1、做事大智若愚,要愚而不蠢。 Act wisely but not foolishly.

2、其实愚对了人,愚人节每天都过。 In fact, the right person, April Fool's day every day.

3、可别在愚人节,才敢说真心话。 Don't say it on April Fool's day.

4、四月一号:“祝你四月好运”。 April 1st: "good luck in April.".

5、在情人节分手,在愚人节告白。 Break up on Valentine's day and confess on April Fool's day.

6、快点向我表白,我等着拒绝你。 Come on, tell me. I'm waiting to say no.

7、愚人节到了,愿你喜乐开心笑! April Fool's Day is coming. May you have a good time!

8、愚人节快乐,今天你过节哦。 Happy April Fool's day. Today is your holiday.

9、愚人节要到了,真的不骗你。 April Fool's Day is coming, I really don't cheat you.

10、愚人节,不做愚人,做情人吧! April Fool's day, don't be a fool, be a lover!

11、愚人节,你又说出多少真心话。 April Fool's day, how many sincere words do you say.

12、愚人节,你知道该怎么皮了吗? Do you know what to do on April Fool's day?

13、愚人节,我们来谈谈诚信吧。 April Fool's day, let's talk about honesty.

14、愚人节,整蛊搞怪人人有责! April Fool's day, everyone is responsible for trickery!

15、愚人节,本日闲聊,请照单全收! April Fool's day, today's chat, please take all orders!

16、愚人节,致,我们逝去的青春。 April Fool's day, to our lost youth.

17、愚男梦幻起来,连仙女都害怕。 Stupid man dreams up, even fairy are afraid.

18、明天是愚人节,愚人不如愚己! Tomorrow is April Fool's day, a fool is better than a fool himself!

19、祝你天天愚人节,日日都幸福。 I wish you happiness every day on April Fool's day.

20、祝你愚得恰到其分,乐得无边! I wish you the right share of folly and boundless happiness!

21、脱“愚”?哪有脱单来的美妙! Get rid of "foolishness"? It's wonderful to take off the single!

22、自君已去,此生再无愚人节。 Since you have gone, there will be no April Fool's day in this life.

23、要时刻有趣着,愚人不如娱己。 It is better to amuse yourself than to amuse yourself all the time.

24、送你一份幸运,愚人节必行大运。 Send you a lucky, April Fool's day will be a great fortune.

25、那年的愚人节,一点也不愚人! That year's April Fool's day, not a fool at all!