1、一个人没有目标、理想是成不了大器的。 A person can't achieve great things without goals and ideals.

2、世上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。 The happiest thing in the world is to strive for the ideal.

3、世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为了理想而奋斗。 The happiest thing in the world is to strive for ideal.

4、世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。 The happiest thing in the world is to strive for the ideal.

5、为了理想而奋斗的人生,才是有意义的人生。 To strive for the ideal of life, is a meaningful life.

6、为了理想而奋斗,因为奋斗而产生了理想。 To strive for the ideal, because of the struggle to produce the ideal.

7、为理想而奋斗,不为金钱而奋斗。 Strive for ideals, not for money.

8、为自己的理想而奋斗,而努力。 Strive for your ideal and work hard.

9、人光有理想,还是不够的。 It is not enough to have ideals.

10、人生最高之理想,在求达于真理。 The highest ideal of life is to seek truth.

11、人类心灵需要理想,甚过于需要物质。 The human mind needs ideal more than material.

12、人间妄想,世间理想。 Human delusion, human ideal.

13、关于理想,要量力而行。 As for ideals, we should act according to our ability.

14、凡事以理想为因,实行为果。 Ideal is the cause of everything and practice is the result.

15、只要你有理想,那就为了你的理想去奋斗吧。 As long as you have ideals, then fight for your ideals.

16、在理想的路上,坚持下去,就是唯一的路径。 On the way of ideal, persistence is the only way.

17、在追求理想的同时,挫折也便来临。 In the pursuit of ideals, setbacks will come.

18、对待理想,更要多几分激情与尊重。 To treat the ideal, we should have more passion and respect.

19、对理想的追求,为我们的生命注入了动力。 The pursuit of ideals has injected power into our lives.

20、帆是船的翅膀,理想是人的飞翼。 Sail is the wing of a ship, and ideal is the flying wing of a man.

21、年轻人们,让我们一齐为理想奋斗吧! Young people, let's fight for the ideal together!

22、心中没有理想,生活便索然味。 If there is no ideal in the heart, life will be dull.

23、我们的理想,不管怎么样,都属于未来。 Our ideals, no matter what, belong to the future.

24、拥有理想的人是幸福的,快乐的。 People who have ideals are happy and happy.

25、新的建设的理想,是一切言动的南针。 The ideal of new construction is the South needle of all words.

26、无奋斗,不青春,奋斗的青春最美丽! No struggle, no youth, the youth of struggle is the most beautiful!

27、有了理想,我们就有了克制自己欲望的砝码。 With ideals, we have the weight to control our desires.


29、有伟大理想的人,生活永远闪射着光芒。 For people with great ideals, life is always shining.

30、有理想的人,显得朝气蓬勃而有活力。 People with ideals are full of vigor and vitality.

31、有理想的人,生活总是火热的。 Life is always hot for people with ideals.

32、梦想不同于理想,那样的理性并且有际可循。 Dreams are different from ideals. They are rational and can be followed.

33、沉浸理想,直面现实。 Immerse in the ideal and face the reality.

34、没有人想一生碌碌无为,庸庸碌碌。 No one wants to be mediocre in life.

35、没有理想的人,庸俗的与动物没有区别。 There is no ideal person, vulgar and animals are no different.

36、没有理想,就没有坚定的方向。 Without ideal, there is no firm direction.

37、现实是此岸,理想是彼岸。 Reality is the shore, ideal is the other shore.

38、理想其实从来不会死,但是理想的确会变小。 Ideals never die, but they do get smaller.

39、理想其实如梦,从来都在。 The ideal is like a dream. It's always there.

40、理想如松间明月,朗照万物。 Ideal is like the moon among pines, shining on all things.

41、理想如水,看清了努力的方向。 Ideal like water, see the direction of efforts.

42、理想如灯,照亮了我的前程。 Ideal is like a lamp, illuminating my future.

