1、一个恋爱中的人,可以踏在随风飘荡的蛛网上而不会跌下,幻妄的幸福使他的灵魂飘然轻举。 A love of people, can set foot in the drifting cobweb without falling, no magic his soul floated with happiness.

2、一吻送你玫瑰花,二吻给你我的家,三吻密月去爪哇,我是爱情大傻瓜,爱你永远不变卦! Send you two roses a kiss, kiss to you my home, three months to kiss close Java, I love fool, love you forever gua!

3、一次偶然的相遇,一次甜蜜的约会,一次**的拥抱,一次伤感的别离认识你,就是一个完美的结局。 A casual encounter, a sweet date, a passionate hug, a sad parting know you, is a perfect ending.

4、一见钟情爱上你,二话不说抱住你,三天两头来找你,四下无人亲亲你,五天之内娶到你,六十年内不分离! Fall in love with you, hug you without demur, every two or three days to come to you, four no kiss you marry to you within five days, not separate for sixty years!

5、不伴明窗独坐,不剩人心一个,世上何来独往?人间焉有寂寞! Without a clear window alone is not left people a world where the only go? The world will be lonely!

6、不是因为寂寞才想你,而是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为想你想得太深。 I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you. Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely.

7、世界上原来没有海,我想你一次,上帝就会流下一滴眼泪,所以有了太平洋。 There is no sea in the world, I think you once, God will shed a tear, so with the pacific.

8、亲爱的老公:你总是说我浪漫的无药可救,如果没有你我又哪来那么多的浪漫情怀,情人节的玫瑰只为你盛开!结百结。 Dear husband: you always say I incurable romantic, if not you and I where so many romantic Valentine's Day roses bloom only for you! Glad.

9、人与人之间有时真的就如天上的月亮地上的湖,相隔遥远才会彼此相照。我很想念你,对于我们,天涯不过咫尺! Sometimes people really like the moon in the sky on the lake, will be far apart each other. I miss you very much, for us, the world but zhichi!

10、任何时候鲜花都是甜蜜爱情表白,如果节日你没有任何准备,那也一定要送花,一朵红玫瑰也能滋润我们的爱情! The flowers are sweet words of love at any time, if you don't have any holiday ready, it must send a flower, a red rose can also nourish our love!

11、你好毒,用你的柔情给我深刻的打击,幸好我仍然有一点功力在,你触碰不到我致命的要害。 Hello poison, with your tenderness to deep blow, but I still have a little skill, you can't touch my fatal key.

12、你是我的一切,你是我的月亮星星太阳你是我的花朵,在我眼里悄悄的绽开。 You are everything to me, you are my sun moon stars you are my flower, quietly blooming in my eyes.

13、你是鲜花我是绿叶来衬托你的美丽,你是月亮我是星星来衬托你的靓丽,你是茶叶我是开水,我可以泡你吗? You are a flower, I am a green leaf to foil your beauty, you are the moon, I am the star to foil your beautiful, you are the tea I am boiling water, I can bubble you?

14、你的名字永远是最迷人的字眼,你可知道,当我喊着你名字的时候,我就在倾吐自己最深挚的。 Your name is always the most charming words, you know, when I call your name, I will pour out your deepest.

15、你的心就是我的海角和天涯,我不能去得更远。我们此生共赴天涯海角,不是游走半个地球,而是人间相伴。 Your heart is all of my life, I can't go further. We live in the remotest corners of the globe, not walk half the earth, but human companionship.

16、你的温柔体贴。你的坦白率直。你那可爱的笑容。你那迷人的眼睛。你的一举一动都令我着迷! Your gentleness and consideration. Your candid. Your lovely smile. Your charming eyes. I'm fascinated by your every move!

17、你的爱是我一生的盼望,所以你的每一滴泪,都化作了我的哀愁。亲爱的,祝你一生幸福。 Your love is the hope of my life, so your every tear into my sorrow. Dear, I wish you a happy life.

