1、**你磨皮多了?我看你的皮肤都赶上贞子了,你敢再用毁图秀秀去装扮你那“可爱”的脸蛋么。 Exfoliating much you bitch? I think your skin started to catch up with the zhen son, you dare to use damaged picture show to dress up your "cute" face?

2、一看你现在无精打采的样子就知道你没有享受到**,要不你去我家猪圈,绝对让你**不断! A look at you now listless appearance will know that you didn't enjoy the orgasm, why don't you go to my house pigsty, absolutely let you have orgasm!

3、一看到你现在这样子就让我想起了前段时间网上流传的内个猪人,你和猪人简直就是一个样。 Now I see you like this reminds me of the earlier circulating on the Internet in a pig, you and the pig is the same.

4、下次晚上出门多打点粉,你看你黑的,晚上出门都和能和夜晚融为一体了。 Next time you go out at night much rbis powder, do you think you black, night out and can blend into the night.

5、不知道当年你爸你妈咋教你的,天生没教养,我们学也学不会。 Don't know when your father your mother teach you at first sight, naturally, neglected, we don't learn also.

6、不要以为你穿上了昂贵的衣服你就时尚了,脱了衣服你还是个贱胚子。 Don't assume that you put on expensive clothes fashion, took off clothes you was a mean guy.

7、不要给你一点脸你就不知道自己是个什么东西了?脸也是自己挣的。 Don't give you face you don't know oneself is a what? Face is also of its own to earn.

8、不该看的不看,不该说的不说,不该听的不听,不该想的不想,该干什么干什么去。 Shouldn't look at the watch, not to say do not say, shouldn't listen to not listen, shouldn't think don't want to, do what to do.

9、人活着就是要知道自己有几斤几两,没个分量就不要在大秤来掂量自己。 People alive is to know you have several catties several two, each component is not in large scale to weigh myself.

10、什么不好当,竟然去当街头乞丐的情人,你还真是恬不知耻。 And what is bad when, when street beggar's lover, you are really shameless.

11、你不善良就算了,但你怎么那么狠毒无情了, You are not good, but why are you so cruel heartless, you are a real devil.

12、你以为你会骂几句就天下无敌了吗?请你不要那么风趣幽默好吗? What do you think you will scold a few words of world-beater? Would you please don't be so funny?

13、你再假装清高也掩饰不了你的**,你那股**劲可是传遍了大街小巷了。 You don't pretend to be lofty also hid you coquettish, the way you coquettish strength but all over the streets.

14、你喷粪之前先想想你自己都干过什么,有没有资格说别人,我是不够完美,但是我坦白自然,你呢。 You think about yourself before you use abusive language did, eligible to say others, I am not perfect, but I confess natural, you.

15、你就是一个十足的淫贼,连让人极度恶心的那头母猪也没能逃过你的魔掌。 You are a real rogue, even make people sick that sows also failed to escape the clutches of the you.

16、你已经懒得理他,那你就一直不说话,等他问你怎么不说话,你说狗咬我一口,我不可能咬狗一口。 You are too lazy to ignore him, you always don't talk, he asked you how to don't talk, you said the dog bite me, I can't bite a dog.

17、你是你妈跟别的男人生的野种,有本事你去跟你爸做DNA鉴定。 You are your mother and other male bastards in life, have skill you to like your dad do DNA identification.

18、你有没有发现你说的都是一堆废话?我完全可以无视你那垃圾语言。 Have you found what you said is a load of crap? I can totally ignore you that garbage language.

19、你比镜子更能反应人的缺点,比庄子还博学多才,比孙子还有博略,所以人们都亲切的称你镜庄孙子。 You more than the mirror reaction of faults, well-read, than zhuangzi than grandchildren and slightly, so people are friendly you mirror zhuang grandson said.

20、你的兴趣爱好可分为静态和动态两种,静态就是睡觉,动态就是翻身。 Your interests can be divided into static and dynamic two kinds, static is sleep, dynamic is to roll over.

21、你的存在只是为了满足物种的多样性,所以你别太拿自己当回事了。 You exist only in order to meet the diversity of species, so you don't take yourself too seriously.

22、你脑袋有个巨坑吧!要不我往你脑袋填了那么多的东西都还没满呢! You head have a big pit! Or I fill your head so many things are still not full!

