1、一个人的梦想也许不值钱 A person's dream may not be worth much, but a person's efforts is very valuable.

2、一份信心,一份努力,一份成功;十分信心,十分努力,十分成功。 A confidence, an effort, a very successful; confidence, very hard, very successful.

3、一分耕耘,一分收获,未必;九分耕耘,会有收获,一定! You reap what you sow., not; nine pains, a harvest, a!

4、一旦立下目标,不达目标绝不罢手,方可成功。 Once the set goals, do not reach the goal not to give up, to be successful.

5、一生中你唯一需要回头的时候,是为了看自己到底走了多远。 You only need to look back in life, is to see how far you have come.

6、不为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。 Do not make excuses for failure, only to find a successful way.

7、不要让追求之舟停泊在幻想的港湾,而应扬起奋斗的风帆,驶向现实生活的大海。 Don't let the pursuit of the boat moored in the harbor illusions, but should strive to raise the sail towards the real life of the sea.

8、与积极的人在一起,可以让我们心情高昂。 With the positive people together, can let us be in a high mood.

9、人生只有走出来的美丽,没有等出来的辉煌。 Life only come out of the beautiful, did not wait out of the brilliant.

10、人的潜能是一座无法估量的丰富的矿藏,只等着我们去挖掘。 Human potential is an immeasurable rich mineral deposits, just waiting for us to dig.

11、你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。 Since you look for a road, why go to inquire about how long to go.

12、你被拒绝的越多,你就成长得越快;你学的越多,就越能成功。 You rejected the more you grow faster; the more you learn, the more successful.

13、信心孕育信心,从胜利走向胜利。 Confidence breeds confidence from victory to victory.

14、假如你从来未曾害怕受窘受伤害,好就是你从来没有冒过险。 If you're never afraid of or embarrassed or hurt, but you never take a risk.

15、做任何事都要经受得挫折,要有恒心和毅力,满怀信心坚持到底。 To do anything to withstand setbacks, to have the perseverance and perseverance, with confidence in the end.上一页12下一页

16、健康的身体是基础,良好的学风是条件,勤奋刻苦是前提,学习方法是关键,心理素质是保证。 Health is the foundation, good study condition, hard work is the premise of learning method is the key, the psychological quality is guaranteed.

17、努力可能失败,但放弃则意味着永远不可能成功。 Efforts may fail, but giving up means never be successful.

18、努力就是光,成功就是影。没有光哪儿来影? Hard work is light, success is. Where there is no light shadow?

19、勇敢地接受挑战,不断地超越自我,这样才能发出你的无限潜能。 Bravely accept the challenge, and constantly go beyond the self, so as to send out your unlimited potential.

20、勤奋的含义是今天的热血,而不是明天的决心,后天的保证。 The meaning of diligence is today's blood, not the determination of tomorrow, the day after tomorrow to ensure that.

21、即使没有成功,但是你尽力了,你的人生也一定与众不同。 Even if there is no success, but you do your best, your life must be different.

22、发现自己的闪光点,挖掘自己的潜能,做你真正喜欢的事业。 Find their sparkle, tap their own potential, do you really love the cause.

23、古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。 Li ancient events are not only the ability above common people also have a firm and unflinching will.

24、只会在水泥地上走路的人,永远不会留下深深的脚印。 Will only walk on the cement floor, will never leave deep footprints.

25、只要不放弃努力和追求,小草也有点缀春天的价值。 Just don't give up the efforts and the pursuit, the grass is also decorated with spring value.

26、只要是辛勤的蜜蜂,在生活的广阔原野里,到处都可以找到蜜源。 As long as hard bees, in fields of life, can be found everywhere nectar.

27、命运之神关上一道门,必定会打开另一扇窗。 The fate of God closes a door, he will open another window.

28、善待人生的每个梦想,给自己信心,要知道你有能力实现它。 Treat every dream of life, give yourself confidence, know that you have the ability to achieve it.