18、你的美丽吸引着我,你的欢笑像雨后的甘露那样清甜,我是清醒的,因为我知道,我真的爱你。 Your beauty attracts me, your laughter like the dew that good, I was sober, because I know, I really love you.

19、你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我不会再错过!真诚之中,与你相识相知;灵犀之间,与你朝夕相伴。 Your past I too late to participate in your future, I will not miss! Sincerely, acquainted with you; you, accompany with you daily.

20、原谅我生活中不能没有你;原谅我欣赏你躯体和心灵的美丽;原谅我希望永生永世和你在一起。 Forgive my life without you; Forgive me for enjoying the beauty of your body and soul; Forgive me for wanting to stay with you for ever and ever.

21、只有跟你在一起的时候我才是活着的,我一个人的时候,就连最耀眼的太阳也失去光彩! I am alive only when I am with you. When I am alone, the most dazzling sun seems to have lost its luster!

22、吻你的感觉酥酥的,拥你的感觉柔柔的,爱你的感觉甜甜的,想你的感觉苦苦的! Kiss you feel crisp, hold you feel soft, sweet love you feel, you want to feel bitter!

23、喜欢你,没道理;靠近你,感受你的气息;想珍惜你,就要在一起。 Like you, no reason; close to you, feel your breath; want to cherish you, you want to be together.

24、喜欢在你身上留下属于我的印记,却不曾记起你从未属于过我,情人节就要到了,在我身上盖下只属于你的印章好吗? Like to leave your mark on me, but never remember you never belong to me, Valentine's Day is coming, in my body under the cover of your seal?

25、圆月有如一面明镜,高悬在蓝空。你虽然在遥远的地方,它一定能照得到你。所以,我总在月中寻找你的身影。 The full moon is like a mirror, hanging in the blue sky. Although you are far away, it will be able to shine on you. So I always look for you in the middle of the month.

26、在冬的霜冻中夜是魔鬼;在夏的酷热中夜是情人;而在这二月的日子里,夜正是你手中的玫瑰。 The night is the devil in the frost of winter; the night is the lover in the heat of summer, and in the day of February, the night is the rose in your hand.

27、在我记忆的画屏上增添了许多美好的怀念,似锦如织!请接受我深深的祝愿愿所有的欢乐都陪伴着你直到永远。 In my memory on the painted screen to add a lot of good memory, bright day! Please accept my sincere wishes that all the joy will accompany you forever.

28、在贺卡中轻轻地夹上一朵小花,她也许会枯萎,会褪色,但由她诉说的我的挚爱,却永远不会凋谢。 In the card gently clip a small flower, she may wither, will fade, but she told me the love, but never fade.

29、外面的风风雨雨我都不会害怕,因为有你,有你的爱! Outside the groundless talk and I won't be afraid, because of you, your love!

30、天上飘着些微云,地上吹着些微风,微风吹动了我的头发,教我如何不想你? Slight cloud floating in heaven, a breeze blows on the ground, the breeze blowing my hair, I want you to want me?

31、天,为你而蓝;花,为你而艳;情,为你而动;心,为你而跳;血,为你而热。你是我今生最美的思念! The sky, for you and blue; flowers for you and Yan; love, for you to move; heart, for you and jump; blood, for you and hot. You are my life the most beautiful miss!

32、好想好想和你在一起,踏遍万水千山,走遍海角天涯,让每一个日子都串连成我们最美丽的回忆! I miss you, all over the trials of a long journey, traveled the far-off regions, let every day on our most beautiful memories!

33、如果你愿意做个明亮的月亮,那么我就愿意做一阵风,吹走你身边所有的乌云,让你永远晶莹美丽! If you would like to be a bright moon, then I would like to do a gust of wind, blowing away all the clouds around you, so that you always crystal clear and beautiful!

34、如果你要过一个孤独的情人节,不要难过!那个能给你带来快乐的人很快会出现在你身边,相信我! If you want a lonely Valentine's day, don't be sad! The one who can bring you joy will soon be by your side!

