
2、一枝红杏伸出墙外,墙外的行人都是孤独的。 -吴“《途中见杏花》

3、一直被指为骨头寻求贫穷,正在思考马的眼泪。 -杜甫《过乌郎》

4、下午起床。 -张显《天显子,水,声,声,饮,听》

5、东风寄来信,早吹,砸成潘玮。 -锺《《东非东非东非东非东非东东东,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,-陆游“神圆二号”

6、中原干戈谷也听说过,有反胡传的后裔!幸存者不愿恢复,将来流下了几滴眼泪。 -陆游《关山月》

7、低矮的花树映出小妆楼,两点入眉。 -白居易《春话》

8、借钱塘潮汕,为王者洗去,岳将军含泪! -陈德武《水龙屯·东南第一州》

9、受伤,吞下脚来留红线,烦人的影子和休闲迷。 -张克“《西红球春之恋》


11、可惜一片情歌,都在黄昏支付。 -黄小麦《向春夜月·清明附近》

12、哪里有乌尔,哪里我就知道我的音乐。 -辛弃疾《念奴娇赋玉言》

13、回头见小姑娘,零泪动荡。 -魏英武《送杨氏女》

14、在山河上,眼泪沾满鲜血。 -张琼英《满江洪·题南京驿山驿》

15、夜晚不如尘土,寒冷而晴朗,一片土地被埋。 -纳兰性德《金··亡亡忌忌》》》》 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[-[曾云远《点唇,一夜东风》 15日,丽水通博到武冈,送给国王没有感到受伤。-王长岭“赠柴火”

16、天涯的讯息,利用光底的冷淡。 -于谦《太原夜除极寒甚》

17、寂寞而深沉,肠子一寸愁千里。 -李清照《点唇哀愁》

18、扰乱马车尘埃,岁月无情,漆黑而年轻。 -袁浩问“玉漏杯”

19、新欣酒,破万销售。 -李商隐《风雨》


21、无言,含股,抛回船数次,浪雁扬帆向水。 -薛肇云《浣溪沙·红蓼渡头秋正雨》

22、易军尧在潇湘月,愁听清梦久。 -王昌龄《送魏二世》 74 、,征征泪泪泪泪。。。。。泪泪-何竹“杵齐齐·砧面Ying”



25、梨花从寒食,入节唯余。 -杨万里《冢上冷食》

26、残酷的仇恨,当月亮清澈见底时会感到。 -陆龟梦《白莲子》

27、汉传川北剑外,满头泪水满衣服。 -杜甫《文官君收河南,河北》

28、江南是远离苦涩,局势古道,通往延平沙。 -王一孙《高阳台和周草窗寄给越南朋友》

29、没人知道,这首歌充满了窗帘。 -陈,仪《临江县·高语·楚辞奖》

30、王政禄迷,难于完成。 -吕薄,紫色,紫色,

31、眼泪在盒子里。 -周子之《行行中的感觉和象游丝》22日,董丽在暮色之后,散发出暗淡的芬芳。 -李清照《醉,阴,雾,云,恒久》

32、眼泪空血。 -给孩子N“秦楼岳芳妃夕”