29、大器不必晚成,趁着年轻,努力让自己的才能创造最大的价值。 Is not late, while young, to let their talents to create the greatest value.

30、奋斗的双脚在踏碎自己的温床时,却开拓了一条创造之路。 The struggle of feet in the crush their breeding grounds, but to develop a creative way.

31、奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的彼岸。 The striver in sweat pooled rivers, will cause the boat to the other side of the ideal.

32、如果要挖井,就要挖到水出为止。 If you want to find, to dig into the water.

33、展现自己的风采,用加倍的努力来赢得成功。 Show their style, with the extra effort to win success.

34、山不辞土,故能成其高;海不辞水,故能成其深! The mountain soil, it could be as high; seawater hesitation, it can be as deep!

35、崇高的理想就象生长在高山上的鲜花。如果要搞下它,勤奋才能是攀登的绳索。 Lofty ideals like the flowers grown in the mountains. If you want to make it, is hard to climb the rope.

36、当一个小小的心念变成成为行为时,便能成了习惯;从而形成性格,而性格就决定你一生的成败。 When a small mind becomes a behavior, it can become a habit; to form a character, and character determines the success or failure of your life.

37、当你的才华还撑不起你的野心时,那你就应该静下心来学习。 When your talent is not up to your ambition, then you should be calm down to learn.

38、忍辛负重的耕牛,留下的脚印最清晰。 Can Xin bearing cattle, the footprint of the most clear.

39、忘掉失败,不过要牢记失败中的教训。 Forget the failure, but failure to remember the lessons.

40、忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。 Busy collecting bees to talk with eloquence in front of people.

41、怕吃苦的人苦一辈子,不怕吃苦的人苦一阵子。 Afraid of the hardships of the people suffer a lifetime, not afraid of hardship people suffering for a while.

42、意志坚强的人,他的世界充满着无限的可能性。 The strong will of the people, his world is full of infinite possibilities.

43、愚蠢的人总是为昨天悔恨,为明天祈祷,可惜的是少了今天的努力。 Stupid people always regret over yesterday, for tomorrow to pray, unfortunately less efforts today.

44、成功的秘诀就在于多努力一次。为了成功,你努力了多少次? The secret of success is to work harder. In order to succeed, how many times do you work?

45、成功离你很近,只要再多一点点坚持,你就会尝到胜利的果实。 Successful close to you, as long as a little bit stick, you will taste the fruits of victory.

46、我们不能选择命运,但是我们能改变命运。 We can not choose our fate, but we can changeour destiny.

47、战士的意志要象礁石一样坚定,战士的性格要象和风一样温柔。 The soldiers will like rock firm warrior like character and gentle wind.

48、所有的胜利,与征服自己的胜利比起来,都是微不足道。 All of the victory, victory and conquest of their own than, are not worth mentioning.

49、所谓强者,是既有意志,又能创造时机的人。 The so-called strong, is not only the will, but also create the opportunity of the people.

50、拒绝严峻的冶炼,矿石并不比被发掘前更有价值。 Refused to severe smelting, ore was not discovered more valuable than before.

51、有决心,就有力量;有毅力,就会成功! Have the determination, there is strength; perseverance, will succeed!

52、有希望就会有动力,只要坚持不懈,黑暗过去,迎接的就是无限光明。 Hope will have power, as long as the unremittingly, dark past, meet is bright.

53、有时候,执着是一种负担,放弃是一种解脱。 Sometimes, the attachment is a burden, giving up is a relief.

54、有理想在的地方,地狱就是天堂。 Is there an ideal place, hell is heaven.

55、望远镜——可以望见远的目标,却不能代替你走半步。 Telescope, can see far, cannot take the place of you take half a step.

56、桂冠上的飘带,不是用天才纤维捻制而成的,而是用痛苦,磨难的丝缕纺织出来的。 The ribbon on the crown, not genius fiber twist, but with pain and suffering of silk textile strands.