23、你要感谢这世界上什么都假,连避孕药都是假的,要不然你也长不了这么大。 You would like to thank the what in the world is false, even the pill is false, or you too long so big.

24、你说劳资是禽兽,那你这种为人师表还诱骗未成年的烂人就是连禽兽都不如。 You said labor is a beast, you such a teacher by worthy example also ensnares under-agerotten people is even than the beast.

25、你长不漂亮就算了,头脑还不灵光,四体不勤五谷不分,最主要的是关键时刻就掉链子,你出墙后,确定墙的那边有人吗? Long not beautiful, you don't mind flashes, four sedentary knows nothing, the most main is the key point is badly off, after you make the wall, to determine the wall someone over there?上一页12下一页

26、你长得让我实在不敢恭维,只要你一出现就引起人民公愤的骚动。 You let me dare not flatter really, as long as you appear cause the disturbance of public wrath.

27、你闯荡江湖没有门派,**时间你是最快,突然发现人已不在,终于明白你网恋失败。 You make no branches, make love you is the fastest time, suddenly found that no longer, finally understand you net to fail.

28、像你这种听不懂人话的土狗就应该去狗窝呆着,别出来挡住大家的道。 Like you this kind of don't understand people words to dog kennel dogs should stay, don't come out from you.

29、像你这种的家伙,只能演电视剧里的一陀粪,比不上路边被狗洒过尿的口香糖。 A guy like you, but only one tuo excrement in the TV show, compared to the side of the road to spill over by a dog urine chewing gum.

30、别人骂你,你说畜生你骂谁,他若是说话,你便说哦,畜生骂我啊。 Others scold you, you said animal who scold you, if he talk, you said oh, beast to scold me.

31、别用你那副见了主人就摇尾巴的表情到处显摆,生怕别人不知道你是有主人的狗似得。 Don't use your that see the expression of master will wag its tail to show off everywhere, for fear that other people don't seem to know that you are a master's dog.

32、原来现在的禽流感都是你造成的,早知道就应该把你从鸡窝里揪出来关到*去隔离。 Originally now avian influenza is caused by you, knew you should put your out put to * to isolate from the henhouse.

33、和你接触的时间越长,我就越喜欢狗,狗永远是狗,人有时候不是人。 And you contact, the longer the more I like dogs, dog is always dog, people sometimes isn't a person.

34、回家照照镜子看看自己头上有没有葱,没有就去买几把插上,还好意思在这里装蒜。 Go home look in the mirror to see his head to have green Onions, did not go to buy some put the plug in, return not bashful here play dumb.

35、在男人面前发骚的时候,一定要记得把那张不要脸的物体遮起来,免得影响他人的审美观。 Distributing SAO before the man, must remember that shameless object covered up, lest affect the aesthetic view of others.

36、天有天道,地有地道,猫有猫道,狗有狗道,你爸不走正道,你妈不守妇道,你也不尽孝道。 Days of heaven, and have a tunnel, a cat has a cat, a dog has a dog, your daddy don't walk the path and your mother is not destructive, you also not filial piety.

37、如果对方要是骂你,你可以回,请别跟我说话吐口水,我没拿钱,买不起湿巾。 If the other party if I scold you, you can back, please don't talk to me spit, I didn't take money, can't afford to buy a wet towel.

38、对于我的估计你无法抵挡,你只能乱敲键盘告诉我你内心在哭泣而且无力回天是吗? Estimates of me you can't resist, only knocking the keyboard you tell me your heart is crying and powerless?

39、就算你再不好意思也别把**当脸用,用**对着别人不礼貌啊! Even if you don't not bashful don't also when face to the bottom, with a bottom to others not polite!

40、就算是一坨shi,也有遇见屎壳郎的一天,所以你大可不必为今天的自己有太多担忧。 Even a tuo shi, also have meet the dung a day, so you don't have to worry about yourself today have too much.

41、左一句麻痹,又一句麻痹,看来你妈在生你的时候应该是个麻痹症患儿。 Left a paralysis, paralysis, it seems that your mother when you should be a paralysis.

42、快点,快点回去!你妈在那里等你,说是让你回去重新生一次看能不能生个聪明点的。 Hurry up, hurry up go back! Let you mother there waiting for you, you can't back to have a look have a smart.