35、对你有爱也有痛。爱是一种甜蜜,痛是一种无奈。对你的爱与痛加起来 Love and pain for you. Love is a kind of sweet, pain is a kind of helpless. Add to your love and pain, that is called love! There is love there is pain - I am willing.

36、思念是一季的花香,漫过山谷,笼罩你我,而祝福是无边的关注,溢出眼睛,直到心底。祝开心。 Missing is a season of flowers, over the valley, enveloped you andme, and blessing is boundless attention, overflow eyes, until the bottom of my heart. Zhu happy.

37、情人节,情人劫,人情节,人情劫,劫情人,结情人,一了百了,一节百节,一劫百劫。 Valentine's day, Valentine's day, people who rob, rob plot, lover, lover node, section 100, One finished, all is finished., one hundred.

38、想你在每一个想你的夜晚;念你在每一刻欢乐的时光;盼你在每一次想你的瞬间;爱你在每一秒呼吸的间隙。 I miss you every night I miss you, I miss you every moment of happiness, I hope you think of you every moment.

39、愿你每天有个好的心情,每夜有个甜蜜的梦,时时受人关心处处受人关注,世上的所有美好都伴随着你! The Milky Way above, I wait, a few of the world's fate, have turned into a bit of crystal tears, shed, left the world of infinite blessings!

40、愿所有的欢乐都陪伴着你,仰首是春,俯首是秋;愿所有的幸福都追随着你,月圆是画,月缺是诗。 Let all the happiness accompany you, spring is the head, bow is autumn; may all happiness follow you, full moon paintings, moon is poetry.

41、我从灵魂深处爱你,我愿意把生命交给你,由你接受多少就多少,当初是这样,现在也决不变更! I love you from the bottom of my soul, I would give my life to you, by how much you accept, so it is, and now never change!

42、我对你的思念像深谷里的幽兰,淡淡的香气笼罩着你,而祝福是无边的关注一直飘到你心底愿我的爱陪伴你直至永远! I miss you like the ravine orchid, faint aroma enveloped you, and blessed is the boundless attention has been floating into your heart let my love accompany you until forever!

43、我想那将会很愉快,如果我能触及你,我知道没人能和你相比在把心交给你之前,我就知道你会让我发光。 I think it would be nice if I could touch you, I know no one can compare to you before I give my heart to you, I know you'll make me shine.

44、我深深地恳求你不要把我逐出你的爱门之外,我一分一秒也不能缺少你的爱。只有赢得你的爱,我的生命才有光彩。 I beg you don't you love me out of the door, I would not missing a minute of your love. Only win your love, my life will be glorious.

45、我相拥倾听新年的钟声犹如岁月的流逝,簇拥着我们共同的梦,满心的爱意化作真挚的祝福新年快乐! Hug me listen to the New Year bell as if the passage of time, surrounded by our common dream, full of love into a sincere blessing, happy new year!

46、新年快乐!亲爱的,因为牵了你的手,所以我要抓住你的手给你幸福给你快乐相伴永远!我爱你! Happy new year! Dear, because of holding your hand, so I want to hold your hand to give you happiness to you happy forever! I love you!

47、无数个思念你的夜晚,想起与你共度的欢乐时光,我祈求流星,让我下世能够与你相遇,相爱,直到天荒地老! Countless miss you at night, think of you this happy time, I pray for the meteor, to the world I can meet with you, in love, until the end of time! 

48、无论你在何时,你在何处,无论你做什么;请记住:我永远支持你,无时无刻不关心着你,因为你是我最爱的人。 No matter when you are, where you are, whatever you do, please remember: I will always support you, do not care about you, because you are my favorite people.

49、既已相遇,何忍分离?愿年年岁岁永相依,朝朝暮暮心相携,柔情似水,佳期如梦。 Having met Heren separation? May the year forever, every morning and evening heart Xiang Xie, Rouqingsishui, a dream wedding day.

