1、不去做,就永远不会有收获。 If you don't do it, you'll never get anything.
2、不忘初心的努力,叫做信念。 The effort of not forgetting the original intention is called faith.
3、不怕山高路远,只所途中偷懒。 I'm not afraid of high mountains and long roads, but lazy on the way.
4、不管有多难熬,人生都要眉眼带笑。 No matter how hard it is, life needs to smile.
5、不要轻言放弃,否则对不起自己! Don't give up easily, or I'm sorry for myself!
6、人可以打败自己,也可以成全自己。 Man can defeat himself, and he can perfect himself.
7、人生需要挑战,更需要坚持和勤奋! Life needs challenges, but also persistence and diligence!
8、人要勤奋自强,保持自己的个性。 People should be diligent and self-improvement, and maintain their own personality.
9、作为女人,要么丽质,要么励志。 As a woman, either beautiful or inspirational.
10、你必须成功,因为你不能失败。 You have to succeed, because you can't fail.
11、你有多努力,就有多幸运。 You can be lucky as hard as you try.
12、你能做到的,比想像的更多。 You can do more than you think.
13、你阳光,世界也会因你而光彩。 You sunshine, the world will shine because of you.
14、做一个坚强的女子,飞更高的天空! Be a strong woman, fly higher in the sky!
15、凡事勤则易,凡事惰则难。 It is easy to be diligent, but difficult to be lazy.
16、出身不好,唯有勤奋和忠诚。 He was born in a bad family, but he was diligent and loyal.
17、别人能做到的事情,我也能做到。 I can do what others can do.
18、努力努力再努力,坚持坚持再坚持。 Try hard, try again, persist and persist.
19、勤人过山易,懒人动指难。 It is easy for a diligent man to cross the mountain, but hard for a lazy man to move his finger.
20、勤勉努力,干出实绩! Work hard and make achievements!
21、勤奋出天才,实践出真知。 Diligence makes genius, practice makes true knowledge.
22、勤奋和智慧为朋,懒惰与傻瓜交友。 Industry and wisdom make friends, laziness makes friends with fools.
23、勤奋未必成功,懒散必定失败。 Diligence does not necessarily succeed; laziness leads to failure.
24、勤奋的人忙事业,懒惰的人论是非。 A diligent man is busy with his business, but a lazy man talks about right and wrong.
25、勤快的人用手,懒惰的人用口。 The industrious use their hands, the lazy use their mouths.
26、只有勤来没有俭,好比有针没有线。 To be diligent without thrift is like having a needle without thread.
27、只有千锤百炼,才能成为好钢。 Only by tempering can we become a hundred steel.
28、可怕的不是失败,而是自甘堕落。 What is terrible is not failure, but self indulgence.
29、哪儿有勤奋,哪儿就有成功。 Where there is diligence, there is success.
30、坚持不懈,不慌不忙! Persevere and take it easy!
31、坚持到底,才能笑到最后。 Hold on to the end, you can laugh to the end.
32、增产如似摇钱树,节约犹如聚宝盆。 Increasing production is like a cash cow, and saving is like a cornucopia.
33、多么忙不重要,忙什么才重要! How busy is not important, busy what is important!
34、奋发图强,坚持就是胜利。 Work hard and persevere is victory.
35、奋斗需要行动,事业需要勤奋。 Struggle needs action, and enterprise needs diligence.
36、学在苦中求,艺在勤中练。 Learning in the bitter, art in practice.
37、实事求是,勤奋努力,不断进取。 Seek truth from facts, work hard and keep forging ahead.
38、德行善举是惟一不败的投资。 Virtue and good deeds are the only investment that never fails.
39、愿你勤奋自勉,功不唐捐。 I hope you will work hard and make contributions.
40、懒汉一伸腰,勤汉走三遭。 A lazy man stretches his waist, while a diligent man walks three times.
41、成功这件事,自己才是老板! Success is the boss!
42、我不是最聪明,但我可以最勤奋。 I'm not the smartest, but I can be the most diligent.
43、我们既是金子,亦是淘金者。 We are both gold and gold diggers.
44、昨日撒下勤奋种,今朝一搏必成功。 Yesterday sown the seed of diligence, today a fight will be successful.
45、有力黄金土,无力荒草坪。 Strong golden soil, weak grass.
46、没有谁的幸运,凭空而来。 No one's luck came out of thin air.
47、爱学出勤奋,勤奋出天才。 Love makes diligence, diligence makes genius.
48、珍惜时间,努力拼搏。 Cherish time and strive hard.
49、生活在于坚持,生活在于勤奋! Life lies in persistence, life lies in diligence!
50、相互了解是朋友,相互理解是知己。 Mutual understanding is a friend, mutual understanding is a confidant.
51、笑着哭,从不认输。 Laugh and cry, never admit defeat.
52、苦想没盼头,苦干有奔头。 There is no hope for hard work.
53、要做,就做生活的强者。 If you want to do it, be a strong man in life.
54、要想飞,就得追;要成功,努力干。 If you want to fly, you have to chase; if you want to succeed, you should work hard.
55、让懒汉干活,他会说怕人的病情。 Let the lazy man work, he will say afraid of people's illness.
56、请逼着自己努力,一切都是值得。 Please force yourself to work hard, everything is worth it.
57、趁着年轻,不怕多吃一些苦。 Take advantage of young, not afraid to eat more bitter.
58、越勤奋,越幸运;越感恩,越幸福。 The more diligent, the luckier; the more grateful, the happier.
59、越吃越馋,越睡越懒。 The more you eat, the more you eat, the lazier you sleep.
60、黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。 Black hair does not know hard to learn early, white head Fang regret reading late.