1、一万次心跳呼吸一万次低头叹息。 Ten thousand beats, ten thousand breaths, ten thousand sighs.

2、不敢正眼看你,怕每一眼都是表白。 I don't dare to look at you directly, for fear that every eye is a confession.

3、为了你动情却不敢靠近。 I'm in love for you, but I don't dare to get close to you.

4、为了对你好,我假装对所有人都好。 To be nice to you, I pretend to be nice to everyone.

5、你不需要多好,我喜欢你就好。 You don't need to be good. I just like you.

6、你喜欢小丸子,我喜欢的是你。 You like small balls. I like you.

7、你回头看看我啊,我一直在你身后。 You look back at me. I'm always behind you.

8、你好爱她,我竟不敢打扰真是好笑。 You love her so much that I dare not disturb her. It's funny.

9、你是无意穿堂风,偏偏孤倨引山洪。 You don't mean to go through the wind, but you lead to mountain torrents.

10、你的名字,我的心事。 Your name, my heart.

11、你看不见,不代表我不存在。 Just because you can't see doesn't mean I don't exist.

12、你站在那别动,我飞奔过去! You stand there and don't move. I'll run to it!

13、你给我听着,我爱你。记好了啊! Listen to me. I love you. Remember!

14、你错过我到底是想遇见谁啊。 Who do you want to meet when you miss me.

15、假装看不见却用余光瞥了一万遍。 Pretending to be invisible, I glanced at it 10000 times.

16、喜欢你,绕八条街都是偶遇。 Like you, around eight streets are all by chance.

17、嘴上说,戒掉你,心里说,记得你。 The mouth said, quit you, heart said, remember you.

18、四海八荒千秋万世,我只中意你。 I only like you.

19、大概这辈子最苦的糖就是你的喜糖。 Maybe the bitterest sugar in my life is your sweetheart.

20、好多喜欢都藏在欲言又止里。 A lot of likes are hidden in the desire to say and stop.

21、好想好想告诉你我有多喜欢你。 I want to tell you how much I like you.

22、如果是梦,希望梦别醒。 If it's a dream, hope it doesn't wake up.

23、山月不知心底事,水风空落月前花。 Mountain moon do not know the bottom of my heart, water and wind empty flowers before the moon.

24、开不了口的占有欲,仅你可见。 The possessiveness that can't be opened is only visible to you.

25、微不足道的是我依然还爱着你。 The little thing is that I still love you.

26、心上良人,笨似木头。 A good heart is as stupid as wood.

27、怎么解释,草稿纸上都是你的名字。 How to explain? Your name is all over the sketch paper.

28、怕喜欢得太明显,却又怕你看不见。 I'm afraid I like it too clearly, but I'm afraid you can't see it.

29、想让你吃醋,又怕你祝我幸福。 I want you to be jealous and afraid that you wish me happiness.

30、感情里本没有一厢情愿的付出。 There is no wishful thinking in the feelings.

31、愿有人与你欢闹,愿此人陪你终老。 May someone make fun with you, and may this person accompany you to the end of your life.

32、我一直都在,只差你一个转身。 I've been there all the time, just a turn away from you.

33、我也相信过爱情,可它给过我什么。 I also believe in love, but it gave me what.

34、我喜欢你,可惜你不知道。 I like you, but you don't know.

35、我宁愿当你爱情的观众。 I'd rather be an audience for your love.

36、我很想你,我只敢在这儿说。 I miss you very much. I dare to say it here.

37、我心里的秘密,是我好像喜欢了你。 The secret of my heart is that I seem to like you.

38、我用一辈子,换你一个转身。 I use a lifetime, for you a turn.

39、我的每一支笔都知道你的名字。 Every pen of mine knows your name.

40、我的秘密就是你的名字。 My secret is your name.

41、我瞒着所有人偷偷爱你。 I love you secretly from everyone.

42、我要给你幸福,谁都拦不住! I want to give you happiness, no one can stop it!

43、所谓爱情,不过一厢情愿。 The so-called love, but wishful thinking.

44、明明知道我爱你,你却装的不知道。 Clearly know that I love you, but you pretend not to know.

45、有一个偏执狂,一直爱着你。 There is a paranoid who loves you all the time.

46、梦里不觉秋已深,余情岂是为他人。 In my dream, I don't realize that autumn is already deep.

47、每天能够见到你,是我最开心的事。 It's the happiest thing for me to see you every day.

48、没有话题,还硬聊,这就是喜欢。 No topic, but also hard chat, this is like.

49、照顾好自己,不然我就去照顾你。 Take care of yourself, or I'll take care of you.

50、砰砰在左边,你在砰砰里。 Bang bang on the left, you're in the bang.

51、自导自演、那肆意的心动。 Self directed self acting, that wanton heart.

52、见什么世面,见见你就好了。 It's good to meet you.

53、言不由衷,只是怕无期而终。 If you don't mean it, you're just afraid that you'll die.

54、记住你的身份,你是我的意中人。 Remember who you are. You are my favorite.

55、趁我还爱你,你能不能不要错过我。 Can you not miss me while I still love you.

56、这世上谁都没资格喜欢你,除了我! Nobody in the world is qualified to like you, except me!

57、这样的我们,以朋友的名义存在着。 So we exist in the name of friends.

58、遗憾的是,渐行的时光里没有你。 It's a pity that there is no you in the passing time.

59、那个女孩我还深爱着你,你可知道。 That girl I still love you, you know.