43、理想如石上清泉,汩汩作响。 Ideal is like a spring on a stone, gurgling.

44、理想如空山新雨,涤净人心。 Ideal is like empty mountain and new rain, which cleanses people's heart.

45、理想如路,引领我走进人生的顶峰。 Ideal, like the road, leads me to the peak of my life.

46、理想是人生的一个终点。 Ideal is an end of life.

47、理想是从心灵上,展翅起飞的春鸟。 Ideal is a spring bird that spreads its wings and takes off from the soul.

48、理想是希望的灯,照亮我们美好的前程! Ideal is the lamp of hope, illuminating our bright future!

49、理想是树,抽出稚嫩的芽。 Ideal is a tree, sprouting tender buds.

50、理想是每个人心中的一个梦,有梦就有远方。 Ideal is a dream in everyone's heart, where there is a dream, there is a distance.

51、理想是火炬,点燃进取的心。 Ideal is the torch, ignite the enterprising spirit.

52、理想是火,点燃熄灭的灯。 Ideal is fire, light the lamp that goes out.

53、理想是灯,照亮夜行的路。 Ideal is a lamp, illuminating the road at night.

54、理想是甘泉,滋润枯干的心。 Ideal is the spring, moistening the dry heart.

55、理想是石,敲出星星之火。 Ideal is a stone, a spark.

56、理想是花,结出甜美的果。 Ideal is a flower that bears sweet fruit.

57、理想是芽,开出美丽的花。 Ideal is a bud, a beautiful flower.

58、理想是苗,长成参天大树。 The ideal is to grow seedlings into towering trees.

59、理想是路,引你走到黎明。 Ideal is the road, leading you to the dawn.

60、理想是闪亮的星,引导着我们奔向黎明! Ideal is a shining star, leading us to the dawn! With the ideal, people can see the light in the dark.

61、理想是靠自己的努力,去实现它。 The ideal is to rely on their own efforts to achieve it.

62、理想有多远,才能走多远。 How far is the ideal, how far can we go.

63、理想犹如一座高高的灯塔,你可曾点亮它? Ideal is like a high lighthouse, have you ever lighted it?

64、理想犹如太阳,吸引地上所有的泥水。 Ideal, like the sun, attracts all the muddy water on the ground.

65、理想的书籍,是智慧的钥匙。 The ideal book is the key to wisdom.

66、理想的出现,是由于儿时梦想的成熟。 The emergence of ideal is due to the maturity of childhood dream.

67、理想的实现,是由于完成目标的成功。 The ideal realization is due to the success of the goal.

68、理想的实现,需要坚决的执行力。 The realization of ideal needs resolute execution.

69、理想的彼岸,就在那鼓满风的帆上。 The other shore of ideal is on the sails full of wind.

70、理想,前进的动力,成功的方向。 Ideal, the driving force of progress, the direction of success.

71、理想,就如那黑夜里,远方的灯塔。 Ideal, like the night, the distant lighthouse.

72、理想,是能够开花结实的种子。 Ideal is the seed that can blossom and bear fruit.

73、生活中没有理想的人,是可怜的人。 People without ideals in life are poor people.

74、生活可变,理想不可变! Life is changeable, ideal is immutable!

75、生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。 The ideal of life is for the ideal life.

76、空中的理想,才能在现实中扎下稳健的脚跟。 Only the ideal in the air can make a firm foothold in reality.

77、追求理想虽然很难,但生命需要理想。 It is difficult to pursue ideal, but life needs ideal.

78、追逐理想,才能有伟大的成就。 Only by pursuing ideals can we have great achievements.

79、追逐自己的理想,活在幸福里! Pursue their own ideals, live in happiness!

80、青春怎会无挫折,理想怎会无阻碍。 How can youth have no setbacks and ideals have no obstacles.

81、青春时期的我们应当心存理想,为之奋斗。 In our youth, we should have ideals and strive for them.