1、不懂得自爱的人,是没有能力去爱别人的。 People who don't know how to love themselves have no ability to love others.

2、人一简单就快乐,一世故就变老。 A man is happy when he is simple, and old when he is sophisticated.

3、人生只是一个方向,快慢则由自己决定。 Life is just a direction, the speed is decided by oneself.

4、人生坎坷无数,唯有胸襟宽广,才能一路无忧! Life is full of ups and downs. Only with broad mind can we have no worries all the way!

5、人生如瀑布,惊险一霎那,此后便是平坦的前途。 Life is like a waterfall, a breathtaking moment, and then a flat future.

6、人生就像掌纹,虽然坎坷,但总掌握在自己手中。 Life is like palmprint, although rough, but always in their hands.

7、人生是一场旅行,要懂得好好欣赏每一段的风景。 Life is a journey, we should know how to enjoy every section of the scenery.

8、从某种意义上讲,人生的坎坷是人的精神财富。 In a sense, the ups and downs of life are people's spiritual wealth.

9、任何平静的现在,都有一段坎坷纷乱的过去。 Any calm present has a turbulent past.

10、你是你生命的作者,何必写那么难言的剧本。 You are the author of your life. Why write such a difficult script.

11、决不能放弃,世界上没有失败,只有放弃。 Never give up, there is no failure in the world, only give up.

12、只有走完平凡的路程,才能达到伟大的目标。 Only after the ordinary journey can we achieve the great goal.

13、各自挥霍,各自生活。各自坎坷,各自曲折。 They squander, they live. Their own ups and downs, their own twists and turns.

14、喝醉了才知道你最爱谁,生病了才知道谁最爱你。 Only when you are drunk can you know who you love most, and only when you are sick can you know who loves you most.

15、困难和坎坷谁都会有,是去跨越,还是止步不前。 Everyone will have difficulties and frustrations, whether to leap or to stop.

16、在光滑的冰面上容易摔倒,是因为上面没有坎坷。 It is easy to fall on the smooth ice because there is no bumps on it.

17、多一分心力去注意别人,就少一分心力反省自己。 More distraction to pay attention to others, less distraction to reflect on themselves.

18、对于懒虫来说,起床是人生中不可磨灭的坎坷。 For the lazy, getting up is an indelible bumpy in life.

19、已经失去的不妨让它失去,至少不再耽于等待。 What has been lost may as well be lost, at least no longer delay waiting.

20、心若大了心情就好了,心若大了心事就小了。 If the heart is big, the mood will be good. If the heart is big, the mind will be small.

21、忙碌的生活是一种幸福,让我们没时间体会痛苦。 Busy life is a kind of happiness, let us have no time to experience pain.

22、快乐不是因为拥有的多,而是因为计较的少。 Happiness is not because you have more, but because you care less.

23、我们的报酬取决于我们所做出的贡献。 Our reward depends on our contribution.

24、或许我人生路坎坷,但他却教给我太多人心险恶。 Maybe I have a bumpy life, but he taught me too many dangerous people.

25、拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。 Having a dream is only a kind of intelligence, and realizing a dream is a kind of ability.

26、昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦。 Last night more minutes of preparation, today less hours of trouble.

27、暧昧不清的关系,无非就是想占有但不想负责。 The ambiguous relationship is nothing more than to possess but not to be responsible.

28、曾经沧海难为水,到头来,谁也代替不了谁的谁。 Once upon a time, there was no water. In the end, no one can replace anyone else.

29、最怕自己平庸碌碌还安慰自己平凡可贵。 Most afraid of their mediocrity and comfort their own ordinary valuable.

30、有无目标是成功者与平庸者的根本差别。 Whether there is a goal or not is the fundamental difference between the successful and the mediocre.

31、每一个不起舞的早晨,都是对生命的辜负。 Every morning without dancing is a failure to live.

32、没有糟糕的事情,只有糟糕的心情。 There are no bad things, only bad mood.

33、没有辛苦的等待,也就品尝不到如期而至的幸福。 Without hard waiting, we can't taste the happiness as scheduled.

34、泡沫总是浮在海面而珍珠却深埋水底。 Bubbles always float on the sea while pearls are deep in the bottom.

35、爱情,要不慌不燥,天生一对的人,正如约而至。 Love, do not panic not dry, born a pair of people, just as the appointment.

36、父母在人生尚有来处,父母去人生只剩归途。 Parents in life still have a place to come, parents to life is only the way back.

37、生命的多少用时间计算,生命的价值用贡献计算。 The amount of life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution.

38、生活中最好听的话是:你要是还继续努力点就好。 The best thing to hear in life is: if you keep working hard.

39、用这生命中的每一秒,给自己一个不后悔的未来。 With every second of life, give yourself a future that you don't regret.

40、看尽所有的人生感悟,我们都没有悟透这人生。 Look at all the feelings of life, we do not understand this life.

41、看开了,心就不累了,放下了,人就轻松了。 Look open, the heart will not be tired, put down, people will be relaxed.

42、突破心理障碍,才能超越自己。 Only by breaking through psychological barriers can we surpass ourselves.

43、等着别人来爱你,不如自己努力爱自己。 Waiting for others to love you is better than trying to love yourself.

44、结束我这一生的坎坷,让公平回到我的身上。 To end the ups and downs of my life, let justice come back to me.

45、行动不一定带来快乐,而无行动则决无快乐。 Action does not necessarily bring happiness, but without action there is no happiness.

46、设立目标,然后把目标细化为每一步的实际行动。 Set goals, and then refine them into actions for each step.

47、选择最淡的心事,诠释坎坷的人生。 Choose the lightest things and interpret the rough life.