改变不了。 Don't fall into your own fantasy, you don't know the future, you can't change the past.

4、世界上最心酸的,不是我不会再谈恋爱,而是丧失义无反顾的力气去爱。 The most sad thing in the world is not that I will not fall in love again, but lose the strength to love without hesitation.

5、人到了山穷水尽的地步,而能够自拔,才不算懦弱! People to the point of exhaustion, and can extricate themselves, is not cowardly!

6、人活着不是要用眼泪博得同情,而是用汗水赢得掌声。 People live not to win sympathy with tears, but to win applause with sweat.

7、人生到处知何似,应似飞鸿踏雪泥。泥上偶然留指爪,鸿飞那复计东西。 Life everywhere knows what is like, should be like a flying goose stepping on snow mud. Sometimes there are fingers and claws left on the mud, and Hongfei plans things again.

8、人生在世寻梦难,苦短一遭何须怨?狂风迷沙人心直,我以我行荐任心。 It's hard to find a dream in the world. Why complain when you are short? I recommend my heart with my line.

9、人生是一头马,轻快而健壮的马,人要像骑手那样大胆而细心地驾驭它。 Life is a horse, light and strong horse, people should be as bold and careful as the rider to control it.

10、人生最大的悲剧就是:你配不上自己的野心,还辜负了所受的苦难! The biggest tragedy of life is: you are not worthy of your ambition, but also failed to live up to the suffering!

11、人生有两大欢乐,一是拥有后可以细细品味,二是追求之中的备感充实。 There are two great joys in life. One is to savor it carefully after having it, and the other is to enrich the preparation in the pursuit.

12、人生的许多大困难,只要活着,没有什么是解决不了的,时间和智慧而已。 Many great difficulties in life, as long as you live, nothing can't be solved, just time and wisdom.

13、做知足的人,幸福是种感觉,不知足,永不会幸福。 To be a contented person, happiness is a kind of feeling. If you are not satisfied, you will never be happy.

14、其实假装的爱情比真实的爱情还要完美,这就是为什么很多女人都受骗了。 In fact, fake love is more perfect than real love, which is why many women are cheated.

15、别人是否尊重你,那是别人的事;你是否值得尊重,那就是你的事。 Whether others respect you or not, that's someone else's business; whether you deserve respect, that's your business.

16、别当烂好人,因为总有人把你的忍让与迁就,当成软弱无能来践踏。 Don't be a bad person, because someone will trample on your tolerance and accommodation as weak and incompetent.

17、只有创造,才是真正的享受,只有拚搏,才是充实的生活。 Only creation, is the real enjoyment, only struggles, is the substantial life.

18、只有经历人生的种种磨难,才能悟出人生的价值。 Only by experiencing all kinds of hardships in life can we realize the value of life.

19、女人越爱越深,不是女人无法自拔,而是男人不知道女人天生需要依赖。 The more women love, the deeper, not that women can not extricate themselves, but men do not know that women are born to rely on.

20、好女人跟坏女人,你永远分不清!等你分清了,她已经跟你分不清了! You can never tell a good woman from a bad woman! When you can tell, she can't tell you!

21、如果很久以后,你还会不会怨我,像普通旧朋友,还是你依然会心疼我。 If a long time later, you will not blame me, like ordinary old friends, or you will still love me.

22、如果那时没有遇见你,可能这一生,都不会知道如此爱一个人的滋味吧。 If I didn't meet you at that time, maybe in this life, I would not know how to love someone so much.

23、孤寂人生,谁来倾听你心中的清音;放眼未来,谁来领略你双眸的色彩。 Lonely life, who will listen to the pure voice in your heart; looking into the future, who will appreciate the color of your eyes.

24、学习就像爬山。爬上这一座头,还有另一座更高的山,永无终点。 Learning is like climbing a mountain. Climb this seat, there is another higher mountain, never end.

25、对于害怕危险的人,这个世界上总是危险的。 For those who are afraid of danger, the world is always dangerous.