43、总觉得自己很了不起,你唯一出总的地方就是你的那股子骚劲。 Always think oneself is very great, you are the only out a general place is that share all of you.

44、恕我直言,你唯一出众的地方,就是你那骚劲,小妞,背地里勾引过不少男人吧? With all due respect, you are the only outstanding place, is that all you, little girl, secretly seduce many men?

45、我不和一个具有轻度弱智的智障人计较,这会有损我的高贵形象。 I don't a person with mild mental retardation of mentally disabled is willing, it will harm the image of my noble.

46、我是三不控:控制不了不上网,控制不了不打架,控制不了不骂人。 My point is: can't control don't get to the Internet, can't control don't fight, can't control don't call names.

47、我永远忘不了你哪天的样子,纷飞的雪花从你头上落下,映出你迷人的面庞……喂!你的头屑也太多了吧? I will never forget you someday, swirling snowflakes falling from your head, your charming face reflected... A: hello! You have too many scurf also?

48、我看你的脑那么大肯定是装满了粪便,要不然怎么会散发出一股难闻的臭味。 I think your brain size must be full of excrement and urine, or else how can send out a terrible smell.

49、我真的觉得你像猪的后代,不管任何人看见你这长相都不会反对我说的话。 I really think you like a pig, look anybody see you it will not be opposed to what I said.

50、我知道狗到了交配期都会发情,但你要发情的话就去狗窝,别在大街上影响人类的生活。 I know the dog to the mating will heat, but if you want to heat the kennel, don't affect human life in the street.

51、整天穿这个低胸穿那个豹纹,看你这身打扮整的跟二战前淘汰下来的慰安妇似的。 All day wear the low-cut the leopard grain, see you the whole with this outfitwith out of comfort women before world war ii.

52、整天跟这个关系好,那个关系好,到头来不过你在别人眼里算什么呢。 All day with the good relations, the relationship is good, but in the end what does that make you in others' eyes.

53、有人若是骂你你便说,再说一遍!有种你再说一遍,他若是还说,你便说,真乖,叫你说就说。 If someone scold you said, you say that again! Maybe you say it again, if he also said that you said, really good, you said you like.

54、有病就吃药,不知道吃什么药就去青山医院问问,会有适合你的。 Take medicine unhealthily, do not know what to eat medicine will go to the castle peak hospital ask, will there be for you.

55、看你满嘴都粘着翔,我借张纸巾借你擦擦,免得那臭味熏到了别人。 See you mouth full adhesion cheung, I lent you borrow napkins wiping, lest he that reek to others.

56、给10个*发条短信,我当时就哭了,我只认识你一个,我完了。 To 10 fool clockwork SMS, I cried at that time, I know you only one, I'm finished.

57、脑子只配用在有脑子人的身上,像你这种没有大脑的脓包就别用脑子了。 Only with the brain in a person's brain, a no brain abscess like you don't use the brain.

58、说我嫉妒你?你也不擦干眼角的眼屎看清楚你自己是个什么货色。 Say I'm jealous of you? You also don't dry canthus gum to see yourself what is the stuff.

59、说老娘男人是两条腿的男人,哎呦,看来你男人是三条腿的蛤蟆啊! Old niang said men are two legs of a man, oh, it seems you man is a three-legged toad!

60、请你好好考虑下你到底有没有那个实力跟我抗衡好吗?我不想跟个残废人墨迹半天。 Please consider your exactly have the strength to compete with me? I don't want to be with a disabled ink half a day.

61、遇事要先从自己身上找原因,别一拉不出屎就怪地球没有吸引力。 He want to find reasons from yourself first, don't blame the earth unattractive one couldn't pull the excrement.

62、遇到爱占小便宜的人,你可以说,那么爱占便宜,假如拿人家的真手短的话,你早就高位截瘫了。 Meet people who love to take petty advantages, you can say, so pushy, if take the somebody else's real hand short, you have been a paraplegic.

63、那么贱的人还说自己是**,恐怕你自己得了梅毒都还不自知呢! So cheap man said that he is a virgin, I'm afraid you have crabs are still don't even know it!

64、都怪我眼睛不好使,竟然连人和狗都分不清,但这也不能怪我,谁叫你和狗那么像呢! All blame my eyes not make, doesn't know that even people and dogs, but this can't blame me, who call you and you like that dog!
