1、一个人回家的路,说不出来有多么的伤感。 One the way home, couldn't say how sad。

2、一个会员漫游聊天记录,毁了多少情侣,看透了多少人。 A member roaming chat logs, destroyed many couples, how many people see through。

3、一直习惯用那虚伪的笑,用以去掩盖内心的悲伤。 Always use the false smile, to cover up the inner sadness。

4、不要执着的为谁沦落,不要在等待中让沧桑爬满脸庞。 Don't persistent fall for who, don't let the vicissitudes of life crawling in waiting face。

5、世界是我们的,也是孩子们的,但最终是那帮孙子们的。 World is our, is also the children, but in the end is the help grandchildren。

6、人生最糟糕的事,一个是饿肚子,一个是孤独。 The worst thing in life, one is hungry, one is alone。

7、今天什么都宣泄了一番,我们都倒了一遍垃圾。 Today what all catharsis, we all fall down the garbage again。

8、初恋是美术;热恋是技术;结婚是艺术;离婚是手术。 First love is art; Love is technology; Getting married is a art; Divorce is surgery。

9、别总拿自己的饱经风霜的脸说事,美的不突出,丑的不别致。 Don't take his weather-beaten face and beauty is not outstanding, ugly is not chic。

10、勇敢的人未必幸福,因为是不幸让他们开始勇敢。 A brave man may not be happy, because it is unfortunate that they began to brave。

11、在你幼稚无知,懵懂求进,一直陪在你身边的人,就是你人生的贵人。 In your childish ignorance, ignorant person, always accompany in your side, is people in your life。

12、坏人需要实力,败类更需要品位。 Bad guys need strength, scum need more taste。

13、如果你放不下那个错的人,那么你永远也找不到那个对的人。 If you can not let go the wrong people, so you never find the right man。

14、如果我用你待我的方式来待你,恐怕你会恨死我。 If I use the way you treated me to treat you, I'm afraid you will hate me。

15、如果所有的恋爱都是这样的,风轻云淡,简简单单,多美好。 If all the love is such, the wind light cloud light, simple, more beautiful。

16、如果明知道最后结局,我们还会不会继续。 If know the end, we will continue。

17、寡人不死,尔等终究是臣。 I then I die, such as, after all。

18、开心了就笑,不开心了过会儿再笑!高兴了就乐,不高兴了就使劲乐。 Happy smile, not happy smile back later! Happy is happy, not happy is hard。

19、很多人闯进你的生活,只是为了给你上一课,然后转身离开。 A lot of people broke into your life, just to give you a lesson, and then turned to leave。

20、心碎了,我用泥巴捏了个,可是被泪水一冲,就又碎了。 A heart is broken, I use the mud, but are a blunt tears, was broken。

21、悲哀就是当你想两肋插刀时,刀却只有一把! Sadness is when you want to do anything, but only a handful of!

22、我们就像硬币的两面,不分开,却永远不会在一起。 We are like two sides of the same coin, not separate, but will never be together。

23、我喜欢你,不需要理由。不喜欢你,什么都是理由。 I like you, I don't need a reason。 Don't like you, what is reason。

24、我总是憧憬我的将来是美好的,只是现在落魄而已。 I always look forward to my future is a good thing, just now down and out。

25、我除了我爱你比你爱我多以外,没有任何条件优越你。 I in addition to more than I love you more than you love me, no condition is superior to you。

26、把一切都看淡,有就有,没有就没有,不奢望,也不嫉妒。 See all light, have and then have, have no have no, don't entertain wild hope, also don't envy。

27、放假就是,早上起不来,晚上睡不着,晚睡的人模式已启动。 Is the holiday, don't come up in the morning, go to sleep at night, night sleep mode is started。

28、新的起点上我在乎的人不再是你,平淡是我们之间最好的相处方式。 A new starting point the people I care about is no longer you, insipid is the best way to get along with between us。上一页12下一页

29、明知道让你离开她的世界不可能会,我还傻傻等到奇迹出现的那一天。 Know that you don't leave her world may be, I also silly wait for a miracle that day。

30、每想你一次,天上就落下一粒沙,从此就成了撒哈拉。 Every miss you once, the sky will fall a grain of sand, from now on become the Sahara。

31、没有人会一成不变的宠着你,这个社会,谁也不欠谁的! No one will be invariable spoil you, the society, who also don't owe who!

32、流下的泪不代表我会委曲求全不忘你的心不代表我试图挽回。 Shed tears does not mean I'll madeto does not forget your heart doesn't mean I was trying to save。

33、片段字里行间,充满着只有寂寞和思念。 Segment between the lines, full of only lonely and thoughts。

34、生如夏花般绚烂,死如秋叶般静美。 Life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves。

35、生活只有经得起平静,方才能显淡泊宁静的真实。 Life only withstand calm, can show the true of those quieter。

36、相爱总是那么的困难不爱也难 Love is always so difficult don't also difficult, the person is not to be like this。

37、看时间不是为了起床,而是看还能睡多久。 See the time not to get up, but it still can sleep long。


39、等有一天我修成正果,把你们这些妖孽全收了。 One day IPromised Land, such as your these uber all closed up。

40、老师总是叫我们不要说谎,一到上面来检查时就教我们说谎。 The teacher always told us not to lie, a lie to the above inspection taught us。

41、老师,如果你再无视下课铃,那么我们就要无视上课铃。 The teacher, if you ignore the bell again, then we will ignore the bell。

42、要不是老师说过不能乱扔垃圾,不然我早把你仍出去了。 If it weren't for the teacher said can't litter, otherwise I early throw you out。

43、让你最耀眼的光芒驱散我的阴霾,刺破我的心脏。 Let you the most dazzling ray to disperse haze, Pierce my heart。

44、说过的话可以不算,喜欢的人天天要换。 Words can not calculate, like of the person you want to change every day。

45、这个世界,对着你笑的人太多太多。真心包容你的,太少太少。 There are too many people in this world, you laugh too much。 Sincerely your inclusive and too little。

46、都说**是贱货,但却忘了掂量被夺走的那个男人是否真心爱你。 All say small three is a bitch, but forget whether be taken from the man really love you。

47、降落在人们身上的不幸和好运都取决于他们自己。 Landing on people's misfortune and good luck depends on their own。 Sleep is an art, no one can stop my pursuit of artistic footsteps。
