1、一次次的关爱,让我在欢乐中成长,一回回的叮咛,让我在温暖中开怀,一次次的教导,让我找准人生的方向,爸爸您辛苦了,爸爸节到,愿您健康快乐,我爱您! Love again and again, let me grow in the joy, the works of the hands, let me laugh in the warm, the teaching of the time and time again, let me find the direction of life, dad you hard, dad festival, wish you healthy and happy, I love you!

2、世人把儿童比作花朵,把老师比作园丁,把医生比作天使,把**比作卫士,把祖国比作母亲,唯独缺少了父亲。在此父亲节之际,我谨祝愿我的父亲健康平安。 People compare children to flowers, compare teachers to gardeners, compare the doctor to angel, compare the police to guard, compared to the motherland to mother, only without the father. On this father's day, I would like to wish my father health and peace.

3、亲爱的老父亲,我最疼爱的人,人世间的苦有三分,您却饱尝了十分,感动天地的父爱,辛劳汗水最多的父爱。父亲节到了,孩儿用心祝福你:健康平安,一生吉祥! Dear father, the man I love most, in the bitter three points, you are suffering, father love moved heaven and earth, the sweat fatherly love most. Father's day is coming, the child heart bless you: peace, healthy life good luck!

4、你为抚育儿女累弯了腰,为你儿女的前程愁白了头,你为家庭幸福付出了太多,今天是父亲节,在此我要对你说:父亲你辛苦了,祝你幸福健康!开心快乐! You for rearing children tired bent the waist, and for your children's future sorrow white head, you pay too much for a happy family, today is father's day, here I want to say to you: dad you hard, I wish you a happy and healthy! Happy to be joyful!

5、你的谆谆教诲牢记心房,你的苦口婆心念念不忘,望子成龙是你的梦想,盼铁成钢是你的愿望。为子女奔波劳忙,父亲节祝你安康! Your inculcation in mind heart, never forget your nagging, long is the dream of you, looking forward to iron which is your desire. Hoarding for their children's busy, father's day I wish you peace!

6、初为父,心欢喜;看孩子,多美丽;为孩子,爱自己;父亲节,莫忘记;祝福送,问候去;思念传,祝愿你;笑开颜,不哭泣;一生中,最顺利。 Early for father, heart is glad; The children, more beautiful; For the children, love yourself; Father's day, don't forget; Wishes to send greetings to; Miss, I wish you; You happy, do not cry; In life, the most successful.

7、家中排位,我来分派,老妈最美,老爸最帅。不是怕踹,只因有爱,爸爸节到,老爸要乖。心情愉快,好事自来,身体康泰,幸福满怀。愿老爸天天快乐精彩! Position in the home, I'll dispatch, mom is the most beautiful, the most handsome dad. Not fear to tread because there is love, father day, old daddy be good. To be in a good mood, good things come, the body conde, full of happiness. Wish dad happy wonderful day!

8、将父爱盛进酒杯,滴滴甜蜜;将父爱写进文字,湿了字迹;将父爱穿在身上,温暖合体;将父爱托付清风,春风化雨。父亲节爱心连线,一头是他,一头是你! Will the father loves the is filled into the glass, sweet drops; Will the father loves the written text, wet the handwriting; Will be a father to wear in the body, warm fit; Entrust the father loves the breeze, in the rain. Father's day love connection, is he, the head is you!

9、小时候,父亲总是对我说:我是大树,你是小树。现在我长大了,长大了的小树想对父亲说:爸爸,您是我心中永远的大树。父亲节到了。愿父亲快乐健康,一切顺心! When I was young, my father always said to me: I am a tree, you are the young trees. Now I grow up, the trees grow up want to say to his father: daddy, you are the big tree in my heart forever. Father's day has arrived. Let father happy and healthy, all!

10、心情玫瑰,一瓣足矣;沁满花香,刻满关怀;弥漫祝福,融入心扉;每回翻起,温馨依然;真情永远,用心回味;心情放飞,快乐相随,祝父亲节好运! Mood rose, a disc is enough; The full of flowers is etched and concern; Blessing, into the heart; Turn up every times, warm still; The truth forever, attentively aftertaste; Flying mood, happy, good luck to father's day!

11、念父恩,情深似海,天地可表,爱深无涯,日月可鉴。父亲节将至,千里传音诉衷肠:儿在外,不能归,愿老爸放宽心勿牵挂,身体健幸福长! The father's grace is as deep as the sea, heaven and earth can table, deep love is long, life is short, the moon can jian. Father's day will come, li call secrets: son, can't return, "relax" don't care, let dad body health happiness!

12、您是一棵参天的古树,为我遮风挡雨;您是一块突兀的石头,任时光磨砺;您是雄伟的峰顶,让我们一览众山小,啊!爸爸,我们谨记您的教诲。祝爸爸节日快乐! You are a towering old trees, the wind and rain for me; You are a abrupt stone, as time honing; You are magnificent peaks, and let us see the mountains small, ah! Dad, we keep in mind that your teachings. I wish dad a happy holiday!

