1、一年当中,总有那么一段,情绪低迷,不知所以。 In the course of a year, there is always a period when the mood is low and I don't know why.
2、一生很短,不必追求太多。 Life is short, don't pursue too much.
3、上帝从不埋怨人们的愚昧,人们却埋怨上帝的不公。 God never complains people's ignorance, but people complain about God's injustice.
4、不听信海枯石烂的誓言,只要睁开眼一切都没变。 Do not listen to the oath, as long as you open your eyes, everything has not changed.
5、不敢倒下,因为孩子要依靠。 Dare not fall down, because the child depends on.
6、不用羡慕别人有多么幸福,每个人的感情都不顺利。 Do not envy how happy others are, everyone's feelings are not smooth.
7、不要在愤怒中回顾过去,也不要在恐惧中展望未来! Don't look back on the past in anger and look forward to the future in fear!
8、亲爱的,爱你想你,有你真好,今生有你就够了! My dear, I love you and miss you. It's good to have you. You are enough in this life!
9、人就个人而言终有一死,就整体而言则是不朽的。 Man is mortal to the individual, but immortal to the whole.
10、人生之所以有趣,就在于无法随心所欲。 The reason why life is interesting is that you can't do what you want.
11、人生如梦岁如流,今夕不再,长亭影瘦。 Life is like a dream, the age is like flow, this evening no longer, the pavilion shadow thin.
12、人生如路,须在荒凉中走出繁华的风景来。 Life is like a path. One has to create his wonderful scenery out of a wild landscape..
13、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走。 Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep your balance, you have to move on.
14、人生是一条路,人生有多长,路就有多长。 Life is a road, as long as life is, there is a long way.
15、你出门总是忘记带钥匙,我要留着双脚好给你开门。 You always forget your key when you go out. I'll keep my feet to open the door for you.
16、你对待生活的态度,决定了你生活的温度。 Your attitude towards life determines the temperature of your life.
17、做自己的女王,让生命如玫瑰般怒放。 Be your own queen and let life bloom like a rose.
18、再放纵不羁的梦想,有一天也会尘埃落定。 And then the wild dream will be settled one day.
19、别低头,王冠会掉;别流泪,坏人会笑。 Don't bow, the crown will fall; don't cry, the bad man will laugh.
20、危难的时候能泰然一笑,这是一种大气。 It is a kind of atmosphere to smile calmly when in danger.
21、即使想死一千次也不会消失的人生就是人生。 Even if you want to die a thousand times, the life that will not disappear is life.
22、卸载永远比安装快,失去永远比得到快。 Unloading is always faster than installing, losing is always faster than getting.
23、只要你有一件合理的事去做,你的生活就会显得特别。 As long as you have a reasonable thing to do, your life will be special.
24、只要用心对待,每一个日子都是幸福的。 As long as the heart is treated, every day is happy.
25、哪天我消失了不再打扰,你会不会也会有一点在乎。 One day I disappear no longer disturb, you will also have a little care.
26、善良是优点没错,但不能成为你的弱点。 Kindness is a good thing, but it can't be your weakness.
27、回忆,有时令你嘴角上扬,有时也能让你潸然泪下。 Memories, sometimes make your mouth up, sometimes can also make you cry.
28、多活一点给自己看吧,很多人很多事与你毫不相干。 Live a little more to yourself, a lot of people have nothing to do with you.
29、太阳照亮人生的路,月亮照亮心灵的路。 The sun illuminates the road of life, and the moon illuminates the road of soul.
30、开始妒忌风霜雨雪,它们可以明目张胆地亲你的脸。 Start to envy the wind, the frost, the rain and the snow. They can kiss your face openly.
31、当人遇到生死,你会发现,其实一切都是过眼云烟。 When people encounter life and death, you will find that, in fact, everything is gone.
32、往事如烟,今生有缘的,会再续前缘。 The past like smoke, this life fate, will continue the front edge.
33、心存真诚,平安就会跟随你。 With sincerity, peace will follow you.
34、心情有悲有喜,才叫体会。 Only when you feel sad and happy can you realize it.
35、心有了贴近,情有了所系。 The heart has close, the feeling has the tie.
36、忘掉失败,不过要牢记失败中的教训。 Forget about failure, but remember the lessons of failure.
37、成功不在难易,而在于是否采取行动。 Success lies not in the difficulty, but in taking action.
38、成功的速度,一定要超过爸妈老去的速度。 The speed of success must exceed the speed of parents aging.
39、我的爱情、容不得有一点瑕疵、我的爱情、要完整。 My love, can not tolerate a little flaw, my love, to be complete.
40、无所谓你弹奏得怎样,重要的是你弹琴时的感受。 It doesn't matter how well you play, it's how you feel when you play.
41、既然你在我心中挥之不去。那就留在这里呆着把。 Since you are in my heart. Then stay here.
42、明日路纵使艰辛也要顽强,唯霸者方能造就辉煌。 The road of tomorrow must be tenacious even though it is hard. Only the hegemonic can create brilliance.
43、有苦有甜才是生活,有喜有悲才是人生。 It is life to have bitterness and sweetness, and life to have joy and sorrow.
44、未来是自己的,只有自己能给自己最大的安全感! The future is your own, only you can give yourself the greatest sense of security!
45、正直虽不是行善,却是缺乏罪恶的证据。 Integrity, though not good, lacks evidence of sin.
46、没有人可以打倒你,除非你自己先趴下。 No one can beat you unless you get down first.
47、生活中,并不是努力就一定什么都可以。 In life, you don't have to work hard to do everything.
48、用微笑去伪装眼泪,一切都没有想象中的那么糟糕。 With a smile to disguise tears, everything is not as bad as imagined.
49、目标和信念给人以持久的动力,它是人的精神支柱。 Goals and beliefs give people lasting power, and they are the spiritual support of people.
50、笑总有人痛与不欲生,可再痛也不就一生。 There are always people who feel pain and don't want to live, but no matter how painful it is, it's not a lifetime.
51、背着昨天追赶明天,会累坏了每一个当下。 Chasing tomorrow with yesterday behind your back will wear out every present.
52、能跨越时间,空间的只有爱,即便是光也做不到。 The only thing that can cross time and space is love, which even light can't do.
53、要使民族自立于世界之林,就要自己看得起自己。 To make a nation stand on its own in the forest of the world, we must look up to ourselves.
54、要给孩子一整个世界,而不是你的世界。 Give your child a whole world, not your world.
55、谁不曾一意孤行,怒发冲冠过怕只怕少了那份执着。 Who has not been determined to act, angry, afraid of less than that persistent.
56、过错是暂时的遗憾,错过却是长久的遗憾。 Fault is a temporary regret, but missing is a long-term regret.
57、还是感觉太年轻,所以总是那么的轻狂。 Still feel too young, so always so frivolous.
58、随缘不是听天由命,而是以豁达的心态面对生活。 Suiyuan is not a matter of fate, but an open-minded attitude towards life.
59、饭菜很难把人噎死,但气话却能把人噎死。 Food is hard to choke, but angry words can.
60、默认自己无能,无疑是给失败制造机会。 To acquiesce in one's own incompetence is undoubtedly to create opportunities for failure.