1、一个势孤俩力大,三人能叫河搬家。 One is lonely, two are strong, three can make river move.

2、一人一料沙,众人一块金。 One man has one sand, and all men a lump of gold.

3、一人拾柴火不旺,众人拾柴火焰高。 When one person gathers firewood, it is not prosperous for everyone to collect firewood.

4、一人难唱一台戏。 It's hard to sing a play for one person.

5、一块砖头砌不成墙,一根木头盖不成房。 One brick can't make a wall; one piece of wood can't make a house.

6、一朵鲜花不是春,万紫千红春满园。 A flower is not a spring, but a colorful spring.

7、一根稻草抛不过墙,一根木头架不起梁。 A straw can't be thrown over the wall, and a piece of wood can't support a beam.

8、一根线容易断,万根线能拉船。 One thread is easy to break, ten thousand can pull a boat.

9、三虎必有一彪,三鹰必有一鹞。 Three tigers must have a puma, three eagles must have a harrier.

10、不上这山庙,不烧这柱香。 If you don't go to the mountain temple, you don't burn the incense.

11、两个协调的力量,可以分十个人的力量。 The two forces of coordination can be divided into the power of ten people.

12、人多力大,龙虎害怕。 The dragon and the tiger are afraid of many people.

13、人难挑千斤担,众人能移万座山。 It is difficult for a man to carry a heavy load, but many can move thousands of mountains.

14、你敲你的鼓,我打我的锣。 You beat your drum, I play my Gong.

15、十事九不周,慎勿多苛求。 Be careful not to ask too much.

16、只要人手多,石磨挪过河。 As long as there are many hands, the stone mill moves across the river.

17、同一个马鞍上的人,走的是一个方向。 People on the same saddle go in the same direction.

18、和为贵,忍为高。 Harmony is precious, tolerance is high.

19、团结加智慧,弱者胜强者。 Unity and wisdom make the weak better than the strong.

20、团结就是力量。 Unity is strength.

21、大小是个人,长短是个棍。 Size is a person, length is a stick.

22、大树成林不怕我,十根细线拧成绳。 A big tree makes a forest, not afraid of me. Ten thin threads are twisted into a rope.

23、大路朝天,各走一边。 Take one side of the road.

24、天上星多黑夜明,地上树多成森林。 There are many stars in the sky, and the night is bright, and the trees on the ground become forests.

25、寂寞旅途上,朋友最可贵。 On the lonely journey, friends are the most valuable.

26、平时肯帮人,急时有人帮。 They are willing to help others at ordinary times, but others help when they are in a hurry.

27、患难之交坚如铁,萍水相逢短如春。 A friend in need is as firm as iron, but as short as spring when we meet by chance.

28、打仗亲兄弟,上阵父子兵。 Brother in war, father and son in battle.

29、有盐同咸,无盐同淡。 Salt with salt, salt with light.

30、松柏纵然长得好,离开了土地只能当柴烧。 Even if the pine and cypress grow well, they can only be used as firewood when they leave the land.

31、树直用处多,人直朋友多。 A tree is more useful than a friend.

32、深山里出鹞鹰,众人里出高人。 There are hawks in the mountains, and great men in all.

33、滴水不成海,独木难成林。 Water does not make a sea, but a single tree makes a forest.

34、烂麻搓成绳,也能拉千斤。 If rotten hemp is twisted into a rope, it can also pull a thousand catties.

35、爱就是在你疏忽时,重重地提醒你。 Love is to remind you when you are negligent.

36、疑人误友,疑事误功。 If you doubt others, you will miss your friends.

37、离群孤雁飞不远,一个人活力气短。 Lonely geese fly not far away from the crowd, a person's vitality is short of breath.

38、聪明人与朋友同行,步调总是齐一的。 A wise man walks with his friends at the same pace.

39、若是大家都走到河里,鳄鱼便不敢张嘴。 If everyone went into the river, the crocodile would not dare to open its mouth.

40、鱼不能离水,雁不能离群。 Fish can not leave the water, geese can not leave the flock.