1、一个判例造出另一个判例,它们迅速累聚,进而变成法律。 Another case, a case made them rapid accumulation, thus become law.
2、一个文明的社会不应当有这样野蛮的法律。 A civilized society should not have such a brutal law.
3、上帝把法律和公平凑合在一起,可是人类却把它拆开。 God's law and justice work together, but human to dismantle it.
4、不讲法律,一意孤行的统治者就是暴君。 Do not speak the law, promote the ruler is a tyrant.
5、习俗也许不如法律来得明智,然而它们向来比法律更受人欢迎。 Customs may not laws is wise, however, they has always been more popular than the law.
6、习惯没有法律那样明智,可它们往往更盛行。 Habit law did not sensible, but they tend to be more popular.
7、人们嘴上挂着的法律,其真实含义是财富。 People hung on the law, its true meaning is a treasure.
8、人民始终不懈的追求在法律面前的平行权利。 People are always unremitting pursue parallel rights before the law.
9、人民应该为法律而战斗,就像为了城墙而战斗一样。 People should fight for the law, just like in order to fight the wall.
10、人类法律,事物有规律,这是不容忽视的。 Human law, regular things, this is not allow to ignore.
11、从来没有一部法律,没有一个社会能够根灭人性中同性恋这个部分。 Never a law that no society can root out human nature gay in this section.
12、以法律保障人民权利,以法治范围全国。 Scope of legal safeguard people's rights and the rule of law across the country.
13、们所感受到的逻辑混乱源自法律与道德这两个领域的混淆。 They felt logic confusion comes from confusion in the field of law and morality.
14、像房子一样,法律和法律都是相互依存的。 Like a house, the law and the law are interdependent.
15、入乡随俗,这是规矩中的规矩,法律中的法律。 When in Rome, do as the Romans do, this is the rule in the rule, the law of the law.
16、全面无型的控制,把法律和良心合在一起。 Comprehensive without control, the law and conscience.
17、公民的隐私权不仅法律不得侵犯,行**力也不应当随意侵犯。 May infringe upon citizens' right of privacy not only law, administrative power should not arbitrarily infringement.
18、再严厉的法律也不能让浪子回头、挥霍者节俭、酒鬼清醒。 Harsh laws also can't let again prodigal son, a spendthrift thrift, drunk awake.
19、制定法律法令,就是为了不让强者做什么事都横行霸道。 Law statute, is in order not to let the strong do what matter all bullying.
20、制定法律的人首先触犯法律,这样的法律还有什么意义。 Makes the laws of the people first breaking the law, so what is the point of law.
21、只要不违反公正的法律,那么人人都有完全的*以自己的方式追求自己的利益。 As long as not against the law of justice, so everyone has complete freedom in their own way to pursue their own interests.
22、因为需要才有法律,但需要自己却不服从法律。 Because of the need to just have the law, but need to but they don't obey the law.
23、在**的喧嚣声中,法律的声音显得太微弱。 In the din of violence, the law's voice is too weak.
24、在*的国家里,法律就是国王;在专制的国家里,国王就是法律。 In democratic countries, the law is king; In authoritarian countries, king is the law.
25、如果一个人不需要服从任何人,只服从法律,那么,他就是*的。 If a man doesn't need to obey anyone, only obey the law, so, he's free.
26、如果法律能为自己说话,它们首先埋怨的就是律师。 If the law can speak for themselves, they first blame is a lawyer.
27、如果设立了某种法律又不严格执行,那是法制的不健全。 If set up some laws do not strictly carry out again, that's the rule of law is not sound.
28、守法度,有高出法度外之眼光;循法度,有超出法度外之道力。 To obey the law, have higher outside the testimonies of vision; Follow testimonies, beyond the way of outside force.
29、家庭将永远是人类社会的基础。权力和法律的作用是在这儿开始的。 Family will always be the foundation of human society. The role of power and the law is started here.
30、对个人来说,唯一的权力是良心;对人民来说,唯一的权力是法律。 For an individual, the only power is the conscience; For the people, the only power is the law.
31、希腊斯帕特王法律应对人有权威,而不是人对法律有权威。 Greece,pat Wang Falv people have authority to cope with the situation, rather than on legal authority.
32、律师是法律最理想、最无可指责的解释者。 Law is the law is the most ideal and irreproachable interpreter.
33、我们是法律的仆人,以便我们可以获得*。 We are the servants of the law, so that we can be free.
34、我的房屋对于我如同一座城堡,法律也无法将我从那里赶出去。 My house for me like a castle, law nor will I cast out from there.
35、执政官是说话的法律,法律是无声的执政官。 Consul is speaking law, laws are silent.
36、放下利害,放下尊严,放下身份,爱情面前,比法律更人人平等。 Put down stakes, put down the dignity, put down the identity, in front of love, more than the law everyone is equal.
37、无论何人,如为他人制定法律,应将同一法律应用于自己身上。 Whoever, such as a law for others, should be the same law applied to them.
38、正义单靠精神上相信是不够的,它得靠非精神方面的证实,也就是靠法律的认可。 Spiritual alone believe that justice is not enough, it depends on the mental health, confirmed that is recognized by the law.