33、秋天的河水降雨,沙子和水冷,人们俯瞰画廊。 -史达祖《八归·秋江有雨》

34、秋来罗罗,眼泪无法张开。 -江Yan的《房间人》

35、秦女颦到烟月,脸红暴露于空气中。 -温庭“《西淳辞》

36、绣人读远,眼泪滴黑,哭送车轮。 -汉·韩帝,《冯玉,锁从lock锁》 27日,玉皇打开了蓝天,白银世界迷失了黄昏。 -*,临江县·都城原溪 28, this is the ultimate victory in no one, lying on the star river to make it clear. - Chen Yuyi "Yu Qing · Tian deficiency of the southwestern river face clear" 29, the emerald moth is so light and concealed, dizzy, no one knows this heart. ——Sun Guangxian, “He Chuan·Flower” 30, generous and peaceful, leaning alone and sad. ——Lu Ji, “There are cars and horses in the door” 31, Zhengjiang makes hate, and believes in endowment. - Liu Chen Weng "Lanling Wang · Bingzi sent spring" 32, 愁 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡 淡- Shi Xiaoyou, "Eyes, Meiyun, Xiaoyun Xiaoxiao" 33, from the 愁 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引 引Poor" 34, the moon breaks the dusk and breaks the intestines. - Sheikh's "Reminiscence of the King, Yiyi Palace, Liujing Palace Wall" 35, the bed is not wet, and the Xixi River shore is deep. - Zeng several "Su Xiu Daozhong" 36, sad Mo language, remember that day flag pavilion, water and play, the wine to stop the wind. - Nalan Xingde "Let the fish, the rain in the afternoon" 37, clearly aware of the Huayu dream, looking back at the Dongfeng tears full of clothes. ——Zhao Ding, “鹧鸪天·建康上元作” 38, the teacher did not die before the death, the long tears filled the hero. - Du Fu's "蜀相" 39, like flowers are also like non-flowers, no one is afraid to teach. - Su Shi's "Shuilong 吟·次韵章质夫杨花词" 40, shaking hands and tears, not many years away. - Nalan Xingde "Yu Zhonghao, Liang Xiaonan is also a small shadow" 41, hate Xiao Xiao, ruthless wind and rain, night to derogate ai. - Li Qingzhao "Dolly, White Chrysanthemum" 42, full of poetry and books, ancient and modern, frequent years of easy to sad. - Yu Wenxuzhong "In the Golden Day, choose two" 43, the count of Tsui Ping should be, two eyebrows hate dusk. - Kong Yi "Nanpu · Travel Huai" 44, tired of Jingluo dust, no one to ask for sickness at night. - Yu Duanli "Shuilong 吟·咏月" 45, tears wet and dry flowers are exposed. - Mao *, "Fare to fly, tears, wet, dried flowers, dew" 46, palace powder carving marks, fairy clouds, no people wild water desert bay. - Wu Wenying "High Balcony · Falling Plum" 47, frustrated and also a monologue, more than just knowing. - Zhang Ji "蓟北旅思" 48, sit and see the flowers and sighs, Luo Yan wet red tears. - Wei Zhuang "Magnolia · alone on the small building spring desire" 49, Sao people can be ruthless, what did not see the year. - Li Qingzhao "鹧鸪天·桂花" 50, Mingyue, Mingyue, Hu Yu slammed. - Dai Shulun "transfers to the grass" 51, ten years of flower bones and tears, a few snails wall dust. - Shi Dazu "鹧鸪天·搭柳栏干依伫频" 52, the injury, Gaocheng looked broken, the lights have been dusk. - Qin Guan "Man Tingfang · Shan Mo Weiyun" 53, spring silkworms to the dead silk side, the wax torch into the gray tears began to dry. ——Li Shangyin’s “Nothing is difficult when you meet each other”

37、美丽的女人在哭,眼泪湿了。 -李世忠《佛曼,子丈,破城塔月》

38、蜜蜂不懂人的苦难,Yan儿不懂人。 -程浩《最高楼,旧心》


40、蝎子伤春更梳。 -李清照《浣溪沙·髻子伤春慵更梳》

41、袁新首先以眼泪开始,妻子哭着问为什么。 -元Zhen《德乐天书》

42、语犹如古国之春,宫花已落入尘土。 -李毅《愚公艳》

43、过字飞鸿字愁。 -秦关《长寿木兰·天涯恨》

44、酒入肠,化为爱的眼泪。 -范仲淹《苏帘怀旧》

45、长江巨浪征流泪,一夜西风共白。 -宋Yi《大河阻风》

46、长途开车,歌舞,风吹。 -徐俊宝的妻子“满亭芳·韩尚繁华”

47、雨恨云霄,仍称江南嘉里。 -王维《斑点嘴唇,感受》


49、靠竹不胜,想象江头归来。 -王之道《梦见无知》
