1、10:00萤火虫的残留,上千声秋雨。 -紫兰《秋山思想》

2、《相思之夜》。 -赵崇《清平乐怀仁》

3、一分秋,一分钟。 -张Ji《月色稀疏,寓归志相求死》


5、不能写相思,凄凉的波飞。 -朱Yi尊《长亭怨鹅》

6、与西风应约,每年去青旗。 -史达祖《临江县·闺思》

7、专栏一瞥没有看到,尖叫和流泪。 -冯延昭“鹊枝·梅梅梅梅梅》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》) “

8、人醉,月靠墙,是原人,谁敢疯!闲聊,在花室里过夜,互相思考。 -史达祖《夜花柳锁魂》

9、今晚,月亮满是人,我不知道秋天是谁。 -王健《五夜赏月,送独狼lang》

10、从恨与春,相思很难重复。 -而宁“佛人,月眉,半拆,轻寒”

11、古老的葡萄树,人民的桥梁和水域,古道西风和瘦马。 -马志远《天煞·秋丝》

12、吴周春曹兰杜芳,思想回到家中。 -宋之文《江州满堂冷食》

13、四与凫,双陆思之手。 -秦湛《卜算子,春天的爱》

14、四军若文水,浩浩荡荡派往南。 -李白,《在沙丘城市除尘杜甫》

15、垂柳沿城边缘,桑soft沿青青路。 -张仲Zhong《春剑》

16、多红色,新鲜和寒冷,不圆,樱桃。 -郑铮《满江洪·思嘉》

17、客船来了,歌声在歌中摇摆。 -苏Shi《李四勋画长江岛图》

18、思想不可用,书感谢情人。 -李白《送吴哥中游》

19、想到玉人的情怀,也要考虑我。 -孙广宪《 Shenchazi,window抵抗时期》

20、我梦到扬州,我想到了扬州梦到我。 -郑仪《满江洪·思嘉》

21、拉开帷幕,回想过去。 -李存信《一叶落一叶落》



24、枕头护栏,烟熏炉,刺绣帷幕,两年的耐力,相思树,明天的开始。 -张炜,《楚溪沙,枕头护栏,鞭炮,分开的刺绣》

25、梦回芳彩思依依,天雁雁细。 -李维《席强·小月坠》

26、梦相思,故敬孙路。 -陈子龙《唇与春,风雨有感》

27、歌词与思想,春秋秋交。 -刘宗元《柳州二月榕叶掉之际》 1 2下一页 13东风不吹牛,春天会引起仇恨。 -贾治《春思·二·初一》

28、水清澈见底,是湖面的倒影。 -李白《登山父亲陶少夫半月台》

29、没有繁殖相思。 -江淹《鹧鸪天·元夕有梦》

30、淡淡的隔着烟,深深的脉思秋意。 -刘道《湘秋秋小子》

31、现在北方来客回国了,回到了披绿绿罗。 -刘禹锡《竹枝词第二枝》

32、相思一晚相距甚远。 -几句话“蝴蝶花·黄菊开时受伤聚集” 80后,潮水多打了三个月瓜步,雨是十里红桥火。 -郑易《满江洪·思嘉》

33、相思只在:丁香枝,豆尖。 -王安石《眼睛,刘梅,杨柳柔》

34、相思毫无益处,遗憾的是初次见面。 -朱z尊《忆男生与花季》


36、真门自辰日以来,微服也想到了宋代。 -王守仁《诸门人派龙里路二号》

37、空虚靠东风,方思者寄。-周《绣鸾花犯·赋赋赋赋》》 [[[[[[[ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[--吴维业“胜ch子·旅游思想”

