1、下月玉山杉杉,该寺被如花心捡起。 -皮日秀《天柱寺8月15日夜归子》
3、中庭月光清澈,阳花无影无数。 -张显《木兰,义乌,吴兴寒食》
4、二十四座桥,月夜,玉人在哪里吹牛? -杜牧《送汉书·评判汉书》
5、仅怀疑粉末涂金,若用淡奶油擦玉条。 -曹雪芹《向灵皓月·齐尔》 22日,在洞庭的月球上,船上会买白云酒。 -李白《洞庭湖四首二》
6、今夜仅约山,千里之外,苏光通。 -谢毅《江神子·兴化村博物馆酒旗风》
7、今天的东吴,月亮没有压倒一切。 -苏“《水调头·徐州中秋节》
8、今年的夜晚,月亮和灯火仍在。 -欧阳修《圣子子·袁熙》
10、住在汉城林翰阁中,心同月田来胡田。 -皇甫《春思》
11、八月冷花,秋江荡漾。 -李炜《送刘炜》
12、凄凉之后,两者应该是相同的,最不满意。 -纳兰·兴德“虞美人·曲阑深相相相见”
13、刚刚摆脱了阳光,却教月亮送未来。 -苏“《花影》
14、匕首上,眉影横窗薄。 -王藻《点唇,心月卷娟》
16、哭莺散,馀花乱,寂寞画堂深院。 -李伟,“西强·小月坠饰”
17、回想潇湘月的君瑶,他听到了漫长的梦想。 -王昌龄《送魏二》
18、守护月亮云轻,嫩冰稀。 -辛弃疾《瑞和县·福美》
19、宋派善面对千绿,一颗月亮和一颗心。 -白居易《湖上的春天》
20、山为两乡,月同千里。 -王昌龄《送桂林五号》
21、山月醉帽落,空歌怀有声。 -李白《九日》
22、干燥而倾斜,等待月华盛。 -欧阳修,《临江县六外轻雷池,下雨》
23、当月亮在云层中时,雾很黑,而露水将水翻转。 -张元干《平湖博城周围的苍溪沙·山》
24、情况指的是中秋佳节,一个很好的月,没有人说。 -辛弃疾《白玉兰慢,漳州送范“》
25、把窗帘外面的月冷挂着,到了阳光和地面。 -吴文英,“丁香结,伊则,秋秋海曙”
26、掩护的本质应该是困难的,影子从娟娟从冷。 -曹雪芹《向灵皓月·三度》
27、晋武不可夜,玉漏莫香催。 -苏味《正月十五夜》
28、晚来风定钓闲丝闲,上下是新月。 -朱敦儒《善事近,先摇红尘》
29、月亮满天黑白降落霜降,江枫渔火就沉睡。 -张Ji《枫桥夜园》
31、月影的影子,西风刮起了帷幕。 -李存喜,《一叶倒下》·一叶倒下
32、楚克想听姚明的悲哀,深夜。 -刘玉玺,“湘乡神·竹枝”
33、此时的休闲郎并不常见,每月的窗口又冷又沉。 -王世zhen《蝴蝶之花与何玉玉词》
34、步回走廊,半梅梅麝香。 -苏Shi《长木兰·春月》
36、满月飞镜,回到大刀的心脏。-杜甫的“ 8月15日,第二个月的第二个月”
37、灵魂的梦,钟漏了,小露窗外月窗残月。 -魏承办《钓鱼歌,刘如梅》
38、玉镜挂玉镜,珍珠帘挂冰格。 -曹雪芹《向灵·皓月·一号》
39、第一个月的化妆镜勾勾,蝉鬓。 -李Z“应天长·勾月初妆镜” 20日,韩月也从东海来,明禹西未婚。 -李白《王昭君二》 21 、,征三十万人,片刻回月看。 -李毅《从军北》
40、色香味是空的,香味是明亮的,月亮是小的银堂。 -纳兰·兴德“一束鲜花,咏蒂蒂莲”
41、蒸沙和闪闪的石块燃烧着乌云,沸腾的海浪和油炸的韩寒。 -岑参《海星兴寄崔Shi于京》
42、解决花朵和阳光飞扬的问题,我不知道世界上有霜。 -曾巩《咏柳·乱条未变头黄》
43、谁使神州,沉国一百年,清未到?怅晨星残月,北州英雄。 -陈人杰,“圆圆春·丁瑜的旧情”
45、酒醒月窗窗。 -夏·严《苍溪沙·四合院天下沉白日斜》
46、锣鼓破人,方秋雁。 -杜甫《月光下的怀念》
47、门上开满了鲜花和春天,窗户上满是月亮,酒醒了。 -施向志的《咏愁》
48、韩江明月归国,万历秋凤body. - Bian Gong "Reward Wu Guobin" 55, West window white, a few cool months, a courtyard of lilac snow. - Wang Guowei "Point lips, screen but Acacia" 56, Zhijun heart as the sun and the moon, the husband swears to life and death. - Zhang Ji, "The Women's Day, Sending Dongping, Li Sikong, Taoist Road" 57, the night moon, a dream, the spring breeze ten tenderness. - Qin Guan "eight six sons · Yiwei Pavilion" 58, the star, the pavilion to the new. ——Jiang Zong, “Three Good Temple Night Watching Mountain Lights” 59, dancing low Yangliulou heart month, singing the bottom of the peach fan. —— 晏 道 鹧鸪 鹧鸪 鹧鸪 鹧鸪 鹧鸪 鹧鸪 鹧鸪 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷- Li Shangyin "Untitled and difficult to meet when it is difficult to meet" 61, Shen Lin people do not know, the moon is