1、一眼是童话,一眼是天涯。 One eye is a fairy tale, the other is the end of the world.

2、一颗心在风雨里,飘来飘去,都是为你。 A heart in the wind and rain, floating around, are for you.

3、七彩的妆容后面,掩饰着被谁伤过的脸庞。 Behind the colorful make-up, cover up the face who was hurt.

4、不管骗谁,我们始终骗不了自己。 No matter who we cheat, we can't cheat ourselves.

5、人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。 If life is just like seeing for the first time, what's the matter with autumn wind.

6、从来不去相信,却每次都铭记在心里。 But I never remember it in my heart every time.

7、从此心如止水,难起波澜。 From then on, my heart is as still as water.

8、从这一刻开始,我要让你的世界离不开我。 From this moment on, I want to make your world inseparable from me.

9、你别怪我,爱你,我真的尽力了。 Don't blame me, love you, I really try my best.

10、你有什么了不起,我还不是一样忘了你。 What's the matter with you? I haven't forgotten you.

11、你来过我的世界,你一走我就此垮掉。 You've been in my world, and I'll break down as soon as you leave.

12、再无相见的日子,请你保重。 Please take care of the day when we don't see each other again.

13、别人撕心裂肺的哭,咱撕心裂肺的笑。 Others cry, we laugh.

14、别轻易尝试,人那黑暗的一面。 Don't try, the dark side of people.

15、到底要笑的多虚伪,才能融入这个世界。 In the end, we have to laugh more hypocritical, in order to integrate into the world.

16、到最后还是一场游戏,回忆竟然比梦还假。 In the end, it's still a game. Memories are more fake than dreams.

17、只敢自己难过,难过到在午夜哭着醒来。 Only dare oneself sad, sad to wake up crying in the middle of the night.

18、只是哪怕周围再多人,感觉还是一个人。 It's just that even if there are more people around, it still feels like one person.

19、可能年少的心太柔软,经不起风浪。 Maybe the young heart is too soft to withstand the storm.

20、在你的生命里,我不是归人,只是过客。 In your life, I am not a returnee, just a passer-by.

21、在未来,回忆会毫不犹豫的爱上了无奈。 In the future, memories will not hesitate to fall in love with helplessness.

22、幸福,一首没有歌词的挽歌。 Happiness, an elegy without lyrics.

23、开心的活一天也是活,仇恨的活也是活。 Live a happy day, live a hate day.

24、当你成功时,谁还在乎你的过去。 When you succeed, who cares about your past.

25、当孤单变成习惯,也不再奢求有人陪伴。 When loneliness becomes a habit, I don't want to be accompanied anymore.

26、很感谢你能来,不遗憾你离开。 Thank you for coming. I'm not sorry you left.

27、心在孤单的时刻,最容易迷失自我。 When the heart is lonely, it is easy to lose itself.

28、我们做朋友吧,不要再做情人! Let's be friends and stop being lovers!

29、我们,离彼此很近,离幸福很远。 We are close to each other and far away from happiness.

30、我会哭,但是我从来不会认输。 I cry, but I never give up.

31、我假装坚强,掩饰心底的伤。 I pretend to be strong, to cover up the bottom of my heart.

32、我回头看到你们,眼泪再也流不出来。 I look back to see you, tears can no longer flow out.

33、我是被你*的鸟,得到的爱越来越少。 I'm a bird im*ed by you, getting less and less love.

34、我永远,不是谁的谁。 I'll never be who's who.

35、我爱你,不是为了脱你的衣服。 I love you not to take off your clothes.

36、我用逃避开始,你用肝肠寸断结束爱情。 I start with escape, you end with heartbreak.

37、我要温柔起来,像一朵穿裤子的云。 I want to be gentle, like a cloud in pants.

38、我遗失了自己的心,你却还在那里假惺惺。 I lost my heart, but you are still there.

39、我需要,最狂的风,和最静的海。 I need the wildest wind and the quietest sea.

40、所谓繁花不过一梦,我曾用爱雕刻时光。 The so-called flowers but a dream, I used to carve time with love.

41、捧策几卷淡阳影,闲读浮生离桑曲。 Hold a few volumes of light sun shadow, leisure reading floating from mulberry song.

42、接受不了我的坏,你就不配拥有我的好。 If you can't accept my bad, you don't deserve my good.

43、摇曳的灵魂,无处安放的高傲。 Swaying soul, no place to place the pride.

44、明知是梦,心却还是会痛。 Knowing it's a dream, my heart still hurts.

45、有一种回忆,萦绕在心间。 There is a memory, lingering in the heart.

46、有些裂痕是随着时间也抹不掉的。 Some cracks can't be erased with time.

47、梦里烟花终散去,爱到最后只剩下伤痛。 In the dream the fireworks finally dissipated, the love finally only leaves the pain.

48、没有你的午后,若有所失,却无从追忆。 Without you in the afternoon, if you have lost, but can't recall.

49、沿途的流泪,都是改变的过错。 Tears along the way, are the fault of change.

50、爱上你是寂寞的另一种诠释,你知道吗? Falling in love with you is another interpretation of loneliness, you know?

51、爱情是场梦,可有些人却总是睡过了头。 Love is a dream, but some people always oversleep.

52、离不开过去,走不到未来。 Can't leave the past, can't go to the future.

53、给不了你太多感动,但我会陪你很久。 Can not give you too much moved, but I will accompany you for a long time.

54、苦咖啡,寂寞与孤单与我相伴。 Bitter coffee, loneliness and loneliness accompany me.

55、谎言说给耳朵听,心却动了情。 Lie to the ear, but the heart moved.

56、轻盈的舞步,跳不出你要的旋律。 The light dance steps can't dance out the melody you want.

57、那个故事里的人,你还存在吗? Do you still exist in that story?

58、那悲伤藏得那么好,不愿被任何人看见。 The sadness was hidden so well that no one wanted to see it.

59、陪笑它只是个面具吧!可是却摘不下来。 It's just a mask! But I can't take it off.

60、面具戴久了,就成了皮肤。 If you wear a mask for a long time, it becomes skin.