26、心中装满着自己的看法与想法的人,永远听不见别人的心声。 People who are full of their own opinions and ideas will never hear the voice of others.

27、愚痴的人,一直想要别人了解他。有智慧的人,却努力的了解自己。 A fool always wants others to know him. Wise people try to understand themselves.

28、成功不是耐不住寂寞,成功是要经得住疯狂。 Success is not that you can't stand loneliness, it's about being crazy.

29、成长的心灵,没有师从,只有孩童般的好奇和倾听,却什么也记不得心中。 The growing heart has no teacher, only childlike curiosity and listening, but nothing in mind.

30、所有的努力都不会完全白费,你付出多少时间和精力,都是在对未来积累。 All the efforts will not be completely wasted, how much time and energy you pay are accumulated for the future.

31、时光就像一辆畜力车,它的速度取决于我们手中的鞭子。 Time is like a cart, its speed depends on the whip in our hands.

32、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。 The most terrible enemy is not strong faith.

33、有时我们原谅一个人并不是真的原谅,而是不想失去她,唯有假装原谅。 Sometimes we forgive a person is not really forgive, but do not want to lose her, only pretend to forgive.

34、有智慧的人总是把嘴巴放在心里,而愚昧之人反而把心放在嘴里。 A wise man always puts his mouth in his heart, but a fool puts his heart in his mouth.

35、来是偶然的,走是必然的。所以你必须,随缘不变,不变随缘。 It is accidental to come, but inevitable to go. So you have to, with the fate unchanged, unchanged with the fate.

36、每一种挫折或不利的突变,是带着同样或较大的有利的种子。 Each setback or adverse mutation carries the same or larger favorable seed.

37、每个人都是独立的个体,真的没有谁离开谁就活不下去! Everyone is an independent individual. No one can live without him!

38、没有辛苦的等待,也就品尝不到如期而至的幸福。 Without hard waiting, we can't taste the happiness as scheduled.

39、爱情如拉链,只有共同经历过故事,才会有刻骨铭心,才会有不离不弃。 Love is like a zipper. Only when we have experienced the story together, can we be unforgettable.

40、生命对某些人来说是美丽的,这些人的一生都为某个目标而奋斗。 Life is beautiful for some people who have been fighting for a certain goal all their life.

41、目光远大,目标明确的人往往非常自信,而自信与人生的成败息息相关。 People who have a long-term vision and clear goals are often very confident, and self-confidence is closely related to the success or failure of life.

42、看开了,心就不累了,放下了,人就轻松了。 Look open, the heart is not tired, put down, people relaxed.

43、真正爱一个人大概就是当他要走的时候让他走,如果他想回头你还是接受。 To really love a person is to let him go when he wants to go. If he wants to go back, you still have to accept it.

44、纯朴无瑕的爱情,具有诚实的品格,装腔作势的爱情,披着虚伪的外衣。 Pure and flawless love, with honest character, affectation of love, dressed in a false coat.

45、能够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。 There are not many people who can stand still, stick to the right view and get through the difficulties.

46、要有积极的人生态度,不要受了点挫折就想不开,人生最尊贵者莫过于生。 To have a positive attitude towards life, do not suffer a little setback can not be sad, life is the most noble than life.

47、谁都不必失落,适合自己的人生就是就是最好的人生。 Everyone does not have to lose, the life that suits oneself is the best life.

48、辛勤的汗水洒在追求的沃土里,才能培育出成功的果实。 Only by sprinkling hard sweat in the fertile soil of pursuit can we cultivate the fruits of success.

49、青春像只唱着歌的鸟儿,已从残冬窗里闯出来,驶放宝蓝的穹窿里去了。 Youth, like a singing bird, has burst out of the window of winter and sailed into the vault of royal blue.

50、青春是我们人生中永远的疤,蓦然回首,愈想拭去,愈是擦不去,抹不掉。 Youth is a scar forever in our life. When we look back, the more we want to wipe it off, the more we can't erase it.