50、日出日落=朝朝暮暮,月亮星星=无限思念,风花雪月=柔情蜜意,流星心语=祝福万千,祝你有个快乐的新年! Sunrise and sunset = every morning and evening, the moon and the stars = infinite, debauch = = blessing thousands of meteors sugary love, heart, I wish you a happy new year!

51、昨晚我化作一缕青烟,轻轻来到你的床前,细细地端详你熟睡的笑颜,放一个吻在你的床边,今早你是否尝到了它的甜? Last night I turned into a wisp of smoke, gently to your bed and looked carefully atyour sleeping smile, put a kiss on your bed this morning if you tasted it sweet?

52、是不是很想对朋友们说,各位兄弟姐妹,因为你们我的日子才如此的多彩。 I would like to say to my friends, brothers and sisters, because you and I are so colorful.

53、曾经爱你,是真的;现在依然爱你,也是真的。曾经痛苦,是真的;现在依然痛苦,也是真的。回来吧我依然爱你。 It was true that I loved you, and I still love you. It's true that it's painful, it's still true. Come back, I still love you.

54、月亮升起要一天,地球公转要一年,想一个人要二十四小时,爱一个人要一辈子,但一句贴心祝福只要一秒:鸡年快乐! One day the moon rises, the earth revolution to one year, would like one to twenty-four hours, love a man to life, but an intimate blessing as long as the second: happy year of the rooster!

55、有你陪伴我的时候总是感到那么充实,不论相互争吵还是相互扶持,我们更加了解。亲爱的,我爱你。 When you are with me, I always feel so full, whether we argue with each other or support each other. Dear, I love you。

56、永不褪色的是对你默默的关怀,永不停息的是对你无尽的思念,永不改变的是对你深深的爱恋。情人节快乐! Never fade is a silent concern for you, never stop is the endless thoughts of you, never change is deeply in love with you. Happy Valentine's Day!

57、流水是白云的影子,月亮是太阳的影子。黑夜是白天的影子,痛苦是爱的影子。不求你做我的影子,甘愿我做你的影子。 Water is the shadow of white clouds, and the moon is the shadow of the sun. Night is the shadow of the day, and pain is the shadow of love. Do not ask you to be my shadow, I would like to be your shadow.

58、深爱一个人会醉;恨一个人会碎;最痛苦的是等待!不知道你会等我多久,可我知道我会等你一生一世! Deep love a person will be drunk; hate a person will be broken; the most painful is waiting! Do not know how long you will wait for me, but I know I will wait for you!

59、温柔多情美丽聪慧的你,不正是我一直在苦苦地寻觅,苦苦地追求着的企盼么。 Tender beauty and wisdom is not for you, I have been struggling to find, hard to pursue hoping mody.

60、漫长的夜,聆听都市的车来车往,一颗漂泊孤独的心在思念着你,不知远方的你是否明白,你永远是我的最爱! Long night, listening to the city to the car to car, a lonely wandering in the hearts of missing you, I do not know whether you are far away, you will always be my favorite!

61、爱上你我无比的幸福但也无比的痛苦,和你在一起我就像拥有了整个世界,可是我不敢去想一旦失去你我还会拥有什么。 Falling in love with you, I am extremely happy but also very painful, with you, I like the whole world, but I do not dare to think what would I have lost you.

62、爱上你是我今生最大的幸福,想你是我最甜蜜的痛苦,和你在一起是我的骄傲,没有你的我就像一只迷失了航线的船。 Fall in love with you is my greatest happiness in this life, I think you are the most sweet pain, and you are my pride, without you, I like a lost ship.

63、爱人,这一季,有我最深的思念。就让风捎去满心的祝福,缀满你甜蜜的梦境,祝你拥有一个灿烂的新年。 Lover, this season, have my deepest thoughts. Let the wind take to fill with the blessing, filled with your sweet dream, wish you have a bright new year.

64、爱情,既甜蜜,又苦涩:相聚时,甜得像蜜;哪怕暂时的分离也苦得如药。愿我们永不分离! Love is sweet and bitter: when it comes together, it is as sweet as honey, even if it is temporary. May we never part!