39、没有信仰的法律将退化成为僵死的教条,而没有法律的信仰将蜕变成为狂信。 Without faith in the law will become a zombie doctrine, degradation and without legal faith will become ecstatic.
40、法官一旦偏离了法律的条文就成了立法者。 The judge once the deviation from the law provision which became a legislator.
41、法官手中的司法*权就好比暴君的法律。它的标准无人知道。 The judge judicial freedom is just like in the hands of a tyrant. No one knows its standards.
42、法官是法律世界的国王,除了法律就没有别的上司。 The judge is the king of the world and law in addition to the law, there is no other boss.
43、法律一旦成为人们的需要,人们就不再配享受*了。 Law once become people's needs, people no longer deserve to enjoy free.
44、法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的。 The law cannot make all men equal, but everyone is equal before the law.
45、法律乃是改革的主要力量,是解决冲突的首要渠道。 The law is the main power in the reform, is the first channel conflict resolution.
46、法律吸吮穷人的膏血,而富人却掌握着权柄。 Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule in the hands of the authority.
47、法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时间再长,也还是没有制约力的。 If unreasonable, even longer time, still no further reading.in.
48、法律如果推不开特权的门,也一定跨不进人民的心。 If not opened the door of the privilege must also cross not into the heart of the people.
49、法律对不够处罚条件的对象是无能为力的。 Legal punishment for not enough conditions of object is powerless.
50、法律就像旅行一样,必须为明天做准备。它必须具备成长的原则。 Laws are like travel, must preparefor tomorrow. It must have the principle of growth.
51、法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。 Law is order, and good law is good order.
52、法律已经阻止不了我了,因为我读社会人文类的知音和故事会。 Law will not stop me, because I read social humanities classes of understanding friend and stories.
53、法律并不能使所有的人都平等,但是所有的人在法律面前都是平等的。 The law cannot make all men equal, but all people are equal before the law.
54、法律应对人有权威,而不是人对法律有权威。 Law should have authority in person, rather than on legal authority.
55、法律怎么着都是不能侵犯的,你也不能以一个正义的名义侵犯法律,这是不行的。 What law are not violated, you also can't in the name of the justice of a violation of the law, it is no good.
56、法律总是把全民的安全置于个人的安全之上。 Law always put national security over the safety of individuals.
57、法律是一切人类智慧聪明的结晶,包括一切社会思想和道德。 Law is the crystallization of human wisdom, including all social ideology and morality.
58、法律是无私的,对谁都一视同仁。在每件事上,她都不徇私情。 The law is selfless, for everybody alike. On everything, she swayed by personal considerations.
59、法律是显露的道德,道德是隐藏的法律。 Moral law is revealed, morality is the hidden law.
60、法律是社会的习惯和思想的结晶。 Law is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society.
61、法律本身并不能保证言论*;要做到这一点,必需要所有的人都有着包容的心。 The法律本身并不能保证言论*;为此,所有人民必须有包容的心。
62、法律永远不会产生伟大的人物,只有*才能造成巨人和英雄。 Law will never produce a great man, only freedom can cause giants and hero.
63、法律的出发点不是惩罚人,而是保护人。 The starting point of law is not to punish people, but the protectors.
64、法律的力量应当跟随着公民,就像影子跟随着身体一样。 The force of law should follow the citizen, like a shadow along with the body.
65、法律的基础有两个,而且只有两个公平和实用。 Law is the basis of the two, and only two fair and practical.
66、法律的目的是对受法律支配的一切人公正地运用法律,借以保护和救济无辜者。 Law of ruled by law is the purpose of all the people of fair use of the law, so as to protection and relief for the innocent.
67、法律的真谛,就是没有绝对的*,更没有绝对的平等。 The true meaning of the law, is that there is no absolute freedom, more no absolute equality.
68、法律的胳膊是强大而长长的。这就是我的看法。一只强大而长长的胳膊。 The arm of law is a strong and long. This is my opinion. A strong and long arms.
69、法律,在它支配着地球上所有人民的场合,就是人类的理性。 Law, it dominates all people on earth, is human reason.
70、法者,天下之公器也;变者,天下之公理也。 Legislators, the world of male also; And the axiom of change, the world.
71、王子不在法律之上,而法律却在王子之上。 The prince is not above the law, and the law is above the prince.
72、用道德的示范来造就一个人, To make a person with moral demonstration, apparently more valuable than using law to restrain him.
73、*不是无限制的*,*是一种能做法律许可的任何事的权力。 Freedom is not unlimited freedom, freedom is a kind of power to do anything which is permitted by law.
74、*就是做法律所许可的一切事情的权力。 Freedom is the power of everything which is permitted by law.
75、*是做法律所许可的一切事情的权利。 Freedom is everything that is permitted by law.
76、*是在法律许可的范围内任意行事的权利。 Freedom is within the scope of legal license any rights act.
77、被败坏的道德践踏了的法律还有何意义? Be corrupted moral trampling on the law and he yiyi?
78、除了需要法律介入的事情,世界上没有什么是不可原谅的。 In addition to the need of legal intervention, nothing in the world is unforgivable.