1、一身傲气,才是你该有的万丈光芒。 You should be proud of yourself.

2、一辈子不长,请原谅所有的人和事。 Life is not long, please forgive all people and things.

3、下决心要忘了你,可是我要怎么做。 I'm determined to forget you, but what can I do.

4、不贪无媚无谄,不苟无惧公堂。 No greed, no flattery, no flattery, no fear of justice.

5、为了不失去对方,不是纵容就是迁就。 In order not to lose each other, either connivance or accommodation.

6、为什么地球转动时不带上我? Why doesn't the earth take me when it's spinning?

7、人生太多烦恼,那是因为记性太好。 There are too many troubles in life, because of the good memory.

8、人生没有坐享其成,你想要,必须争取努力付出。 Life does not sit and enjoy, you want, you must strive to pay hard.

9、从此一杯年华,错问佳期几人老。 From then on, a cup of love, mistakenly asked how many people old.

10、令人不能自拔的,除了牙齿还有爱情。 People can't help but love besides teeth.

11、以沉默来表示爱时,其所表示的爱最多。 When silence is used to express love, it expresses the most love.

12、伸手只需一瞬间,牵手却要很多年。 It takes only a moment to reach out, but many years to hold hands.

13、你只知道你爱她,却不知道我也爱你。 You only know you love her, but you don't know I love you.

14、你是不是也记得多久没有说爱我。 Do you remember how long you didn't say you love me.

15、你是鼻涕,我是痰,缠缠绵绵到喉咙。 You are snot, I am phlegm, entangled to the throat.

16、你的一句问候是我最大的幸福,但幸福我承受不起。 Your greeting is my greatest happiness, but I can't afford it.

17、你知道我长短,我知道你深浅。 You know my length, I know your depth.

18、像你这么高雅的人,平时都不拉屎吧。 A person as elegant as you usually doesn't poop.

19、反正山高水长,我还有一生可以嚣张。 Anyway, I still have a lifetime to be arrogant.

20、和喜欢的人互道晚安,这是一天里最后的甜。 Say good night to someone you like. It's the last sweetness of the day.

21、喜欢你已超过两分钟,不能撤回。 Like you have been more than two minutes, can not withdraw.

22、在爱情中,爱得起伤得起是最高的修养。 In love, it is the highest accomplishment to love and hurt.

23、坚强的女人会哭,但一定不会输。 A strong woman will cry, but she will not lose.

24、好在无论多苦多累,你都撑了过来。 Fortunately, no matter how hard or tired you are, you have survived.

25、如果你能感动我,连人带命都给你。 If you can move me, I will give you my life.

26、孤独和发烧一样,在夜晚最盛。 Loneliness, like fever, is at its peak at night.

27、宁可正而不足,不可邪而有余。 It's better to be right than wrong.

28、对于那些错过我的人,只能送他们三个字:瞎了眼。 For those who miss me, I can only give them three words: blind.

29、当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。 Don't give up flying when you can.

30、心正不是阴险的同流合污,而是透明的开诚布公。 The heart is not insidious collusion, but transparent and open.

31、忘掉岁月,忘掉痛苦,忘掉你的坏。 Forget the years, forget the pain, forget your bad.

32、忘记过去,好好活下去才是最重要的。 Forget the past, live well is the most important.

33、感谢你带给我的伤,让我看透世态炎凉。 Thank you for the injury, let me see through the world.

34、成熟不是人的心变老,是泪在打转还能微笑。 Maturity is not a person's heart aging, but tears in the rotation can also smile.

35、我不是很强,也从来没有示弱的习惯。 I'm not very strong, and I've never been in the habit of showing weakness.

36、我就想你在乎一下我的感受好吗。 I just want you to care about how I feel.

37、我就是我,你怎么看我既不需要,也没必要。 I'm who I am. I don't need it, I don't need it.

38、我爱上了你,这却是你从来都不知道的迷题。 I fall in love with you, which is a puzzle you never know.

39、拯救我的人是你,而你却不知道我也深爱着你。 You are the one who saved me, but you don't know that I love you too.

40、时间顺流而下,生活逆水行舟。 Time goes down, life goes against the current.

41、曾经爱他爱的可以不顾一切、现在想想也不过如此。 Once love him, love can be desperate, now think about it is just so.

42、最好的时光年华,一触碰就会碎。 The best time is broken when touched.

43、最遥远的距离是人还在,情还在,回去的路已不在。 The furthest distance is that people are still there, love is still there, and the way back is no longer there.

44、有时候,最好的安慰,就是无言的陪伴。 Sometimes, the best comfort is silent company.

45、有的时候我真的忍的很幸苦。 Sometimes I really bear it.

46、每个人都喜欢新鲜感,却不是每个人都能和你共平淡。 Everyone likes freshness, but not everyone can share the plainness with you.

47、没有不合适的两个人,只有一颗不想在一起的心。 There is no inappropriate two people, only a heart that doesn't want to be together.

48、没让我失望,错在我对你盼望太多。 Didn't let me down, the fault is that I expect too much from you.

49、流星雨划过天空的时候,有谁想过那是天使的眼泪。 Meteor shower across the sky, who thought that it was angel's tears.

50、浅浅的唱歌给自己听一个人也要清醒绝伦的走下去。 Shallow singing to listen to yourself, a person also want sober peerless go on.

51、爱情就是这样,先是红了脸,然后红了眼。 Love is like this, first red face, then red eyes.

52、爱情里,感谢一路有你的陪伴! In love, thanks for your company all the way!

53、男人没用,就别说女人太清高! Men are useless, don't say women are too high!

54、留下一滴沙漏,那是我在想你的痕迹。 Leave a drop of hourglass, that is my trace of thinking about you.

55、病娇不是嗜血成性,他只是尝试过被抛弃的滋味。 Sick Jiao is not bloodthirsty, he just tried to be abandoned.

56、等待似乎是必要的,真爱也许会迟来一步。 Waiting seems to be necessary. True love may come a step later.

57、繁星如降下祝福一般,洒下点点光亮。 Stars, like falling blessings, shed a little light.

58、耐心和持久胜于激烈的*。 Patience and persistence are better than fierce fanaticism.

59、言语再动听又怎样,做不到就是废话。 No matter how beautiful the words are, if you can't, it's nonsense.

60、阳光下的长发泛着温柔的光,好发质要靠自己养。 Long hair in the sun is shining gently. Good hair quality depends on self-care.