1、一个人到国外去以前,应该更进一步了解祖国。 A person to go abroad before, should be more understanding of the motherland.

2、一个人抱着什么样的目的去游历,他在游历中,就只知道获取同他的目的有关的知识。 A person holding what kind of purpose to travel, he was traveling, he only know to get the knowledge of the purpose of the same purpose.

3、一个人抱着什么目的去游历,他在游历中,就只知道获取同他的目的有关的知识。 A person with what purpose to travel, he was traveling, he only know to get the knowledge of the purpose of the same purpose.

4、一个好的旅行者讲述他的见闻,可以在宴席上助兴;可是一个净说诳话,掇拾一两件大家知道事实遮掩他的一千句废话的人,听见一次就该打他三次。 A good traveler tells of his travels, can add to the fun at the banquet; but a net said Kuanghua, pick up a thing or two as we all know the fact that cover a thousand of his nonsense, heard a should beat him three times.

5、一小部分的影子随着忽忙合上的书本被夹在了里面,即将进行一场短途的旅行。 A small part of the shadow with jildi closed book caught in the inside, will be a short trip.

6、世界是本书,不从旅行获得充足,而是为了心灵获得休息。 The world is a book, not from travel to get enough, but to get the rest of the mind.

7、书籍是少年的食物,它使老年人快乐,也是繁荣的装饰和危难的避难所,慰人心灵。在家庭成为快乐的种子,在外也不致成为障碍物,但在旅行之际,却是夜间的伴侣。 The books are young food, it makes old people happy, but also the prosperity of the decoration and need shelter, comfort the soul. In the family to become a happy seed, in the outside will not become an obstacle , but in the occasion of travel, but it is the night of the companion.

8、人一定要旅行,尤其是女孩子。一个女孩子见识很重要,你见的多了,自然就会心胸豁达,视野宽广,会影响到你对很多事情的看法。旅行让人见多识广,对女孩子来说更是如此,它会让自己更有信心,不会在物质世界里迷失方向。 People have to travel, especially girls. A girl's knowledge is very important, you see more, naturally will be open-minded, broad vision, will affect your views on a lot of things. Travel make informed, especially for girls, it will make you feel more confident, not in the material world lost direction.

9、人出门旅行并不是为了到达某地,而是为了旅游。 People go out and travel not to reach a place, but to travel.

10、人家常说死是一个人的旅行到了终点,这比喻在巴黎是再贴切也没有了。一个死人,尤其是一个有身分的死人,到了冥土仿佛游客到了码头,给所有的旅馆招待员闹得头昏脑胀。 People often say is a person's journey to the end, this parable in Paris is no more appropriate. A dead man, especially a status of the dead, to Pluto and Saturn like tourists to the terminal, to all the hotels usher make trouble for dizzy.

11、人生是通往死亡的一次旅行。 Life isa journey to death.

12、偶尔,抽空出去走走,是蛮不错的。因为,谁也猜不透你到底会在途中遇到什么。 Occasionally, take time out for a walk, is pretty good. Because,no one can guess what you are going to meet in the way.

13、到三亚了,果然是旅游城市,就像电影里一样,可我记得我不是来旅游的。 To Sanya, really is a tourist city, just like the movie, but I remember that I am not to travel.

14、可能我是个差劲的旅行者,没能看清沿途的风景,只顾注意脚下的泥泞。然而所幸,所幸我身旁的人是你。至少还有你愿意牵着我的手,一路前行。 Maybe I am a poor traveler, can not see the scenery along the way, only pay attention to the foot of the mud. Fortunately, however, the person next to me is you. At least you're willing to hold my hand and walk all the way.

15、在海外旅行中度过自己的全部生涯的人,尽管会与很多人相识,却没有一个朋友。 People who spend their entire lives on overseas trips, even though they will meet a lot of people, but not a friend.

16、天朗气清,惠风和畅,仰观宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛,所以游目畅怀,足以极视听之娱。 The sky is clear and bright., the vast universe, a gentle breeze is freely blowing, look to the category of Sheng, so you are entertaining enough to make.

17、好旅伴可以缩短旅途时间。 Good companions can shorten the journey time.

18、如果说出生是最明确的一场旅行,死亡难道不是另一场出发? If the birth is one of the most clear travel, death is not another starting point?

19、对男子而言,最难过的事就是旅行途中二男一女,这样内部永远团结不了;所幸沉溪儿的相貌还不足以让男同胞自相残杀,天底下多一些这样的女孩子,男人就和平多了。 For men, the most sad thing is to travel the way a woman and two men, so that the internal solidarity forever not. Fortunately, the Shen Xi son looks is not enough to let the male compatriots fratricidal, there is much some of this girl, a man of peace.

20、对青年人来说,旅游是教育的一部分;对老年人来说,旅游是阅历的一部分。 Tourism is a part of education for young people, and tourism is a part of the experience of the elderly.

21、希望是坚韧的拐杖,忍耐是旅行袋,携带它们,人可以登上永恒之旅。 Hope is a tough stick, patience is a travel bag, carry them, people can go on a journey of eternity.