13、您是冬日里的暖阳,永远暖心;您是沙漠里的清泉,永远润心;您是家庭里的核心,永远权威。爸爸节,祝福爸爸身体康健,开心永远!心情好好,幸福永远! You are in the winter warm sun, warm heart forever; You is a clear spring in the desert, run heart forever; You are the core of the family, forever authority. Father festival, wish father body is healthy, happy forever! A good mood, happiness forever!

14、您是那展翅雄鹰,我就是那小百灵;你是那参天大树,我就是那小嫩草;您是我那伟大的老爸,我就是您那调皮捣蛋的孩子。父亲节特发短信祝您节日快乐! Are you the eagle with wings that I am the little lark; You are the great trees that I am the little grass; You are my great father, I am your naughty child. Father's day, send text messages to wish you a happy holiday!

15、您用乐观咀嚼生活的苦涩,您用付出撑起家庭的重任,您用坚毅抒写人生的伟大,您用慈爱温暖儿女的心灵。爸爸节,愿亲爱的爸爸身体健康,一切安好! You chew with optimistic life bitter, you use a prop up the family burden, you use too, express the great of life, do you use love warm the hearts of children. Father festival, wish my dear dad healthy body, everything is ok!

16、您用双手,建起这个家;您用汗水,滋润这个家;您用脊背,撑起这个家;您用白发,呵护这个家。因为有您,这个家很温暖很安全,祝我亲爱的爸爸父亲节快乐!我永远爱您! You use both hands to build the house; You with sweat, moisten the house; You use back, hold up the house; Do you use white hair, care for the family. Because of you, the home is very warm very safe, I wish my dear father happy father's day! I love you forever!上一页12下一页

17、您疼着我,任何伤害您都替我扛着;您爱着我,所有困难您都替我担着;您教会我,做人做事与知识。父亲节来了,亲爱的爸爸,我爱你,愿您一生平安,幸福安康! You hurt me, any damage you carry for me; You love me, all the difficulties you carry for me; You taught me to live with the knowledge of doing things. Father's day is coming, my dear father, I love you, and peace to your life, happy life!

18、您的肩膀坚固的港湾,您的胸怀是广博的蓝天,您的双手是温暖的家园。树高千尺不离根,花开万朵浇水恩,父亲节到了,祝老爸身体健康节日愉快! Your shoulder strong harbour, your mind is broad blue sky, your hands are warm home. Tree thousand feet high without roots, flower flower watering, father's day is coming, to the health of old daddy a happy holiday!

19、您看起来严厉,其实很温柔;您看起来深沉,其实孩子气;您看起来寡言少语,其实偶尔很唠叨多话。我永远爱您,我的爸爸,父亲节快乐! You look tough, actually very gentle; You look deep, actually childish; You seem very quiet, once in a while might actually very nagging. I love you forever, my dad, happy father's day!

20、感恩是父亲节、母亲节一句朴素的问候与祝福,感恩未必都是慷慨的施舍,巨大的投入,往往一个热情的问候,温馨的微笑,也足以在人的心灵洒下一片阳光。 Gratitude is father's day, mother's day is a simple greetings and sincere wishes for Thanksgiving all are not generous handouts, huge investment, often a warm greetings, warm smile, is enough to throw a piece of sunshine in the human mind.

21、收到这条短信的人爸爸永远健康,阅读的人爸爸永远快乐,删除的人爸爸远离烦恼,转发的人爸爸储存开心。爸爸节到了,问候爸爸们,父亲节快乐! Received this message, dad always healthy, dad always happy reading, delete the father away from theworry, father was stored happy forward. Dad festival arrived, greetings dads, happy father's day!

22、父亲快来了,儿时记忆里的一棵遮风挡雨的大树,他们温情的节日常常被我们遗忘,他们不善言谈却外表刚强内心柔软,祝天底下的爸爸们父亲节快乐! Father will come soon, childhood memories of a rain tree, they often forgotten by us warm holiday, they are not very talkative but looks strong inner soft, I wish dads happy father's day the sun!

23、父亲是那蓝蓝的天,映照着我们灿烂的笑脸;父亲是那巍峨的山, Father is the blue sky, reflects our brilliant smiling face. The father is the majestic mountain, standing we the tenacity of life; Father is the fertile soil, nourish our permanent happiness. Sincerely wish you a happy father's day.

24、父亲节到,短信来传送,送吉祥,父亲壮如牛;送快乐,父亲永健康;送问候,父亲永幸福;送祝福,父亲永平安;父亲节到,快送上你的祝福吧!祝天下所有父亲健康平安! The father's day, SMS to send, send auspicious, father strong like cattle; Send happiness, father health; Send greetings, father forever happiness; Send blessing, father everlasting peace; The father's day, quick to your blessing! I wish all father healthy peace!

25、父亲节到,祝福送到,愿父亲:多休息,勤锻炼;少抽烟,莫劳累;多运动,健康围;愿父亲,健康被包围,幸福常相伴。 To the father's day, wishes to let father: more rest, regular exercise; To smoke less, don't tired; More exercise, healthy; Let father health surrounded and happiness often go hand in hand.