65、玫瑰是我的热情,糖果是我的味道,星星是我的眼睛,月光是我的灵魂,一并送给你,我爱的人,春节开心就好! Rose is my passion, candy is my taste, the stars are my eyes, the moonlight is my soul, give you, I love the people, happy spring festival!

66、男人追求女人,是迅猛出击,结果往往雨过天晴;女人追求男人,则缓慢渗透,却可以滴水穿石。 Men seeking women, is a rapid attack, often results in women seeking men, After rain the sky looks blue.; while the slow penetration, but can Constant dripping wears away a stone.

67、相知是天意,相识是人意,相加便是友谊,有情便有意,我们能聚在一起,因为心有灵犀。 Know each other is God, the acquaintance is satisfactory, adding that friendship, love and intention, we can get together, because of the heart.

68、相聚的日子都只为酝一杯浓酒,酿流动相思,在新年的鞭炮声中凝视你如此迷人的面庞,只想对你说:爱你一万年! Days together only for the brew a cup of liquor, wine flow of Acacia, in the New Year firecrackers at your charming face, just want to say to you: love you for ten thousand years!

69、短暂的相见是我们今生之缘,长长的思念能不能穿越万水千山?夜夜有你在梦中出现,缘聚缘散、远方的你时刻在我心间! Brief is life of the edge we meet, long thoughts can not pass through the trials of a long journey? Every night you appear in the dream, meet, the distance you always in my heart!

70、等待;是爱情的幻想。寂寞;是情深的朋友。脆弱;是成败的选择。无奈;是漫长的深夜。疲倦的我甘心承受。 Waiting is a fantasy of love. Lonely is the love of friends. Fragile is the choice of success or failure. Helpless; is a long night. Tired I am willing to bear.

71、茫茫人海中,遇见你是我的幸运,爱上你是上天的安排,如果能娶你,陪你走完一生,将是我的幸福! In the boundless huge crowd, meets you is my lucky, falls in love with you is the heaven arrangement, if can marry you, accompanies you to walk the life, will be my happiness!

72、让我怎样感谢你,当我走向你的时候,我原想收获一缕春风,你却给了我整个春天。 Let me how to thank you, when I go to you, I would like to harvest a ray of spring, but you gave me the whole spring.

73、身在异乡的我,牵挂着远方的你,一声问候代表我的心意,希望你能明白能够读懂! Mom, I worried about you from afar, a greeting on behalf of my mind, I hope you can understand what to read!

74、转眼之间,已走至寒冷的冬末,在这样凛冽的日子里,对你的思念更深更浓祝你平安快乐! In the twinkling of an eye, has gone to the cold end of the winter, in such a cold day, your thoughts on the deeper wish you peace and happiness!

75、还记得那一天的摄影留念吗?我的瞬间意识连同闪光灯一起亮了:你的倩影留在底片上,同时也深深地烙在我的心灵里。 Do you still remember the day of photography? The moment I consciousness with the flashing lamp: when you stay in the film, but also deeply branded in my mind.

76、远方的你是否无恙?在遥远的思念里,改变的是我的容颜,不变的是永远爱你的心!爱人,真心愿你新年快乐! You are healthy in the distance? In the distant thoughts, change is my appearance, the same is always love your heart! Love, I wish you a happy new year!


78、风吹走了祝福的心絮,雨模糊了期盼的视线,我扎紧了思念的情结,相信总有一天我们会再度重逢! The wind blew away the blessing of the heart Xu, expect rain blurred vision, I fastened the memorial complex, believe that one day we will meet again!上一页12下一页 May you have a good mood every day, every night there is a sweet dream, always concerned by people everywhere, all the world with you!

79、风让树活起来,潮汐让海水活起来,灯光让城市活起来,星星让夜空活起来,音乐让气氛活起来,我的祝福让你跳起来! The wind let the tree live, let the sea water to live up to the city to live up to the light, the stars let the night sky to live up to the music to make the atmosphere alive, my blessing to let you jump up!