coming. - Wang Wei "Bamboo Hall" 62, the usual month before the window, only the plum will be different. - Du Fu's "Cold Night" 63, where is the northwestern township, the southeast sees the moon a few rounds. - Bai Juyi "August 15th Night Night Pavilion" 64, the wind is clear and the moon is round, the letter is a good time. - He Zhu "Hurricane Moon" 65, travel pillow yuan has no dreams, cold more self-long. - Lv Benzhong "South Song Zi · Luan Road invading the moon" 66, Jiangshan Zixiong Li, wind dew and alpine. - Zhang Xiaoxiang "Water Tune Head · Jinshan Guanyue" 67, I was drunk and clap my hands, and I was invited to the moon, and I became a guest. - Su Shi, "Nian Nujiao, Mid-Autumn Festival" 68, how many questions can you ask? Just like a river spring water flows eastward. - Li Wei, "When the beautiful people, spring flowers and autumn months" 69, the intestines off the mountain is not explained 70, see the clouds outside the mountains and rivers, still old, osmanthus shadow. - Wang Yisun "Browsing the New Moon" 71, the lack of moon hanging Shutong, leaking people quiet. - Su Shi, "Bu operator, Huangzhou Dinghuiyuan residence" 72, this meaning of Jiang Yue, pay and sand gulls. - Yang Yanzheng "Water Tune Head · Deng Duo Jing Lou" 73, Jun Huailiang does not open, Dangdang He Yi. - Cao Zhi "Mingyue on the tall building" 74, Wusong tired habitat, fish dragons startled, the stars hang hanging Yang. - Chen Liang "a cluster of flowers, Xitang play the moon" 75, waiting for a plum soul, dusk moon light, and Yi deep pity. - Liu Ru is "Jin Mingchi·咏寒柳" 76, the moon under the sky mirror, Yunsheng Jiehailou. - Li Bai "Duo Jingmen farewell" 77, Jinlou is less than the Savage, but outside the door, clear stream. - Xie P "鹊桥仙·月胧星淡" 78, Qingshan together with Yunyu, Mingyue was once two townships. - Wang Changling "Send the firewood to protect the royal family" 79, Yunbianyan broken Hu Tianyue, squatting sheep to return grass tobacco. - Wen Tingjun "Su Wu Temple" 80, the moon is divided into Hui, the Ming River together, the table is clear. - Zhang Xiaoxiang "Nian Nujiao over the Dongting" 81, after the fear of the sun and the moon, strong songs and wine. - Li Bai's "Long Songs"
49、预计每年都会被打破,明月夜,短暂的松冈。 -苏Shi《江城子·八月初一梦的二十日》
50、高歌来好月,空谷应秋秋。 -李白《石门山中原求丘峰高峰》
51、鹅的第一味无瑕疵,水高100英尺。 -李商隐《霜月》