26、父亲节,就让这条短信捎去我真心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦,笼罩在你的身边,愿你的生活多姿多彩,幸福快乐一辈子,祝父亲节快乐! Father's day, let the message take my sincere blessing, embellish your sweet dream, in your side, let your life colorful, happiness for a lifetime, happy father's day!

27、父爱在平凡的叮咛里,一字一句都凝重有力;父爱在默默的目光里,一分一秒永不停息;父爱在抬起的大手里,高抬轻落疼爱不止。父亲节到了,愿父爱不老,父亲永健! A father in the ordinary one, they were dignified and strong; A father in the silent gaze, one never ceases; The father loves the lift in big hands, carried high light fall love. Father's day arrived, wish father not old, his father never health!

28、父爱在目光里,炽炽如炬;父爱在呵斥里,严肃有力;父爱在汗水里,结晶出盐粒;父爱在背影里,慢慢的弯曲。父爱最伟大,父亲节别忘提醒他,保重身体! Father in the eye, and on the blazing like a torch; A father in yelling, serious and strong; A father in sweat, crystal grain out; A father in the back, slowly bend. Don't forget to remind him the greatest father, father's day, take good care of yourself!

29、父爱在陈旧的话语里,一字一句都是真理;父爱在沧桑的皱纹里,一杠一杠刻满情意;父爱在弯弯的脊梁里,一道一道坚韧不屈。父亲节感恩父亲,将爱传递! A father inthe old words, every word is truth; A father in the vicissitudes of wrinkles, and mold a bar full of cordiality; A father in curved spine, along a relentless. Grateful father, father's day to pass love!

30、父爱是一棵开花的树,花香四溢;父爱是冬天的阳光,温暖如春;父爱一直陪伴着我,无论我走到何方,父亲节到了,祝爸爸父亲节快乐! A father is a flowering tree, scent. A father is winter sunshine, warm; Father stayed with me, no matter where I go, my father's day is coming, I wish my father happy father's day!

31、父爱是指南针,有了它不会迷失方向;父爱是炉中火,有了它冬天也不会寒冷;父爱是壮行酒,懦弱时给予无穷胆量。父亲节到了,祝父亲快乐,父爱永存! A father is a compass, it would not be lost; Love is a fire in the stove, it will not be cold in winter; Father is ZhuangHangJiu, cowardice when given an infinite courage. The father's day, I wish a happy father, father forever!

32、爸爸的教诲像一盏明灯,指明方向;爸爸的关怀像一把雨伞,遮风挡雨;爸爸的叮咛像一丝细雨,润物无声,爸爸的后背像一座高山,威严伟岸。父亲节快乐! Dad's teachingsas a beacon, indicate the direction; Father's care as an umbrella, rain; Daddy's hands like a rain, coming softly, dad's back like a mountain, majesty to the invasion. Happy father's day!

33、白丝渐渐染上了您的头发,皱纹也偷偷的爬上了你的脸颊,曾经年轻的爸爸,如今也踏上了缓慢的步伐。小时候崇拜您长大了依然崇拜,永远都那么帅。爸爸,父亲节快乐! White silk taken up your hair, wrinkles also secretly climbed up your face, once the young father, is now on a slow pace. Still worship worship you as a child to grow up, always so handsome. Dad, happy father's day!

34、贴着他,宽厚的胸膛;抚摩他,粗糙的手掌;端详他,沧桑的脸庞;心痛他,两鬓的风霜。他的关爱依旧深沉,他的品质依旧阳刚。父亲节了,为他祝福吧! With his broad chest; Touch him, rough hands; His vicissitudes of the face; Heartache, sides of wind and frost. His love is still deep, he quality of masculinity. The father's day, bless him!

35、走过千山万水,却发现父爱一直在身旁;吃过美味佳肴,却觉得和您一起吃饭最香;爸爸,您在我的心中很重要;送上祝福,祝您父亲节快乐! Through the mountains, only to find that a father has been in the side; Eat delicious food, but think to have dinner with you the most sweet; It is very important to you in my heart, dad; Congratulations, I wish you a happy father's day!

36、逆境时父爱是一块踏脚石,黑暗时父爱是一盏照明灯,枯竭时父爱是一湾生命之水,努力时父爱是精神支柱,成功时父爱是鼓励与警钟,祝天下父亲节日快乐! Adversity a father is a stepping stone, and the darkness when a father is a light lamp, dried up when a father is a bay, the water of life, to the father love is the spiritual pillar of success when a father is to encourage and alarm, I wish all fathers a happy holiday!

37、都说世上只有妈妈好,我说爸爸更是我骄傲,为我霜染发梢,为我驼背弓腰,为我贪黑起早,为我昼夜辛劳。父亲节即将来到,祝爸爸节日欢笑! All say there is only good mother, I said my father is my pride, cream dye the hair for me, for my hunchback hunch over, greed black got up early for me, for my toil day and night. Father's day is coming, I wish dad festival laughter!