22、恋爱如同飞机起飞时的滑行,结婚就好比离陆、升空,能否起飞就决定于恋爱。恋爱和结婚时的激动便是人生长途的开端。对旅行者来说,必须有一架面对任何风暴和狂乱气流都稳如泰山的飞机,因此,我希望你们在起飞前一起好好检修一下机体。 Love as the plane took off when the taxi, marriage is like the land, the lift off, whether it is decided to take off in love. The excitement of love and marriage is the beginning of a long life. To travelers, there must be a frame in the face of any storm and frantic airflow are unassailable aircraft. Therefore, I hope you before taking off with good maintenance of the body.

23、旅游是知识之路,让大家都来参加旅游,周游世界 Tourism is the road to knowledge, let everyone to participate in the tourism, travel around theworld, spacious open their broad mind, the world will become a better mankind and paradise.

24、旅行使人伤感,但如果在旅行时只一味地陷入伤感情绪中,就不会有任何深刻的见解和独特的感受。 Travel makes a person sad, but if the trip only blindly into a sad mood, there will be no profound insights and unique feelings.

25、旅行使我们体味人生。 Travel gives us a taste of life.

26、旅行在我看来还是一种颇为有益的锻炼,心灵在施行中不断地进行新的未知事物的活动。 Travel in my opinion is still a very useful exercise, the mind in the implementation of the new未知的事物不断地活动。 作为旅行者,他必须有一个像后背的驴子,且衣服整体为负。狗舌向勇敢;猪耳朵,气味百而不一。

27、旅行在我看来还是一种颇为有益的锻炼,心灵在旅行中不断进行探索的未知事物。 Travel in my opinion is still a very useful exercise, the mind is constantly exploring the unknown things in travel.

28、旅行对青年,是教育的一部分;对于老年人是部分经验。 Travel to youth is a part of education; it is part of the experience of the elderly.

29、旅行教给人们宽容之美德。 Travel to teach people the virtues of tolerance.

30、旅行是真正的知识的伟大源泉。 Travel is a great source of knowledge.

31、旅行是解脱,是经验,是教育。 Travel is free, is the experience, is the education.

32、旅行有好多益处:新鲜满怀;见闻大开;观赏新都市的欢悦;与陌生朋友的相遇;能学到各种高雅的举止。 Travel has many benefits: fresh full; knowledge; watch the joy of the new city; strange friends to meet with; to learn all kinds of elegant manners.

33、旅行的目的是“看”。看就意味着增进对其他民族、文化和地方的了解与评价。 The purpose of the trip is to see". To see means to promote the understanding and evaluation of other nationalities, cultures and places.

34、旅行靠旅伴,世间靠人情。 Travel on the world by human companion.

35、步步寻往迹,有处特依依。 Step by step search at past events, especially.

36、生活好比旅行,理想是旅行的路线,失去了路线,只好停止前进。 Life is like a journey, the ideal is the route of travel, lost the route, had to stop moving forward.

37、真理的旅行,是不用入境证的,但是,真理还在穿鞋时候,谎言已跑了大半个世界。 The truth is not travel permits, but the truth is still wearing shoes, has been running for more than half of the world.

38、西游记里面,唐僧唐长老带着一个仆人,叫沙和尚,还有俩宠物,一个猴一个猪,旅游的故事。 In the journey to the west, Tang Changlao Tang Seng with a servant, called the sand monk, there are two pets, a monkey a pig, travel story.

39、要想结为夫妻,先去旅行一次。 If you want to be a husband and wife, go on a trip.

40、财富我不乞求,也不希望得到爱情或知己朋友。头上的天堂和脚下的道路,就是我一切的追求。 I don't beg for money, I don't want to be a friend or a friend. On the head of heaven and the foot of the road, that is, all of my pursuit.

41、那怕是一个最英勇的人,一经夺去了他珍贵的理想,都会落到一个境界里去,这是生活空虚的结果。生活好比旅行,理想是旅行的路线,失去了路线,只好停止前进了。生活既然没有目的,精力也就枯竭了。 That fear is one of the most heroic people, once claimed his precious ideals, will fall into a realm, this is the result of life empty. Life is like a journey, the ideal is the route of travel, lost the route, had to stop moving forward. Life has no purpose, the energy will dry up.

42、阅读是唯一的陪伴。杜拉斯的埃米莉。书中写着,它使人想起漫长的海上旅行。中途不停靠的横渡和阿拉伯海孟加拉湾。贡布平原和瞿罗的天空。还有不可能的爱情和无法停止的写作。埃米莉没有思想。只有对他的爱。 Reading is the only company. Emily Duras. The book is written, it makes people think of a long sea journey. Don't stop halfway across the Arabia sea and the bay of bengal. Kampot plain and sky Qu luo. There is no possibility of love and can not stop writing. Emily has no idea. Only for his love.

43、黄鸡紫蟹堪携酒,红树青山好放船。 Yellow purple crab can bring wine, mangrove good castle on a vessel.
