1、万家灯火与群星,人间值得的又一刻。 The world is worth another moment with lights and stars.

2、三生有幸遇见你,纵使悲凉也是情。 I'm lucky to meet you, even though I'm sad.

3、不公平是好事,因为会让人更努力。 Unfairness is good because it makes people work harder.

4、不要再委屈自己,余生从头酷到脚。 Don't aggrieve yourself, for the rest of your life.

5、不要拿你的曾经,去评论我的未来。 Don't take your past and comment on my future.

6、世人笑我太疯癫,我笑世人看不穿。 The world laughs at me for being crazy, and I laugh at the fact that the world can't see through.

7、世间文字八万个,唯有情字最杀人。 There are 80000 words in the world, but only love words kill the most people.

8、也许,爱情,只是属于一瞬间的东西。 Maybe, love is just something that belongs to a moment.

9、人生不用急,好吃,慢喝,来日方长。 Don't worry about life. It's delicious and slow to drink. It's going to take a long time.

10、人生何必如初见,但求相看两不厌。 Why do we need to see each other for the first time.

11、人,就活一次,理应活的飞扬跋扈。 People, live once, should live domineering.

12、任他凡事清浊,为你一笑间轮回甘堕。 Let him clear everything, smile for you between reincarnation.

13、你不宣布我的身份,是在给谁留机会。 You don't declare my identity. Who are you giving me a chance.

14、你不将就一切时,生活自然厚爱于你。 When you don't make do with everything, life naturally loves you.

15、你对我访问受限,我让你黑名单见。 Your access to me is limited. I'll blacklist you.

16、你并没有等我,却要我不要离开你。 You didn't wait for me, but you asked me not to leave you.

17、你我之间本无缘分,全靠我颜值死撑。 There is no predestination between you and me. It depends on my beauty.

18、你是近处的灯火,也是遥远的星河。 You are the light near you and the star river far away.

19、你要伤我就尽管来伤,我有各种坚强。 If you want to hurt me, just hurt me. I have all kinds of strength.

20、做个过客挺好的,置身事外看得清。 It's very good to be a passer-by. You can see clearly from outside.

21、先说爱的先不爱,后动心的不死心。 First of all, those who love don't love, then those who move don't give up.

22、全世界就这么一个我,爱不爱随我! I am the only one in the world, love or not!

23、别人自嘲可以,但你千万不要附和。 Others can laugh at themselves, but you must not agree.

24、十七岁那年你弯腰,时光不及你眉梢。 When you were seventeen, you stooped, and time was not as good as your brow.

25、半山腰总是挤的,你得去山顶看看。 The hillside is always crowded. You have to go to the top of the mountain.

26、原来我的世界,是这样的简单明了。 My world is so simple and clear.

27、只有一个我,珍惜或丢弃都随便你。 There is only one me, cherish or discard whatever you like.

28、唯你最深得我意,也只你最不识抬举。 Only you are the deepest in my mind, and only you are the most ungrateful.

29、喧闹的人群,至始至终与我格格不入。 The noise of the crowd, at the beginning of the end and I do not fit.

30、因为害怕受伤害,所以宁肯不去经历。 For fear of being hurt, I prefer not to experience.

31、大起大落谁都有,拍拍灰尘继续走。 Everyone has ups and downs. Pat the dust and go on.

32、太在意别人的看法,累的还是自己。 Too concerned about other people's views, tired or their own.

33、好不容易在一起了,用来生气多可惜。 It's a pity to be angry with each other.

34、山野千里,你是我藏在星星里的浪漫。 Thousands of miles in the mountains, you are my romance hidden in the stars.

35、希望下次喝酒,不要想你,也不要哭。 I hope next time you drink, don't think about you and don't cry.

36、年轻时候的泪水,是未来微笑的资本。 Tears in youth are the capital of smiles in the future.

37、得不到就是得不到,憋总说你不想要。 If you can't get it, you can't get it. I always say you don't want it.

38、忘掉失败,不过要牢记失败中的教训。 Forget about failure, but remember the lessons of failure.

39、总有一个人,山高水远,为你而来。 There will always be a person who comes for you.

40、想开了自然微笑,看透了肯定放下。 Want to open a natural smile, see through definitely put down.

41、我会化作人间的风雨,陪在你身边。 I will turn into the wind and rain of the world and accompany you.

42、我想变成你,见你所见,爱你所爱。 I want to be you, see what you see, love what you love.

43、我想要给你珍惜,但是你却看不上眼。 I want to give you treasure, but you despise.

44、我活着就是赖着一口氧气,氧气是你。 I live on a breath of oxygen, oxygen is you.

45、所有的妥协终是为梦想开出繁花一片。 All compromise is to open a flower for the dream.

46、手握日月摘星辰,世间无我这般人。 Holding the sun and the moon to pick the stars, there is no such person as me in the world.

47、既然没有了以后,何必再记住曾经。 Since there is no later, why remember once again.

48、星河可摘不可得,夜凉船影浸疏星。 Star River can not be picked, night cool boat shadow soak sparse star.

49、春来夏往,秋收冬藏,我们来日方长。 Spring comes and summer goes, autumn comes and winter hides. We have a long time to come.

50、有你在的每一天,都像草莓一样甜。 Every day with you is as sweet as strawberry.

51、有本事任性的人,也要有本事坚强。 Those who have the ability to be willful should also have the ability to be strong.

52、每天醒来的第一件事就是,想睡觉。 The first thing I wake up every day is to want to sleep.

53、没有轻易的获得,只有不断的付出。 No easy access, only constant pay.

54、浑身都是刺,别人才会照顾你的感受。 Only when you are covered with thorns can others take care of your feelings.

55、淤青叫嚣还在痛,深爱之人你可懂。 Bruise and clamour are still in pain. You can understand the person you love deeply.

56、热水治不了百病,情话过不了一生。 Hot water can't cure all diseases, love words can't live a lifetime.

57、爱情就像电影,过程太美,结局太悲。 Love is like a movie. The process is too beautiful and the ending is too sad.

58、爱是把小小的关心,延长到一生一世。 Love is to extend a little care to the whole life.

59、玲珑骰子安红豆,入骨相思君知否。 Exquisite dice, an Hongdou, yearn for you.

60、珍惜所有的相遇,尊重所有的失去。 Cherish all the encounters, respect all the losses.

61、生命可以随心所欲,但不能随波逐流。 Life can be as it pleases, but not as it goes.

62、生活明朗,万物可爱,人间值得徘徊。 Life is bright, everything is lovely, and the world is worth wandering.

63、用不着你来喜欢,更轮不到你来讨厌。 You don't need to like it, not to hate it.

64、眼泪升华成水蒸气,连天也陪我哭泣。 Tears sublimate into steam, even the sky also accompany me to cry.

65、知道的越少越快乐,想的越多越难过。 The less you know, the happier you are, and the more you think, the sadder you are.

66、第一眼的心动,全都是最后的悲伤。 The heart at the first sight is all the last sadness.

67、等我回来,就请你从我心里搬出去。 When I come back, please move out of my heart.

68、路过山水千程,祝自己与温暖重逢。 I wish you a warm reunion after a long journey through mountains and rivers.

69、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。 If you don't give up in one second, there will be hope in the next.

70、退出这场爱情,因为你不是对的人。 Quit this love because you are not the right person.

71、都是第一次做人,凭什么我让着你! It's the first time to be a human being. Why should I let you!