1、一次遇见你,一次走到底。 Meet you once, walk to the end once.

2、不怕少年苦,只怕老来穷。 I'm not afraid of the hardships of youth, I'm afraid of the poverty of the old.

3、不能陪我好久就干脆不要理我。 If you can't stay with me for a long time, just ignore me.

4、世间五味杂陈,唯独你甜蜜动人。 There are five tastes in the world, but you are sweet and moving.

5、人在做天在看,我做事要你管。 People are doing things. I want you to take care of them.

6、从青春年少,到白发苍苍。 From youth to grey hair.

7、你像是从宇宙中飞来,我的天使。 You seem to come from the universe, my angel.

8、你是酒,我愿永远沉醉而不醒。 You are wine, I would like to be drunk forever.

9、你的微笑,暖和了整个冬季。 Your smile warms the whole winter.

10、你说的曾经,让我不住的怀念。 You said once, let me miss.

11、你那么可爱,应该遇到我。 You are so lovely, you should meet me.

12、其实很羡慕你,因为你拥有我。 In fact, I envy you because you have me.

13、勤俭持家要法,谨和处世良谋。 To be diligent and thrifty, we need to know how to run a family. We need to be careful and prudent.

14、南风过境,十里春风不如你。 South wind transit, ten li spring wind is not as good as you.

15、天不绝人愿,故使侬见郎。 The heaven is always willing, so make Nong see Lang.

16、太过绝对的话,日后是要打脸的。 If it's too absolute, it's going to be a face fight in the future.

17、好看是好看,就是丑了点。 Good looking is good-looking, but ugly.

18、如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。 If love is not crazy, it is not love.

19、孤独是场无人观看的演出。 Loneliness is a performance that no one watches.

20、家必自毁,而后人毁之。 The family will destroy itself, and the latter will destroy it.

21、尘埃落定之后,回忆别来挑拨。 When the dust is settled, don't stir up memories.

22、心伤透了,仿佛没了泪。 The heart was broken, as if there were no tears.

23、情话都是学来的,但爱你是真的。 Love words are learned, but love you is true.

24、想让我低头,那你跪下吧。 If you want me to bow down, kneel down.

25、我们,离彼此很近,离幸福很远。 We are close to each other and far from happiness.

26、我喜欢你,从一而终,认真且怂。 I like you, from one to the end, serious and advisory.

27、我姓刘却留不住你的心。 My surname is Liu, but I can't keep your heart.

28、我爱你,能反过来写多好。 I love you, how good I can write in reverse.

29、我的沉默成了别人眼中的城府。 My silence became a city in the eyes of others.

30、我给过你的,再也给不了别人。 What I gave you can never be given to anyone else.

31、我视你如命,你却视我有病。 I see you as life, but you see me as sick.

32、所有的问题都是自己的问题。 All problems are their own.

33、故事我忘了,你我也不要了。 I forgot the story, and I don't want you.

34、无心的举动,换来有心的背叛。 Unintentional behavior, in exchange for intentional betrayal.

35、无需复制,其实粘贴也挺美。 It doesn't need to be copied. Actually, it's beautiful to paste.

36、时间不是流逝的,流逝的是我们。 Time is not passing. It's us.

37、时间不是界限,所以我可以等。 Time is not the limit, so I can wait.

38、普通的爱情是禁不起距离考证的。 Ordinary love can't stand distance research.

39、末世流年,是否只是沧海桑田。 Whether the last fleeting years are just vicissitudes.

40、每个人都主宰自己的命运。 Everyone is in charge of his own destiny.

41、流年、在等谁的相濡以沫。 Fleeting years, waiting for whose mutual help.

42、浮光掠影,淡淡的,染去那悲凉。 Light and shadow, light, dye away the sadness.

43、爱岬那爰绦恨岬谋鸱牌。 Love me please continue to hate me do not give up.

44、爱情,原来是含笑饮毒酒! Love, it turns out to be drinking poison with a smile!

45、牵着你的手,一直走进棺材。 Take your hand and walk into the coffin.

46、目光比较短浅,只能看见你。 I can only see you.

47、眼泪划过指尖,那是最美的景色。 Tears across the fingertips, it is the most beautiful scenery.

48、祸在于贪小利,害在于亲小人。 The evil lies in the greed for small profits, and the harm lies in the love of small people.

49、秘密多了,心也就不快乐了。 More secrets make the heart unhappy.

50、老天安排的分手,爱过就足够。 God arranged to break up, love is enough.

51、聪明的女子值得同情。 A wise woman deserves sympathy.

52、自己的辛酸、只有自己知道。 My own bitterness, only I know.

53、花在美,也没你在我心里美。 Flowers in the United States, not you in my heart.

54、荣华是草上露,富贵是瓦头霜。 Glory is the dew on the grass, wealth is the frost on the tile head.

55、行善事,天知地鉴鬼神钦。 To do good deeds, heaven knows how to judge ghosts and gods.

56、解释的越长,谎言就越大。 The longer the explanation, the bigger the lie.

57、谁的过去不曾有过阴霾。 Whose past has never been clouded.

58、醉卧美人膝,醒掌天下权。 Lie on the knees of beauty, wake up and control the power of the world.

59、长夜漫漫,最适合想你。 Long night, the most suitable for you.

60、鸟往明处飞,人往高处去。 Birds fly to the open, people to the high.