38、窗帘下的春风将是干燥的。 -黄廷坚《送范德义认识青州》

39、第一个是路堤的绿柳,不能忍受烟锁。 -郑易《满江红·四甲》

40、罗尘与黑暗,也需要矫正浪漫。 -史达祖《临江县·闺思》

41、罗带同心结。 -*《相思岭·吴善清》

42、莫次兵可围烛坐,明日相思与烟隔。 -王守仁《朱门人派龙里路二号》

43、落叶的西风,吹了几岁。 -张Ji《稀疏的窗帘,明月,玉桂枝相求》

44、行人来自广陵寺,鼓渡月明文阁。 -刘炜《皇帝之宫》

45、赵瑟先停凤凰柱,弹弦琴。 -李白《长相思》

46、这首歌是有意无人的,并愿意随春风送给Yanran。 -李白《长相思第二》

47、这首歌是有意无人的,愿意随春风送燕然,回想君主制。 -李白《长相思与三白》

48、这首歌真的很讨厌离开。 -蔡Shen《长相思,阿姨村》

49、醒上楼梯,梦想被扑灭。 -王国维《点唇,屏风却相思》

50、香丝橙柚不缠结难舍,乐于注意王孙者。 -谭永志Autumn in the Xiangjiang River in the rain 28, looking for difficulties and have lovers. —— 晏 道 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲 闲- Li Bai "Spring Thought" 30, gradually dripping into the autumn sound, was shocked by the wind. - Zhang Ji "Sparse curtains, light moon, Yu Guizhi Xiang Qiu Si" 31, pity Jun film Yunsi, a trip to Xiaoxiang. - Du Mu "send Xuexing to travel to Hunan" 32, three thousand miles of homes have not returned, hate difficult to hang on to heaven and sorrow. - Zhang Han "Si Wu Jiang Ge" 33, only the phase of the like spring, Jiangnan Jiangbei to return to the king. - Wang Wei "send Shen Zigui Jiangdong" 34, Fang Cao, Biyun, low-lying and self-conscious. - 佟世南 "阮郎归·杏花疏雨洒香堤" 35, one inch of Acacia. - Li Guan "Butterfly Flower Spring Clam" 36, Dansha into gold, riding the dragon to fly to Taiqing home, Yunhao Haisi is embarrassing. - Li Bai, "Flying Dragons, Two Firsts, One" 37, there are sorrowful women, lamented and sad. - Cao Zhi "Mingyue on the tall building" 38, teach people nowhere to send lovesickness, falling flowers and grass before the early period, no one knows. - Sun Guangxian "虞美人·好风微揭幕旌起" 39, the sun sets, the broken intestines are in the horizon. - Ma Zhiyuan "Tianjingsha·Qiu Si" 40, for a book to come with me, they will come from Lan Du, acacia. - Zhuang А ǚ绮 ǚ绮 · For the book and my period" 41, Li Ling did not Hu Sha, Su Wu also Han family. - Li Bai "Thousands of Thoughts" 42, Wan Lisi Spring is still in love, suddenly the spring to the customer was shocked. - Ouyang Xiu "Spring West Lake sent a thank you Cao Ge" 43, Xiao Xuan sitting alone in love, the mood is boring. - Shi Xiaoyou, "Eye of the eyes, faint clouds, faint rain" 44, five more clocks, sings and sings, ten miles, the lights are thin. - He Zhu "Si Yue people · Zifu Dongfeng put on the night" 45, why bother, sorrowful. - Zhang Ji "Sparse curtains of the moon, Yu Guizhi Xiang Qiu Si" 46, Xiao Yan first volume of cold smoke thick, Cui even powder 黛 good grooming, thinking Jiao Yan. - Gu Fu team 菝 · · Touch curtain wind to send Jing Yang Zhong" 47, tomorrow, Acacia Mo upstairs, upstairs more wind and rain. - 游次公"Bu operator, wind and rain to send people to come" 48, immediately from the soul of the clothes on the tears. ——Cheng Wei, “Cool Acacia·Monthly Hanging Cream, Forest Cold Desire” 49, Bamboo Sticks, Bamboo Sticks, and tears are sent to Acacia. - Liu Yuxi "Xiangxiang God, Bamboo Branch" 50, Bixi Qianli thought long, only when the time is cool, to Nanzhou. ——Li D “虞美人·玉阑干外清江浦” 51, the four-faced song is finally broken, and the eight-year flavor is thought to be Zhejiang. - Qiu Jin, "Man Jianghong, Xiaozhu Jinghua" 52, want to get a deep night at home, you should also talk about the distant. - Bai Juyi "邯郸冬至夜思家" 53, lotus roots fragrant, Lancome floats, cool Si Dunbafan fan. ——Wang Yueshan, “Qi Tianle·Night to Shuyu Ming Jinjing”

51、鸵鸟喜欢古老的森林,池塘里的鱼以为是原始的。 -陶渊明,《归元天驹·1》
