1、一个抱抱就能解决的事,为什么总要跟我讲大道理。 Why do you always have to tell me the big reason for a thing that can be solved by hugging.

2、一场梦,不怨也不恨,上了想象力的当。 A dream, no resentment, no hatred, when the imagination.

3、一行泪流下,只因瓦解脆弱。 A line of tears, only because of the collapse of fragile.

4、三个秀才说书,三个屠夫说猪。 Three scholars tell stories, three butchers say pigs.

5、不与浑人辩理,不与恶狗争道。 Don't argue with the Hun, don't argue with the evil dog.

6、不要为了看别人,走错了自己脚下的路。 Don't go the wrong way to see others.

7、不要轻易评论我的好与坏,我没吃过你家一口饭。 Don't easily comment on my good and bad. I haven't eaten a meal in your family.

8、世界上所有的惊喜和好运,都是你累积的温柔和善良。 All the surprises and good luck in the world are your accumulated gentleness and kindness.

9、世界这么大,而我真正想落脚的地方,是你的身旁。 The world is so big, and the place I really want to stay is your side.

10、人活得累,是想要的工具太多,本身却未曾真正全力。 When people are tired, they want too many tools, but they don't really try their best.

11、人穷当街卖艺,虎饿拦路伤人。 When people are poor, they sell their art on the street. When tigers are hungry, they hurt people.

12、你一定会是某个人,翘看以盼的惊喜。 You must be someone, looking forward to the surprise.

13、你不必逞强不必说谎,懂你的自然知道你本来的模样。 You don't have to be brave, you don't have to lie, you know what you are.

14、你泼过来的冷水,我定烧开了泼回去。 I must have boiled the cold water you poured back.

15、关于你,千军万马,四海潮生,你一笑,我心都甜了。 About you, thousands of troops, all over the world, you smile, my heart is sweet.

16、关于你,是醉酒后的滔滔不绝。 About you, is drunk after the voluble.

17、再穷无非讨米,不死总要发财。 No matter how poor you are, you will get rich if you don't die.

18、出门在外你掏车费,吃饭结账我往后退。 You pick up the fare when you go out. I'll back when you check out.

19、千变万化是人心,纹丝不动的是命运。 The ever-changing is the heart of the people, and the motionless is the fate.

20、因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。 Because of love, so compassion; because of understanding, so tolerance.

21、困惑的时候,换个角度去思考。 When confused, think in a different way.

22、坚持最强的意志,哪怕刀山火海。 Adhere to the strongest will, even if the mountains and rivers.

23、如若相爱,便携手到老;如若错过,便愿他安好。 If you love each other, carry your hand to old age; if you miss it, wish him well.

24、学是学生活,懂是懂人生,懂真诚,懂宽容,懂感恩。 Learning is learning life, understanding life, understanding sincerity, understanding tolerance, understanding gratitude.

25、希望我们都是彼此人生里,最后一位心动嘉宾。 I hope we are the last exciting guests in each other's lives.

26、希望我这个小朋友,让你牵挂让你难忘。 I hope that this little friend of mine can make you unforgettable.

27、幸福到最后的婚姻,是靠自己。 Happy to the last marriage, is on their own.

28、当时的狸猫猛如虎,背时的凤凰不如鸡。 At that time, the civet cat was as fierce as a tiger, and the Phoenix behind it was not as strong as a chicken.

29、待我功成名达,许你花前月下。 When I become famous, you may spend a lot of time.

30、心平何劳持戒,行直何用修禅。 It's hard to keep the precepts when the mind is flat, and it's useless to practice Zen when you are straight.

31、怀既往而不咎,指将来而骏奔。 To have the past without blame means to run fast in the future.

32、怕相思,已相思,轮到相思没处辞。 Afraid of Acacia, already Acacia, Acacia has no place to leave.

33、思念的痛只有自己体会,心灵的感触,痛彻心扉。 The pain of missing is only my own experience, the feeling of my heart.

34、愿你有物暖心有人暖心,山水一程余生皆有好运。 I hope you have something to warm your heart and someone to warm your heart, and the mountains and rivers will have good luck for the rest of your life.

35、我不是天生的王者,但我骨子里流着不服输的血液。 I'm not a natural king, but I have blood in my bones.

36、我只要简单的陪伴,无条件的信任,看得见的在乎。 I just want simple company, unconditional trust and visible care.

37、我有很多超能力,不止超可爱。 I have a lot of superpowers, not only super cute.

38、改过必生智慧,护短心内非贤。 If we change, we will have wisdom and protect our hearts.

39、求学将以致用,读书贵在虚心。 Study will be useful, and study is valued by modesty.

40、没有内在的平静,就没有外在的安宁。 Without inner peace, there is no outer peace.

41、没有心如刀割,不再依依不舍,只有,沉默相隔。 No heart like a knife, no longer reluctant to part, only, silence separated.

42、泪水打湿豆豆鞋,加上皮包我还是爷。 Tears wet Doudou shoes, plus leather bags, I'm still the master.

43、深潭无声无息,浅水哗哗作响。 The deep pool is silent, the shallow water is clattering.

44、生活明朗,万物可爱,人间值得,未来可期。 Life is bright, everything is lovely, the world is worth living, and the future is promising.

45、用不着你喜欢,也轮不到你讨厌,哪边凉快哪边呆。 You don't need to like it. You don't need to hate it. You don't need to stay cool.

46、真的成熟的人抓一把盐往伤口撒,还微笑说不痛。 The really mature person grasps a handful of salt and sprinkles it on the wound, but also smiles and says it doesn't hurt.

47、祸在于贪小利,害在于亲小人。 The evil lies in the greed for small profits, and the harm lies in the love of small people.

48、竖起脊梁立行,放开眼孔观书。 Stand upright, open your eyes and watch.

49、精神小伙路难走,必须学会摇花手。 It's hard for a little man of spirit to walk. He must learn to shake his hands.

50、绝口不提不是因为忘记,而是因为铭记。 Never mention it not because of forgetting, but because of remembering.

51、若一切随她去,便是世间自在人。 If everything goes with her, it will be a free person in the world.

52、说的再多,不如付出行动,只有行动才能进步。 No matter how much you say, it's better to give action. Only action can make progress.

53、路休不看就走,话休不想就说。 If you don't want to see Lu Xiu, you can go. If you don't want to talk, you can talk.

54、过江龙遇下山虎,社会不由你做主。 When you meet a mountain tiger after crossing the river, the society is not up to you.

55、这世上,赢的,多半还是薄情人。 In this world, most of the winners are thin lovers.

56、青春的我们不要太乖,也别太坏。 Youth, we should not be too good, and not too bad.

57、静心是什么,面对无聊就是静心。 What is meditation? Facing boredom is meditation.

58、须知孺子可教,勿谓童于何知。 You should know what children know.

59、高山之上有天,沧海之下有地。 There is a day above the mountains and a land below the sea.

60、黄昏是生命逝去前,最温暖的时候。 Dusk is the warmest time before the death of life.