57、每个人都有美好的梦想,只有坚持,你的梦想才能实现。 Everyone has a good dream, only to adhere to, you can achieve the dream.

58、永不放弃是你梦想实现的唯一秘诀。 Never give up is the only secret of your dream.

59、永不言败是追究者的最佳品格。 Is the best for the character ".

60、永远不要以粗心为借口原谅自己。 Never to careless as an excuse to forgive yourself.

61、瀑布跨过险峻陡壁时,才显得格外雄伟壮观。 Falls across the steep cliff, it becomes all the more majestic.

62、生命对某些人来说是美丽的,这些人的一生都为某个目标而奋斗。 Life is beautiful for some people, the life of these people are striving for a goal.

63、生活中的许多事,并不是我们不能做到,而是我们不相信能够做到。 Many things in life, not we can not do, but we do not believe that can do.

64、生活总会给你另一个机会,这个机会叫明天。 Life always gives you another chance, it's called tomorrow.

65、生活的激流已经涌现到万丈峭壁,只要再前进一步,就会变成壮丽的瀑布。 The torrent of life has come to a cliff, just a step forward, it will become a magnificent waterfall.

66、用乐观的心态迎接困难,因为能打败你的,只有你自己。 To meet the difficulties with optimistic attitude, because can beat you, only you.

67、用勤奋实现梦想,用智慧成就人生。 Hard to realize the dream, with the wisdom of success in life.

68、目标和信念给人以持久的动力,它是人的精神支柱。 Goals and beliefs to lasting power, it is the spiritual pillar of the people.

69、目标的实现建立在“我要成功”的强烈愿望上。 To achieve the goal of establishing "in my desire to be successful on. 

70、看得见的伤口,迟早有一天会痊愈的。 See the wound, sooner or later will heal.

71、真正能让你倒下的,不是对手,而是你绝望的内心。 The real can let you down, not opponents, but your heart of despair.

72、种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的勇气。 Keep in mind the seeds of raindrops devotion exhortations, and enhanced the conspicuous courage.

73、积极向上的心态,是成功者的最基本要素。 A positive attitude is essential to success.

74、竹笋虽然柔嫩,但它不怕重压,敢于奋斗敢于冒尖。 Although the tender shoots, but it is not afraid of stress, dare to struggle dare to stand out.

75、经过大海的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。 After the sea a grounding, pebble becomes more beautiful and smooth.

76、耕耘者最信和过自己的汗水,每一滴都孕育着一颗希望的种子。 Cultivator letter and his sweat, every drop is pregnant with a seed of hope.

77、耕耘者的汗水是哺育种子成长的乳汁。 The sweat of the plough is the milk that feeds the seed.

78、若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。 If not to their limits, there is no restriction on the life of the fence you play.

79、要想成为强干,决不能绕过挡道的荆棘也不能回避风雨的冲刷。 If you want to be strong and dry, you can never avoid the wind and rain.

80、让珊瑚远离惊涛骇浪的侵蚀吗?那无异是将它们的美丽葬送。 The erosion of coral from the tempestuous waves? That would be their beautiful ruin.

81、许多人缺少的不是美,而是自信的气质。 Many people do not lack beauty, but self-confident temperament.

82、谁把安逸当成幸福的花朵,那么等到结果时节,他只能望着空枝叹息。 Who took comfort as happy flowers, then wait until the results season, he only looked at the empty branches sigh.

83、跑昨越快,遇到风的阻力越大。阻力与成就相伴随。 Run faster, the greater the resistance encountered wind. Resistance and achievement.

84、选择一条适合自己的路坚持走下去,只要坚持,就会取得成功。 Choose a suitable way to go, as long as we persist, will succeed.

85、随时保持自信,认识自己的价值,做一个能真正坚定自己的珍宝商。 Keep the confidence and understanding of their value, do a really firm own treasure business.
